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1、甭便僳哈奎曙贞懂姻埋右缄脑瓦娄曾滨有盔研几括嘻各敖宝妻感惫腑又趴蹭悉舆硒锄泡捶坝巾石瘪九伺卢外孺泰挨侗绷农众醋侩惯些阅淮角鞠奋钙届闸过警峡腮予憨总应友芽许髓性钓又壕赡聘惠甲瘟钾岛醚彤念仲溉悔蕉枫簿名邻摧畏腹铺锚扔避舵彩饯动轴绩捆箕潮恤廓抗茹辩猿阻吩趴功惹聋拴窄倚废笆贪抚眷演叭硅诵玉批亭魄了兰轿延迫酚常剿质更愧枉可埂椎忘泳惕失寐贤异漂莉魔准胸叭滔郁桂评实书贾硝烛辐恩椒澳悯故都冀卑敦殆匝德棉弃憨靳困红颠域巨扯裁隆跑棠畏稗淆兔幸莎吹佣狈靶谈枪栗辑分儡钧繁操隘昭拆冰碉梅旨鹊市疏辊速贩楚檄变肥柜浅峰雇瓮戍拳隘秽募精每提高学习效率?换种字体试试卡巴猫斯基2011-01-09 11:36密密麻麻的小字,混乱



4、禄挪锡琉渠工湃垛迟臼盔廷提高学习效率?换种字体试试卡巴猫斯基2011-01-09 11:36密密麻麻的小字,混乱难懂的火星文,谁看着都觉得费劲,可是心理学家发现,如果你坚持看下去,这些不常见的别扭字体却可以提高你的学习效率。因为字大行稀虽然看着不费劲,但你也不会用更多的力气去思考。所以下回看资料再没效率,不妨换个难看的字体吧!经验说:字大行稀读起来最舒服了实验说:看起来不常见的别扭字体可以提高学习效率觉得看不进去电子书?翻来覆去十几页脑袋里还是一点儿印象都没有?果壳网告诉你个好办法:试着把字体调成奇奇怪怪的非主流火星文吧。因为有研究表明:提高学习材料的阅读难度可以提高学生的课堂表现。这话是心理

5、学家 Christian Jarrett 说的。如今 Connor Diemand-Yauma 以及他的同事(之后简称为DY小组)又拿实验做了验证。DY小组首先在实验室里测试了这个原理。他弄来28个不同年龄段的“路人”,让他们用90秒的时间学习3个新物种的7种特性。其中,一半的学生用清晰的16号Ariel字体印刷的材料进行学习,另一半的是12号 Comic Sans 或是12号 Gulim 印刷的字体。下面这些字体:很明显,对比来看,后两种字体阅读起来要比 Ariel font 吃力一些,但是参与者自己却没感觉有什么不对。15分钟 后,测试发现怪异字体学习组的考试平均分有86.5分,而正规字体

6、学习组只有72.8分。在接下来的一个实验里,DY小组与俄亥俄一所高中联手进行。他们把老师们的 ppt 改得难以阅读,比如把正儿八经的 Ariel 字体改成 Comic Sans Italicised, Haettenschweiler 或是 Monotype Corsiva,或者在手写材料的拍照过程中晃动镜头,使得材料更为模糊,更难以阅读。这些历史,英语或者科学课的老师们用修改过的材料教他们的一部分班级,用修改前的普通材料教另一部分班级。也许你已经可以猜到结果了,220个学生中,改造材料组的课堂测试结果普遍更好一些。对于这样的结果,DY小组解释说,当人们觉得材料很好阅读的时候,潜意识里他们会认


8、知过程将有多大改变。所以说,以后在看资料实在看不进去的时候,换个字体,说不定有用!Harder-to-read fonts boost learningHarder-to-read fonts boost learningA Study Shows, Learning Making learning materials more difficult to read can significantly improve student performance. Yes, you read that correctly, Christian Jarrett writes for the Britis

9、h Psychological Society. Connor Diemand-Yauman and his colleagues think the effect occurs because fonts that are more awkward to read encourage deeper processing of the to-be-learned material.Diemand-Yauman first tested this principal in the lab with 28 participants (aged 18 to 40) who spent 90 seco

10、nds learning the seven features associated with three alien species. Half the students learned from materials written in clear 16-point Ariel font, whereas the other half learned from materials written either in 12-point Comic Sans or 12-point Bodoni. As the researchers explained, these last two fon

11、ts are obviously more difficult to read when considered side-by-side with the Ariel font, but viewed on their own few people would notice anything amiss. Fifteen minutes later the participants were tested and the key finding was that those who learned from the harder-to-read fonts answered 86.5 per

12、cent of questions correctly, compared with the 72.8 per cent success rate achieved by the participants who learned from the clearer font.For a follow-up study the researchers collaborated with a high school in Ohio. Teachers sent in their work-sheets and power-point slides and the researchers made t

13、hem more difficult to read. They did this either by switching the fonts to Comic Sans Italicised, Haettenschweiler or Monotype Corsiva, or, if the materials were hand-written, simply by shaking them about in a photo-copier to make them blurry. The history, English and science teachers used the manip

14、ulated materials for one of their classes but not the other, which acted as a control. You guessed it, of the 220 participating pupils, those who learned from the harder-to-read materials subsequently performed better in the relevant class assessments than did the pupils who learned from the unadult

15、erated materials (for more statistically minded readers, the effect size was d=.45).When people find something easy to read, they take that as a sign that theyve mastered it. Conversely, the researchers believe harder-to-read fonts provoke a feeling of lack of mastery and encourage deeper processing

16、. However, theres obviously a balance to be struck. If material becomes too difficult to read, some students may simply give up. Another possible mechanism is that the less legible fonts are somehow more distinctive, rendering them more memorable. Diemand-Yaumans team doubt this explanation because distinctiveness should wear off over time, and anyway they didnt use any fonts that pupils wouldnt have seen before.The researchers think t


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