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1、 人教版英语必修七基础知识检测题 姓名 _ 班级 _ 学号 _ 一、 请写出下列英文单词或短语的中文意思或中文意思对应的英文单词或短语。(每小题2分,共40分)1.尊严,高贵的品质 n. 9. 放弃,遗弃,抛弃 v. 2.收益,利润 n. 10. 周年纪念日 n. 3.辞职,指挥,管理 v. 11. 遥远的,偏僻的 adj. 4.数码的 adj. 12. 有关的,切题的 adj. 5.同感,同情心 n. 13. 目的地 n. 6.全体员工 n. 14. 推荐,建议 v. 7.意识到的 adj. 15.承认,答谢 v. 8.催促,极力主张 v. 二、请用每句括号中所给的单词的正确形式完成下列句子

2、。(共15题,每小题2分,共30分)1. This _ interruption makes him _. ( annoy)2. The _ girl swims well in spite of her _. ( disable)3. They young man with great _ had an _ plan to build a school in the poor village. ( ambition)4. As we all know, fresh air is _ to our health and the new park _ us all, so we should k

3、eep it clean. ( benefit)5. The remote desert area is _ only by helicopter. ( access )6. I wish you will not _ of my choice because your _ means a great deal to me. ( approve )7. - What you said _ the girl greatly. No wonder she was so _ as to run out. - Dont you think it so _ (embarrass)?8. She ente

4、red the hall _ and many gentlemen were attracted by her _. ( elegant).9. It was so easy for her to see the _ of his _ decision. ( absurdly)10. “ Who _ the knife?” he asked _. ( sharp )11. Our teacher is _ and is _ by all her students. ( awe )12. The little girl walked out to _ away the dog, but when

5、 the dog barked towards her, she was almost _ to death. ( scare )13. The road was so _ that when I arrived at the village, there was _ all over my trousers.(mud)14. The desks and chairs are _, and you can _ them to the height of the students. The _ is not difficult to make (adjust) 15. The school-bu

6、s was _ to them by a motor company and they received _ from other companies as well (donate)16. He is trying his best to do as he is _ though he thinks it hard to meet the _ (require)17. _, we can complete the project on time. However, our boss asked us to work extra hours,_ that we can finish it ah

7、ead of time. (hope)18. A _is the group of people who are responsible for _ a country or state. (govern)19. The _ is a professor from Harvard and he is giving a _ on global warming. (lecture)20. The company was in deep _ difficulties because no other company _ its new project and the _for its operati

8、on came from a bank loan (finance)三、 请根据每句后面括号中的句型提示翻译下列五句话。(共5题,每小题6分,共30分)1. 英语和数学一样都是很重要的科目。(as+adj+a/an+n.+as). _2. 与其说李平像我的哥哥,不如说他是我的朋友。(more A than B) _3. 我正打算告诉你汤姆要结婚了,却传来他受伤的消息。(be about towhen) _4. 出席这个仪式是一种特殊的荣誉。(It is a privilege to do sth) _5. 如何向他解释真相不关我的事。(what/how/where/when + to do)

9、_人教版英语必修七基础知识检测题答案一、 请写出下列英文单词或短语的中文意思或中文意思对应的英文单词或短语。(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)1. dignity2. profit3. resign4. digital5. sympathy6. staff7. aware8. urge9. abandon10. anniversary11. remote12. relevant13. destination14. recommend15. acknowledge二、请用每句括号中所给的单词的正确形式完成下列句子。(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)1. annoying, annoyed 2.

10、disabled, disabilities 3. ambitions, ambitious 4. beneficial, benefits 5. accessible 6. disapprove, approval 7. embarrassed, embarrassed, embarrassing 8. elegantly, elegance 9. absurdity, absurd 10. Sharpened, sharply 11. awesome, awed 12. scare, scared13. muddy, mud 14. adjustable, adjust, adjustme

11、nt 15. donated , donations 16. required, requirement 17. Hopefully, hoping 18. government, governing 19. lecturer, lecture 20. financial, financed, finance三、请根据每句后面括号中的句型提示翻译下列五句话。(共5题,每小题4分,共20分)1.English is as important a subject as maths.2.Li Ping is more like my friend than my brother.3. I was about to tell you that Tom was going to marry when word came that he was injured.4. It was a privilege to attend such a ceremony.5. How to explain to him the truth is none of my business.



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