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1、 初一英语Unit 3 the earth 导学案 By Miss Wu 一、 课题: Reading: Protect The Earth (Period 1)二、 学习目标 1、掌握本节课词汇p29-p31 2. 找出文章中的新单词、常用短语和句型,并注上中文,能运用常用短语、句型翻译和造句3能读懂文章内容,掌握文章大意,能回答相关问题三、学习过程(一) 1、Guess: What is it? ( )It has no smell. It has no taste. But when the wind blows, you feel it on your face.We need it

2、to breathe.It keeps us alive.2、P29, Look at the word of the cartoon, can you understand the meaning of “earth”?(二) P30, A1. Look at the pictureWhat are there in the universe (宇宙) ? There are _.(三) P30, A2. discuss the questions in pairs.(四) 1. Brain-storming: What things are there on the Earth ? The

3、re are/is. animalsEarth 2. P30 B, answer the question.3. Read through the text “ Protect The Earth” on P32, match the main topic to each paragraph.People on EarthParagraph 1 Protect the EarthParagraph 2Plants and animalsParagraph 3 Places on EarthParagraph 4 5. Tell whether the following statements

4、are true or false and give supporting details.(1)The weather in different places on Earth is different.( )(2)Different animals live in different places.( )(3)People can get air, water and food from the Earth.( )(4)There is a lot of pollution only because people put rubbish into the sea and under the

5、 ground. ( )6. then finish C1 and D27. Read the text again.四、Homework: 1. read the text again.2. English weekly.初一英语Unit 3 the earth 导学案 By Miss Wu 一、课题: Reading: Protect The Earth (Period 2)二、学习目标 1、学习和掌握本节课常用短语和句型2. 能在语境中正确运用本课重点词汇和词组,并识记其词义。三、学习过程:(一)Recall what we have learn. 1. _ (保护) the Earth

6、. 2. The Earth _ (提供)us with air, water and food.3. Today, there is a lot of _. ( 污染)4We _ ( 燃烧) things to makes to make energy.5. This _( 污染) the Earth and kills animals and plants.6. We _ (必须) stop doing these things. 7. It is _ ( 重要) for us to protect the Earth for our future.(二)complete the conv

7、ersation on P32, C2(三)Read the text and find sentenses “there is/are”1. There _.2. _.3. _.4. _.总结:there is 后接 _ 名词, there are 后接 _ 名词。Eg: a. _ a book on the desk.b. _ three pictures on the wall.c. _ a little water in the bottle.d. _ an apple and some bananas in the basket.(四) Write sentences beginni

8、ng with “There is/ are” on page33 D1(五) Language focus:1. Key phrases:a. Some live _ _ _. (陆地上)b. Some live _ _ _. (在水底下)c. The Earth _ us _ air, water and food. (提供)d. We _ our rubbish _ the sea and under the ground. (把倒入)e. We must _ _ these things . (停止做) 2. Key sentenses:a. The Earth is a beauti

9、ful place. 地球是一个美丽的地方。Earth (n.) 地球 , earth (n.) 泥土Eg: The _ is our home. 地球是我家 A little tree came up from the _. 一棵小树从土壤中长了出来。b. Some places are very hot, and some are very cold. Some some. 有些. 有些.Eg: 有些很大,有些很小。 _.c. There are different animals on Earth too. 地球上还有各种不同的动物。 某时某地 “有”通常用there is / are

10、句型。Eg: 课室有40张桌子。_ in the classroom. 今晚有一场足球赛。_ a football match _.d. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. 地球给我们提供空气、水和食物。Eg: 1) The farmer is going to P_ us with fresh milk and vegetable. 2) This kind teacher _ poor children _ pencils and notebooks. A. provides, for B. serves, for C. prov

11、ides, with 3) 图书馆为读者提供咖啡。 The library _ _ _ coffee .e. Today, there is a lot of pollution. (n. 污染)e.g: 空气污染 _, 水污染 _We have to find ways to stop river p_.f. This pollutes the air. (v. 污染) e.g: The factory p_ our drinking water. 不要污染地球。_.g. We must stop doing these things.must (情态动词) 必须e.g: You must go to school on time. 你必须按时上学。辩析:must, have to(不得不),should (应该)1) people _ drive cars after drinking. A. mustnt B. dont have to C. shouldnt 2) 我必须问他一个问题。 I _ _ _ a



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