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1、一二三四五六七八附加总分学校班级姓名小学英语三年级期末试题(60分钟)温馨提示:同学们,愉快而充实的一学期就要结束了。No pais, no gais.(不劳无获)今天就是我们收获的时候了。经过一学期的努力,相信大家在这次测试中一定能够认真听、努力做、开动脑筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊!听力部分(3点)一、听音选词(10点) ( )1. . ple . peach C.pear ( ) 2.ge B lon C. pana ( ) 3.A.thirty B. ixt C. eihy ( ) 4.A.yesterday. today C. tomorrow ( ) .er . poliem

2、 C.ftball 二、听音选句(10点)( ) 1. Shs veryshB. Is r lng.( ) 2. A.aye Ill b a wirB. Will yo poe e( )3. A. Thre ae foreenecheB. herar fifteeorang.( ) 4. A. er wee very youngB He ws veryod.( ) 5. ere ou ntecnd floorB.I on the firsfloo.三、听音,选出正确的答句(1点) ( ) 1.A. Itseight. B. Its ney.( ) 2. A Ye, wi B.No, hewon

3、t.( ). A. Ia teachr. B. I will be oiean( )4. AN,h nt. B. Yes,he s.( )5. Thyarenie.B. I s to笔试部分(7点)四、将下列单词补充完整。(10点)1. lw_ys(总是) 2 h_gh(高的)3.h_n (打电话) .n_ty(九十)5. s_vne(十七) 6. sp_(说话)7 _ (有趣的) 8. s_c_nd (第二)9d_y (天,日子)0.h_ndr_d (百)五、选择填空。(20点)( ) 1.She al_ eple. A. lps B.elpu C he() 2.Ths re i ver _

4、 and _. ()3.Wil you ne me No,I _ A. am not B.dot C ot( )4_ Ille alieman. () ._ hrd. ve _ Lglingsepot. A. got . e C have() re_fift chldreinmyclass .wi B. e . is()8. M hair_ lon then It was vey shortt B. arent C. isnt()9. There wer many tos _ the sen flo. n .o C. t()10. My sister isvery good_Enlh.Afor

5、 B. o . a六、选词补充完整。(点)wa wre Sundy ill ow many1. Wa _ you e ntheutur2. My hir _on then.3. _boys a thre4. Tey _vey yng.5. e wilsleep n_七、连词成句(15点).e it Btqietis _2.lleifutureWhatthe you_3you tseewill_4. bys here tny re _.5. worriedw Ivery_.八、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写(T),错的写(F)(15点) Dad: How man hdn are therei you

6、r classA: There are fify.Dad:o my oysm: Tereae thrty boys.ad:nd any irsmy: Thee a twnt girlD: a it difretiyur clasin Elandmy: Ye, itwas. There wr thrty hidren feen bosnd ffngirls.Sa: o weve ot moe rindshere inCia!( )1 Tere aretwety boys.( ).It wasdffee n mys clasn gl.( )3 The a mrebys thanils.( )4.

7、Tere ee thityrls nthe nlishclass( )5.Saman Am heot mor fiens iChin.附加题。(10点)观察规律写出所缺的单词。1.en _ thrt forty _.Md _ Wnesda hursday _ Saturday _ 小朋友们,卷纸答完后,要仔细的检查哦!三年级下学期期末听力原文及试题答案一、听音选词。(2点10点)1.() apple 2.(C)panda 3.() sixy 4.(C) morrow 5.(A)witer 二、听音选句。(2点5=10点)1. ()Shes vry shy2.(A)Maybe Ilbea rie

8、r. ()Theear fiftenorang.4. (B)He wasvry ld.()Wreyou on th end lor三、听音选答句。(2点=10点)1. Wats sxt pusthit ()2. Will you swming (A) 3. hatilo be ithe uture (B) 4. Is Daming naughtyin clss () 5. ow ld wereou () 四、将下列单词补充完整。(1点1=0点). always 2.high 3. phone 4. ninty5 svnen6 speak . fn . econd 9. day 10. hdrd五、选择填空。(2点1=20点)六、选词补充完整。(2点510点)1.wil 2 wa 3.How any 4. wer 5 nday七、连词成句。(3点515点)1u s a itqui.2. What wil you bi the future3.Wht willyou see4here artwnty boy.I ver worrie.八. 阅读理解。(点附加题 (2点=0点)1.


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