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1、2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Language, culture, and personality may be considered_of each other in thought, but they arc inseparable in fact.问题1选项A.indistinctlyB.separatelyC.irrelevantlyD.independently【答案】D【解析】indistinctly不清楚地, 分不清地; separately分别地, 分离地; irrelevantly无关地, 不相干地; independently独

2、立地。句意:语言、文化和人格在思想上可以相互独立, 但实际上是不可分割的。选项D符合句意。2. 单选题There are several possible explanations for the greater job_in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.问题1选项A.sensitivityB.creativityC.stabilityD.security【答案】C【解析】sensitivity敏感性; creativity创造性; stability稳定性; security安全性。句意:与

3、美国巨大的工作流动性相比, 日本的工作稳定性更强有几种可能的解释。mobility的反义词为stability, 所以本题选C。3. 单选题As a person who combines care with_, Marisa completed her duties with_as well as zeal.问题1选项A.levity.resignationB.enthusiasm.meticulousnessC.vitality. willingnessD.empathy.rigor【答案】B【解析】levity.resignation轻率 屈从; enthusiasm.meticulou

4、sness热情 严谨; vitality.willingness活力 乐意; empathyrigor同情 严厉。句意:Marisa是一个细心与热情相结合的人, 她一丝不苟、兢兢业业地完成了自己的职责。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a_character.问题1选项A.graciousB.suspiciousC.uniqueD.particular【答案】B【解析】gracious有礼貌的, 宽厚的; suspicious多疑的, 可疑的; unique独一无二的, 唯一的;

5、particular特别的, 独有的。句意:我从不相信他, 因为我一直认为他是个多疑的人。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题Preliminary figures show Bibb Countys tax digest is slightly_with state guidelines,which could result in a fine of up to $100,000.问题1选项A.out for the countB.out and outC.out of blastD.out of whack【答案】D【解析】out for the count死的, 毁了的; out and out

6、彻底地; out of blast停工, 停产; out of whack不一致; 不正常。句意:初步数据显示,比伯县的税务摘要与该州的指导方针略有出入,可能会被处以最高10万美元的罚款。选项D符合句意。6. 单选题Hutu extremists in government organized the killing and used state radio stations to urge ordinary people to crush the cockroachesa Hutu_for Tutsis.问题1选项A.cursorB.irregularityC.slurD.amende【答案

7、】C【解析】cursor光标, 指针; irregularity不规则, 无规律; slur污点, 诽谤; amende道歉, 赔偿。句意:政府中的胡图族极端分子组织了这次屠杀, 并利用国家广播电台怂恿平民百姓镇压蟑螂这是胡图族对图西人的蔑称。选项C符合句意。7. 单选题Since the authors unflattering references to her friends were so_, she was surprised that her _were recognized.问题1选项A.laudatory.stylesB.obvious.anecdotesC.oblique.

8、allusionsD.critical.eulogies【答案】C【解析】laudatory .styles赞美的风格; obvious. anecdotes明显的轶事;oblique.allusions拐弯抹角的隐喻;critical.eulogies爱挑剔的颂词。句意:由于作者对她朋友的不恭维是如此的拐弯抹角,所以她很惊讶她的隐喻被发现了。选项C符合句意。8. 单选题She refused to disclose what had been told her, on the_that it would be a breach of faith.问题1选项A.reasonB.accounts

9、C.termsD.grounds【答案】C【解析】on the terms that为固定搭配, 是关于, 因为的意思。句意:她拒绝透露别人告诉她的情况, 因为这将违背誓言。所以本题选C。9. 翻译题Despite the web,we watch more television than ever.In the chaos of todays media and technology brawliPod vs. Zune, Google vs. Yahoo, windows vs. Linux, Intel vs. AMDwe can declare one unlikely winner.

10、 Standing tall in a field of new tech wonders, its a geezer technology that are invented in the 1920s and commercialized in the 1940s, and its still more powerful than any thing created since.(1) As you try to figure out where consumer infotech is going, and what it means for society, remember this

11、big, central reality: People just want more television.If you doubt it, look at todays biggest news in tech. It continually centers on new ways to bring consumers the thing they crave above all else. (2) Sony flooded the recent Consumer Electronics Show with products that put internet video on your

12、TV set, as did almost every other consumer electronics company. At the simultaneous Macworld Expo, Apple chief Steve Jobs introduced Apple TV, which does the same thing. Verizon said it will soon offer live TV on cellphone screens. It will also sell full -length programs for viewing whenever you wan

13、t. Put it all together,and we have achieved a nirvana that didnt exist even a year ago:unlimited television available 24/7 on every screen you own.Its no surprise,of course. (3) Ever since the basic facts of steadily multiplying processor power and bandwidth became apparent, seers have confidently p

14、redicted this day. They just as confidently predicted what it would mean: traditional televisions demise. Once the World Wide Web appeared in the mid- 1990s, the future looked very clear. Boring old TV, the scheduled programs that come to you through a coaxial cable or satellite dish or antenna,would fade away.(4)Which is exactly the opposite of what has happened. Despite many Net Age alternatives,we Americans today watch more boring old TV than ever, which is saying something. How can that be? My theory is the Two-Liter Coke Principle. The Coca-Cola company discovered long ago that if i


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