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1、仁爱版七年级下Unit5Topic2教 案Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 2 A few students are running around the playground一、知识梳理+经典例题(一)重点短语1. make cards制作卡片 篮球3. play ping-pong 打乒乓球2.play basketball 打4. on the playground 在操场上5. in the library 在图书馆教学楼7. in the gym在体育馆在游泳池9. on time 准时/ in time 及时6. classroom building8. in

2、 the swimming pool10. look for 寻找11. on the shelf 在书架上(shelves 复数)Found在失物招领处13. clean the room 打扫房间举行足球比赛15. run around the playground 绕着操场跑课12.at the Lost and14. have a soccer game16. have lessons 上18. at the moment “此20. in the teachers17. write a letter 写信刻,现在”=now.19. play computer games 玩电脑游戏o

3、ffice在老师办公室 2L on the telephone通过电话22. at the back of 在的后面(二)巧辩异同1、on time 准时;in time 及时e. g We were just in time for (或 to catch) the bus.(我们及时赶上了公共汽车)I go to school on time every day.(我每天按时到校)2、also 与 |too|都表示“也”。also用于句中,too用于句末且前面有逗号隔开。e. g I also want to visit the Great Wall one day.I want to v

4、isit the Great Wall one day, too.3、find1与 look forfind强调寻找的结果,look for强调寻找的过程。e. g I cant find my purse(=allet) and I am luukin fur itlook指看的动作,是短暂性的:see指看的结果。Look! The girls are running on the playground.Can you see the girls on the playground?5、|fcw| 与 |a few|二者都修饰可数名词,后加可数名词复数。few “很多,不多”,表示否定。a

5、few “一些”,表示肯定。(三)重点句型1. Good idea!好主意!2. See you soon. 一会儿见。3. Whats in + sth.表示哪里有什么东西e. g Whafs in your purse?钱包里有什么东西?What else还有别的什么吗? else:别的,其它的What else do you have?你还有别的吗?else除了可以放在疑问词what, who, where等后面,还可以放在something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody 后面e. g I dont have anything

6、 else to do. I cant see anybody else in the room.4. Here are some photos of his.名词+of+名词性物主代词/名词所有格双重所有格e. g a friend of Sams 萨姆的一个朋友 a friend of mine 我的一 个朋友5. He looks happy because he loves swimming.love doing sth习惯性的爱好和习惯love to do sth 一次性的动作或目前想做的事e. g She loves reading in bed.I love to go swim

7、ming today.6. Thank you all the same 同样感谢你。用于在请求对方帮忙时对方没有帮助到的情况下,仍然表示感谢的礼貌性 用语。e. g -Do you have any English newspaper? Sorry, we don t have any.-Thank you all the same.7. Miss Wang is showing a new student around the school.show sb. around sp.带领某人参观某地8. What about the girls over there? 女孩子们在那边干什么呢?

8、 what about? =how about?(怎么样呢?)what about/how about还可以表示给对方建议,后面加名词或动词-ing形 式。What about some coffee?来点咖啡怎么样?What about drinking some coffee?喝点咖啡怎么样?9. How long can I keep them?keep保持,持有。这句话在这里翻译为“我能借他们多长时间? ”10. May I borrow some English workbooks?may情态动词,“能”。引导的一般疑问句表示请求,更加委婉。(四)重点语法rpX现在进仃时原文重现:A

9、 few students are running around the playground. 一些学生 在绕着操场跑步。(1)现在进行时表示此刻正在发生或进行的动作,可与now, at the moment 等时间状语连用e. g Im reading a book now.(2)现在进行时表示当前一段时间内一直进行的动作f. g They are working on a farm this week.(3)现在进行时表将来:某些行为动词的现在进行时形式可以表示将来,常 常有意图,安排或打算的含义,并且可与表将来的时间状语连用,到目前我们所 学的这类动词有come, go, fly, r

10、eturng. g They are flying to London this afternoon.他们今天下午要飞往 伦敦。We are going to Hong Kong tomorrow.我们明天将要去香港。Steven is coming tomorrow evening.斯蒂芬明天晚上将要过来。(4)现在进行时的构成:现在进行时主要由be+doing构成肯定句:主语+be + doing + sthLittle Chen is writing a letter to Mrs. Sun.否定句:主语 + be + not + doing + sthLittle Chen is no

11、t (isn t) writing a letter to Mrs. Sun.一般疑问句:Be+主语+doing + sth?Is little Chen writing a letter to Mrs. Sun?回答:Yes,主(代)+be /No,主(代)+be+notYes, he is. / No, he isn t.特殊疑问句:What+be+主语+doing?What is little Chen doing?(5)现在分词的构成:一般在动词末尾加-ingbuybuying callcalling drinkdrinking以不发音字母e结尾的单词,去e加-ingcomecomin

12、g drivedriving givegiving末尾只有一个辅音字母,且这个辅音字母前面不是字母组合的词,要双写 末尾字母,再加-ingplanplanning swimswimming stopstoppingsitsitting以ie结尾的词,变ie为y,再加-ingdiedying lielying二、随堂检测(一)单项选择(12分)L () Jack loves best. He often borrows books from the library.A. read B.to reads C.reading D.reads2. () I have a blue purse. She

13、 has oneA .too B. also C. else D. two3. () -can you see in the picture?一I can see a little cat under the tree.A. What else B. Who else C. Where else D. How4. () Hes his purse, but he cant it.A. look, find B. looking for, find C. finding, look for D.find, looking for5. () Listen! Kate now. Oh, she al

14、waysA is singing ; is singing B. sings; sings.C. sings; is singing D. is singing ; sings6. () 一 story books every day?一No, but now IA- Are you reading, readB. Do you read, am readingC. Do you read, readD. Do you read, am not reading7. () 一Ifs 9:15 now. What class?一Math. Thev have a math class every

15、dav.A. do they have B. are they have C. are they having D. are having8. () 一Excuse me, do you have any basketballs?Sorry, we dont have any.AQh, I want to buy it. B.Thank you all the same C.Bye-bye. D.It doesnt matter.9. () 一How long can I the VCD?A week.A.borrow B.see C.buy D.keep10. () 一Excuse me,I borrow this book?Of course.A.am B.may C.must D.where11. () Here are some books of.What



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