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1、八年级英语下册Module6HobbiesUnit2Hobbiescanmakeyougrowasaperson第1课时导学案无答案新版外研版课题:Module2 Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person (第一课时) (一)自主学习 完成下列单词、短语。兴趣;爱好n. _技能;技艺n. _活动n. _航海;航行n. _出版;问世_结果;后果n. _结果;因此_愉悦;快乐n. _成功;成就n. _。鼓励某人做某事_ 结果_照看动物_ 除之外还有_ 例如_ 发展你的兴趣爱好_ 对感兴趣_ 花费做某事_ 出版,发行_ 因而有名_ 业余时间_夏令营_使

2、某人做某事_看到某人做某事_看到某人正在做某事_学习重点准确熟读并识记单词,掌握连系动词和句子结构的用法; 了解通过跳读、查读来获取信息的阅读技能。 学习难点句子结构的用法; 了解通过跳读、查读来获取信息的阅读技能。合作探究课文学习 (一)Fast reading: 1 . Read the passage quickly and match. Para.1 ( ) Hobbies advantages to young peoplePara.2 ( ) David became successfulPara.3 ( ) Davids other hobbies and his future

3、planPara.4 ( ) Davids writing experience at a summer camp2. What hobbies does David have?_(二)Careful reading (para.1) (多选题)1.Which hobby has been mentioned?( ) A .looking after animals B .reading C. growing vegetables D .painting 2. What can hobbies make you do?( ) A .grow as a person B. develop you

4、r interests C .look beautiful D. help you learn new skills(三)Careful reading(para.2) Carefully and help her finish the conversation with David.R: Hello, David , Whats your hobby ? D:_ I went on a summer camp in xx. A:What activities did the camp have? D:_the usual activities _sailing and climbing, t

5、here was a writing class. A: What is the teacher like there? D: She is kind. She asked us to _our lives and tell_ she _us _ our experiences at the camp. A: Thank you so much.(四).Careful reading(para.3 _4) Read para.3 _ 4 and plete the blanks as well as such as as a result e out pleasure sixteen-year

6、-old be interested in David Smith is a student _ _ _ a successful young writer. Guess how he became successful? Oh, its an interesting story. He was at a summer camp in xx.Then he wrote a story about a _boy and it_ _as a book in xx. Then book won the hearts of the young people. _ _ _, he has bee a s

7、uccessful young writerDavid _ also _ _many other things, _ _playing volleyball. He said it brought him great _.当堂检测1.有些爱好是休闲性的,有些是创造性的。_ hobbies are _ and _ are _.2. 爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣,帮助你学习新的技能。Hobbies can make you _ _ _ _, _ _ _ and help you _ _ _.3.除了像帆船运动和爬山这些普通的活动以外,夏令营还有一门写作课程。_ _ _ the _ _, such as _ and _, there was a _ class.4.然后鼓励我们把夏令营的经历写下来。Then she_ us _ _ _ our _ at the _.5.于xx年成书出版。 It _ _ _ a book in xx.备注教学反思:


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