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1、高二英语Unit2 News media知识点总复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? 以上的新闻媒体中哪一种最可靠? (p.9 Warming Up Ex. 1)reliable adj. 可信赖的;可依靠的;确定的 They are reliable friends. 他们是可信赖的朋友。 Is this product reliable? 这种产品的质量可靠吗? Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗?【

2、链接】 reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地 / reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性 / rely vi. 依赖,依靠 (与on连用,相当于depend on) We cant rely on her for help. 我们不可指望她的帮助。 I rely on her to pay back the money. = I rely on her paying back the money. 我相信她会还钱。 You may rely on it that he will come to meet you. 你放心好了,他会来接你的。2. How do you know w

3、hether what you hear, see or read is true? 你怎么知道你听见、看见或读到的东西是不是真的? (p.9 Warming Up Ex. 3)whether引起宾语从句,作know的宾语,what引起主语从句,作宾语从句的主语。【辨析】what;which(1) what相当于all that,the thing(s)that,the place that,the person that等,表示从不定数目或不定数量的事物中做出选择。(2) which表示从已知的、确定的范围中做出选择。(3) which可引导从句,而what则不可。 What shoes a

4、re you going to wear? 你要穿什么鞋? Which shoes shall I wear, the red ones or the brown ones? 我该穿哪双鞋,是红色的还是棕色的? What train are you going by? (说话人只是询问火车的时间,而对可乘的火车没有任何概念) 你要乘几点的火车? Which train are you going by? (说话人脑海里有几趟可乘的火车) 你要乘哪趟火车?【注意】以下句子中常用what。 What season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节? What day of th

5、e week is today? 今天星期几?3. The man was fired. 那人被开除了。(p.10 Listening 1)fire的动词用法(1) 解雇,开除 (=dismiss, 反义词: employ, take on)The company fired him for not coming to work on time. 那公司因他不按时来上班而解雇了他。(2) 点燃,燃烧 It is difficult to fire wet twigs. 湿的小树枝很难点燃。(3) (以为目标)发射(枪、弹等) He fired his gun at the big snake.

6、 他开枪打那条大蛇。(4) 激发(人、感情等),使充满热情 The story fired his imagination. 这故事激发了他的想像力。4. The man faced difficulties. 此人面对困难。(p.10 Listening 2)1) face 的动词用法 (1) vt. & vi. 面对,面向 The building faces the park. 那座建筑物面对着公园。 - How does this house face? - It faces (to) the east. 这房子面朝哪边? 朝东边。(2) vt. 面临(困难等),应付,面对;(危险、困

7、难等)迫近 We must face our trouble and bear it. 我们必须正视我们的困难并勇于承受。 Such was the situation we were facing. 这就是我们面临的局势。 Sooner or later hell have to face being on his own. 迟早他将不得不面对只靠自己的局面。 The difficulty that faces us today is one of supplying food to those in need. 我们今天面临的困难就是向急需的人提供食品。【短语】be faced with

8、面临,面对 / face up to 面对;承担 / face the music 接受 (不愉快的后果或情况) I was faced with a new problem. 我面临一个新问题。 She couldnt face up to the fact that she was no longer young. 她无法面对自己不再年轻的事实。 The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music. 那个男孩被发现考试作弊,不得不接受处罚。2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词

9、,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。如: I had great difficulty (in) doing the work. 我做那件工作感到很吃力。 She learned to speak French without difficulty. 她毫无困难地学会了讲法语。 We will face many difficulties in the future. 将来我们要面临许多难题。5. The man was generous. 此人很慷慨。(p.10 Listening 7)generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的 Your uncle is v

10、ery generous to buy you that car for your birthday. 你叔叔真慷慨,买那部汽车祝贺你的生日。 He is generous with his money. 他出手大方。 It was very generous of you to forgive her. 你能原谅她实在是够宽容的。 He gave me a generous lunch. 他请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。 There will be a generous harvest this year. 今年会有大丰收。【链接】generously adv. 慷慨地; generosity n

11、. 慷慨大方6. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. 以下列出了今天发生的十件事。(p.10 Speaking 第1行)本句为倒装句,正常语序应为:A list of ten things.is below. below 看作副词,表示方位。当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装的结构,即把谓语动词的所有组成部分都移到主语之前这类作状语或表语的词常见的有:away,down,in,off,out,over,up,above,below,here,there 及介词短语与分词。如: To the list may be

12、 added the following names. 在这个名单上还可以添上下列人员。 Here is a seat for you. 这儿有你的一个座位。 There goes the bell! 铃响了。 The door opened and in came Mr. Smith. 门开了,史密斯先生走了进来。 Away ran the prisoner. 这犯人跑了。 In the front of the lecture hall sits a professor. 报告厅的前面坐着一位教授。 Written on the blackboard are the names of th

13、ose who were late yesterday. 黑板上写着昨天迟到的人的名字。 Sitting in the front are the leaders of our school. 前面就坐的是我们学校的领导。【注意】如果作主语的是人称代词,则不用倒装。如: In he came and the lesson began. 他走进来开始上课。 Here he comes. 他来了。7. Food prices are going up. 食品价格在上涨。(p.10 Speaking)go up 此处相当于rise,increase,意为“上升,增长,提高”。如: The tempe

14、rature has gone up. 温度上升了。 The goods have gone up in quality, but have not gone up in price. 这些货物的质量提高了,可是价格没提。【拓展】go up 还可意为“上升,攀登;向(河的等)上游而去,沿(街)而去;响起,被听见;被炸毁”。如: The lift went up to the fourth floor. 电梯升到了四楼。 There is a path going up to the mountain top. 有条小路通到山顶。 The boat was going up the river.

15、 船正在河上逆流而上。 The children were going up the street. 孩子们正沿着街走去。 A cheer went up in the hall. 大厅里响起一阵欢呼声。 The enemy gas tank received a direct hit and went up in a huge explosion. 敌人的汽油库遭到直接命中,在剧烈的爆炸声中被毁掉。8. Two men robbed a bank in Shanghai. 两个人抢劫了上海的一家银行。(p.10 Speaking)rob 意为“抢,抢劫”,用于如下结构: rob sb. /

16、a place (of sth.) 从某人某地抢走 (某物) They robbed her of all her money. 他们抢走了她所有的钱。 She was robbed of her necklace. 她的项链被抢走了。 Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars. 小偷们抢了银行数千美元。【辨析】rob;steal;pickrob用于rob sb. / a place of sth. 的结构。 steal用于steal sth. (偷某物)。 pick用于pick ones pocket(掏腰包)的固定搭配。【提示】rob sb. / a place of sth. 在变为被动结构时,只能说:Sb. / A place



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