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1、乙二胺四甲叉膦酸五钠EDTMP.Na5CASNo.7651992英文名称:Ethylene Diamine Tetra (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) Pentasodium Salt (EDTMPNa5)分UCH2一一ONa / IONaCH2一N ONaCH2P OH相对分子质量:546.13别名:乙二胺四亚甲基膦酸钠、亚乙基二胺四甲叉膦酸钠一、性能与用途EDTMPNa是中性产品,EDTMPNa是含氮有机多元膦酸盐,属阴极型缓蚀剂。能与水混溶,无55毒无污染,化学稳定性及耐温性好,在200C下仍有良好的阻垢效果。在水溶液中能离解成8个正负离子, 因而可以与多个金属离

2、子螯合,形成多个单体结构大分子网状络合物,松散地分散于水中,使钙垢正常结 晶破坏。EDTMP钠盐对硫酸钙、硫酸钡垢的阻垢效果好。EDTMPNa用于循环水和锅炉水的缓蚀阻垢剂、无氰电镀的络合剂、印染工业软水剂、电厂冷却5水处理等。EDTMPNa的固体产品具有轻微吸潮性,方便运输和在寒冷条件下使用。5二、技术指标项目指标外观琥珀色透明液体白色粉末固体活性组分(以EDTMPNa一计)%30.0-32.6三81.4活性组份(以计)24.0-26.0三65.0氯化物(以Cl-计)%W2.02.0密度(20C) g/cm3三1.25Fe (以 Fe2+)含量 mg/L W2020pH(原液)6.0-8.0

3、 (原液)6.08.0(1%水溶液)三、包装与贮存:EDTMPNa液体用塑料桶包装,每桶25kg或250kg, EDTMPNa固体用内衬聚乙烯袋的塑料袋包55装,每袋净重20Kg或根据用户需要确定。贮于室内阴凉、干燥处,防潮。固体贮存期为十个月,液体贮存 期为十二个月。四、安全防护:EDTMLNas为中性,操作时注意劳动保护,应避免与皮肤、眼睛等接触,接触后用大量清水冲洗。PentasodiumSalt OfEthylene Diamine Tetra(Methylene PhosponicAcid)(EDTMP Na5)CAS:7651-99-2HOONaONaNCH-.CHONaHOOON

4、aCHCH2PQHMolecular Formula :C6H15O12N2P4Na561512245Molecular Weight: 546.131,Properties:EDTMP Na5is a neutral product,EDTMP Na5is a multi-nitrogen-containing organic phosphates, a cathodic type inhibitor. It is miscible with water, innocuous and none pollution to environment, has good chemical stabi

5、lity and temperature tolerance. It shows excellent scale inhibition ability under temperature 200oC. It can dissociate into 8 positive-negative ions, thus can chelate with many metal ions to form polymer reticulation complex, to destroy the normal crystallization of calcium scale. EDTMP.Na5 shows be

6、tter antiscale effects to calcium sulfate and barium.EDTMP Na5 is used for circulating water and boiler water scale and corrosion inhibitor, non-cyanide electroplating of complexing agent, softening agent in dyeing industry, power plant cooling water treatment.Solid products ofEDTMP.Na5 have slightl

7、y moisture absorption , are convenient for transportation and usingin cold conditions.2,Specification:AppearanceAmber transparent liquidWhite powder solidActive component (as EDTMP Na5 )%30.0-32.6 81.4Active component (as EDTMPA)%24.0-26.0 65.0Chloride (as Cl -)% 1.25-Fe (as Fe2+) contentmg / L 20.0

8、20.0pH(1% solution)6.0-8.06.0 -8.0ItemsIndex3,Application range&using method:EDTMPS can be used as corrosion inhibitor in circulating cool water system and boiler water. It is a chelating agent in non-cyanogen electroplating industry and a water-softening agent in printing & dyeing industry. When us

9、ed alone, 210mg/L is preferred. When built with HPMA by ratio ETDMP:HPMA=1:3, it can be used for low pressure boiler. It can also be built with BTA, PAAS and zinc salt.Organic phosphonic acid4, Package and Storage:EDTMP.Na5liquid :Normally in 25kg or 250kg plastic drum. EDTMP.Na5Solid:inner liner polyethylene(PE) bag,outer plastic woven bag,or confirmed by clients.Storage in room shady and dry place.Storage period of solid is ten months, liquid storage period is 12 months.EDTMP.Na5s neutral, attention to labor protection,avoid contact with eyes and skin ,once contacted,flush with water.



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