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1、无Vocabulary 22000(刘毅)Skill 技能Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother James.小班富兰克林借着到他同父异母的哥哥那里当学徒,而学会了印刷手艺。apprentice / prents; prnts/ n person who has agreed to work for a skilled employer for a fixed period in return for being taught his trade

2、or craft 学徒; 徒弟: attrib 作定语 an apprentice plumber 见习铅管工人. beginner or novice 生手; 新手.apprentice v esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr sb (to sb) make sb work as an apprentice (for sb) 使某人(给某人)当学徒.apprenticeship n (time of) being an apprentice 学徒身分(的期限): serve an/ones apprenticeship with a carpenter 跟木匠当学徒

3、.Eric is clumsy with tools; he has little mechanical aptitude. 埃克里不擅长使用工具;他没什么机械方面的才能。clumsy / klmz; klmz/ adj (-ier, -iest) awkward and ungraceful in movement or shape (行动或形状)笨拙而难看的: You clumsy oaf thats the second glass youve broken today! 你这个笨家伙-这是你今天打碎的第二个玻璃杯! (of tools, furniture, etc) difficul

4、t to use or move; not well designed (指工具 家具等)难用的, 难移动的; 设计欠佳的: a clumsy sideboard, pair of scissors 不好用的碗柜 剪刀 * Its not easy walking in these clumsy shoes. 穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受. done without tact or skill 无策略的; 无技巧的: a clumsy apology, reply, speech, etc 生硬的道歉 回答 讲话等 * a clumsy forgery, ie one that is easy

5、to detect 粗劣的伪造品(容易识破的). clumsily adv. clumsiness n U.aptitude / pttjud; US -tud; pttud/ n U, C (for sth/doing sth) natural ability or skill 天生的才能或技巧; 天资; 天赋: Does she show any aptitude for games? 能看得出她有体育方面的天赋吗? * He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing. 他有失言的倒霉本事.# aptitude test

6、test to find if sb is suitable for a particular type of work or course of training 能力倾向测验, 性向测验(用以确定某人是否适宜从事某种工作或参加某种训练课程). To build a house, you need the services of carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, and several other craftsmen. 要盖一间房子,你必须请木匠,泥水匠,水管工人,电工,还有许多其他专门的技工。craftsman / krfts

7、mn; US krfts-; krftsmn/ n (pl -men) skilled workman, esp one who makes things by hand 匠人; 能工巧匠(尤指手艺人). person who attends carefully to the details of a creative task 对创作刻意求工的人: In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. 他在交响乐曲的创作上堪称技艺大师. craftsmanship n U 1 skilled workmanship 技艺; 手艺. 2 carefu

8、l attention to details, etc 精工细作; 刻意求工.You cant expect an apprentice to have the same dexterity as a master craftsman.你不能期望一个学徒做得象卓越的技工一样灵活。dexterity / dekstert; dkstrt/ n U skill, esp in using ones hands 技巧, 灵巧(尤指用手的); 灵活的手法: A juggler needs great dexterity. 玩杂耍的人要有非常灵巧的手. * (fig 比喻) The negotiatio

9、ns will call for considerable dexterity. 进行这些谈判需要相当圆滑的手腕.Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns. 我们熟练的传球,使我们能得到四个触地球的分数。adroit / drt; drt/ adj (at/in sth) skilful; clever 熟练的; 机敏的; 灵巧的: the ministers adroit handling of the crisis 部长应付难关的巧妙手段 * He soon became adroit at steering the bo

10、at. 他很快就熟练掌握了驾船技术. adroitly adv adroitness n U.Jack is an ambidextrous hitter; he can bat right-handed or left-handed.杰克是一位双手都很灵巧的打击手,他可以用右手或左手打击。ambidextrous / mbdekstrs; mbdkstrs/ adj able to use the left hand or the right hand equally well 左右手都很灵巧的, 两手俱利的, 怀有二心的Leonardo da Vinci was remarkably ve

11、rsatile. He was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer and scientist. 李奥拿多达芬奇出名的多才多艺,他是画家雕刻家,建筑师,音乐家,工程师,也是一位科学家。versatile / vstal; US -tl; vstl/ adj (approv 褒)turning easily or readily from one subject, skill or occupation to another 有多种学问 技能或职业的; 多才多艺的: a versatile cook, writer, athlet

12、e 多才多艺的厨师 作家 运动员 * a versatile mind 多面手. (of a tool, machine, etc) having various uses (指工具 机器等)多用途的, 多功能的: a versatile drill, truck, etc 万用钻 多用途卡车. versatility Poverty 贫穷By hard work, many Americans have raised themselves from indigence to wealth. 许多美国人借着辛勤的工作,从贫困擢升为富裕。indigence nddnsn. 贫乏; 穷困House

13、wives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers.家庭主妇可以购买加仑装的牛奶而节省开支。economize, economise 1 / knmaz; knmaz/ v I, Ipr (on sth) save (money, time, resources, etc); spend less than before; be economical 节省(金钱 时间 资源等); 紧缩开支; 节俭; 节约: Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we mus

14、t start to economize. 我们的电费已经高得付不起了-得节省些了. * economize on petrol 节省汽油.The increase in dues is only 10 cents. It will not impoverish any member.会费只会增十分钱,不会使任何会员变穷的。impoverish / mpvr; mpvr/ v Tn make (sb) poor 使(某人)贫困: an elderly impoverished writer 穷困的老作家. make (sth) poorer or worse in quality 使(某物)贫

15、瘠或恶化, 使枯竭: Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil. 这土地因遭暴雨侵蚀及使用过度已贫瘠不堪. * Our lives would have been greatly impoverished if we had not known our dear friend. 若不是得识我们这位好朋友, 我们的生活一定十分不妙. impoverishment n U.The severe earthquake killed hundreds of people and left thousands destitute.强烈的地震使数百人罹难,留下数千人穷困无依。destitute / desttjut; US -tut; dsttut/ adj without money, food, etc and other things necessary for life; impoverished 穷困的; 贫穷的; 穷苦的


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