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1、00:02:26,640 - 00:02:28,510卡西利亚斯法师Master kaecilius.300:02:29,770 - 00:02:33,570那个仪式 依我看 只会害了你That ritual will bring you only sorrow.400:03:08,640 - 00:03:09,640伪君子Hypocrite!500:05:06,010 - 00:05:07,390来个有难度的 比利Challenge round, Billy.600:05:11,600 - 00:05:13,560比利 别跟我开玩笑了Come on, Billy, youve got to

2、be messing with me.700:05:13,730 - 00:05:15,150沒开玩笑No, doctor.800:05:16,060 - 00:05:18,890如沐春风恰克曼吉欧尼一九七七年Feels so good, Chuck mangione, 1977.900:05:18,980 - 00:05:20,890说真的 比利 来个难点的Honestly, Billy, you said this one would be hard.1000:05:21,020 - 00:05:22,900- 是一九七八年 - 肯定不是- Ha! Its 1978. - No, Bill

3、y.1100:05:23,070 - 00:05:25,830虽然如沐春风是一九七八年上的排行榜While feels so good may have charted in 1978.1200:05:25,900 - 00:05:29,320但这张专辑可是一九七七年十二月发售的The album was released in December of 1977.1300:05:29,490 - 00:05:32,240- 不 维基百科说是 - 再查查吧- No. Wikipedia says its a nineteen. - Check again.1400:05:32,410 - 00:

4、05:34,410你的脑子里怎么装了这么多没用的东西Where do you store all this useless information?1500:05:34,450 - 00:05:35,450没用的Useless?1600:05:35,580 - 00:05:37,290这哥们凭一把小号就吹进排行榜前十了The man charted a top 10 hit with a flugelhorn.1700:05:38,500 - 00:05:39,500查好了吗 比利Status, Billy?1800:05:39,670 - 00:05:40,670一九七七年1977.1900

5、:05:40,840 - 00:05:42,050- 果然是 - 真受不了- Oh, please. - I hate you.2000:05:43,420 - 00:05:45,210真是如沐春风是不是Feels so good, doesnt it?2100:05:49,180 - 00:05:50,390我来接手 史蒂芬I got this, Stephen.2200:05:50,550 - 00:05:52,300你的任务完成了 撤吧 我们收尾Youve done your bit. Go ahead. Well close up.2300:05:53,560 - 00:05:54,5

6、60什么情况What is it?2400:05:54,640 - 00:05:55,640应该是枪伤GSW.2500:05:56,890 - 00:05:58,140他竟然还活着Its amazing you kept him alive.2600:05:58,270 - 00:05:59,900呼吸暂停 脑干检查和Apneic, failed the brain stem test.2700:06:00,020 - 00:06:01,430呼吸反应检查都失败And the apnea reflex test.2800:06:01,610 - 00:06:04,070我知道问题在哪了 帕尔默

7、医生I think I found the problem, doctor Palmer.2900:06:04,190 - 00:06:05,980还有一颗子弹没取出来You left a bullet in his head.3000:06:06,150 - 00:06:07,440谢谢 可能是伤到了延髓Thanks. Its impinging on the medulla.3100:06:07,610 - 00:06:10,150我需要一位专家 尼克诊断他脑死亡I needed a specialist. Nic diagnosed brain death.3200:06:10,280

8、- 00:06:11,900可我真的觉得不大对劲Something about that doesnt feel right to me.3300:06:11,950 - 00:06:12,950那咱们得抓紧了We have to run.3400:06:14,580 - 00:06:15,580韦斯特医生Doctor west.3500:06:15,700 - 00:06:17,120你在干什么What are you doing? Hey.3600:06:17,290 - 00:06:18,800取器官 他是捐献者Organ harvest. Hes a donor.3700:06:18,

9、920 - 00:06:20,170慢着 这事我还没有同意呢Slow down. I did not agree to that.3800:06:20,290 - 00:06:21,830不需要你同意 已经确认他脑死亡了I dont need you to. Weve already called brain death.3900:06:22,000 - 00:06:22,870结论太早了Prematurely.4000:06:22,960 - 00:06:24,580我们要给他准备枕下开颅手术We need to get him prepped for sub-occipital crani

10、otomy.4100:06:24,710 - 00:06:26,540我不会让你在一个死人身上做手术的Not gonna let you operate on a dead man.4200:06:26,670 - 00:06:27,960你看这个What do you see?4300:06:28,130 - 00:06:30,090- 这是子弹 - 完整的子弹- A bullet? - A perfect bullet.4400:06:30,220 - 00:06:33,020加强过的 由金属铅和金属锑加强过的子弹Its been hardened. You harden a bullet

11、 by alloying lead with antimony.4500:06:33,140 - 00:06:36,810是有毒合金 当其毒性直接进入脑脊髓液之后A toxic metal. And thats leeched directly into the cerebral spinal fluid.4600:06:36,980 - 00:06:38,650急性发病 中枢神经停止反射Rapid onset central nervous system shutdown.4700:06:38,690 - 00:06:39,690我们走吧We gotta go.4800:06:39,810

12、- 00:06:42,810病人是濒临死亡 还要取他的器官吗The patients not dead, but he is dying. Still want to harvest his organs?4900:06:44,070 - 00:06:45,240- 要不要我来帮你 - 不- Ill assist you. - No.5000:06:45,360 - 00:06:47,320帕尔默医生会帮我的Doctor Palmer will assist me.5100:07:03,750 - 00:07:05,170谢谢Thank you.5200:07:11,470 - 00:07:1

13、3,600马上进行影像导航Image guidance, stat.5300:07:13,760 - 00:07:15,050我看没时间了We dont have time for that.5400:07:15,810 - 00:07:16,810你不能直接上手You cant do it freehand.5500:07:16,930 - 00:07:18,260我当然能上手I can and I will.5600:07:18,390 - 00:07:20,140这可不是你炫耀的时候 斯特兰奇This isnt a time for showing off, strange.5700:0

14、7:20,270 - 00:07:21,570是谁十分钟前How about 10 minutes ago5800:07:21,650 - 00:07:24,030宣布他已经死亡来着when you called the wrong time of death?5900:07:32,700 - 00:07:34,620颅内神经完好Cranial nerves intact.6000:07:59,640 - 00:08:01,890韦斯特医生 你手表声太大Doctor west, cover your watch.6100:08:45,150 - 00:08:47,360其实你犯不着在众人面前羞辱他You know, you didnt have to humiliate hi



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