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1、Translation TechniquesIdioms in Chinese-English Translation汉语成语英译汉语成语是人们长期以来习用的,简洁精辟的定型词组。汉语成语结构稳定,绝大部分以四字结构形式出现,一般都有出处。汉语成语的意思往往隐含于字面意义之中,不是其构成成分的简单相加,还有些成语必须知其来源或典故才能理解,这对汉语成语的英译造成了一定的困难。汉语成语的英译根据具体情况,一般可采用以下几种方法:直译法、意译法及英语同义习语的套用法。1. Literal Translation 直译法有些汉语成语没有比喻意义,它们的字面意义也就是它们的实际意义,这样的成语可以采取

2、直译法。例1: 牢不可破 be so strongly built as to be indestructible 例2: 史无前例 be without precedent in history 有些汉语成语虽然有比喻意义,但直接按字面翻译后,英语读者能正确理解译文及其含义,这样的成语亦可采用直译法。直译法能更好地传达出原文的形式、意义和精神。例1: 火上浇油 pour oil on the flames 例2: 剖腹藏珠cut open your stomach to hide a pearl例3: 刻骨铭心 be engraved on ones heart and bones 2. F

3、ree Translation 意译法汉语中还有一些成语涉及独特的汉文化特征,其比喻形象是英语读者不能接受的。这样的汉语成语只能意译。也就是使用英语的习惯表达法,或运用英语读者易懂的切合原文意思的词语来传达原文的含义和精神。例1: 扬眉吐气 feel proud and elated 例2: 粗枝大叶 be crude and careless 例3: 巧舌如簧 have a smooth / ready tongue 还有一部分汉语成语字面上就含有中国古代的人名、地名,有的出自历史典故。英语读者无法理解成语中的文化背景,所以也要采取意译法,绕开其文化背景,译出其真正的内涵意义。例1: 毛遂自

4、荐 volunteer ones service 例2: 初出茅庐 at the beginning of ones career例3: 悬梁刺股 be extremely hard-working in ones study3. Equivalents of Idioms in English英语同义习语的套用法 当汉语成语的意义与某个英语习语相一致时,可直接用该英语习语翻译汉语成语。例1: 赴汤蹈火go through fire and water 例2: 如坐针毡sit on pins and needles 例3: 过河拆桥kick down the ladder 例4: 趁热打铁 S

5、trike while the iron is hot. 总之,翻译汉语成语时,为了保留原文形象,能直译则尽量直译。不能直译时,应该翻译其实际意义。如能在英语中找到意义完全对等的习语,也可采用套用法。ExerciseTranslate the following idioms into English. 1. 奋不顾身 2. 邯郸学步 3. 千钧一发 1. 风雨飘摇 2. 风驰电掣 3. 胆小如鼠 4. 一石二鸟 5. 半途而废 6. 罄竹难书 7. 孟母三迁 Translation of Onomatopoeia拟声词的翻译拟声词是指语言中摹拟事物或动作的声音构成的词。拟声不但是一种构词法,

6、同时也是一种重要的修辞手段。拟声词的英译汉主要有以下三种方法:1. Translation of Germination英语原文中有拟声词,汉译时也运用拟声词1) 英语原文中的拟声词可译成相应的汉语拟声词,有的译为独词句,有的译为动词或名词的辅助成分。例1:Thump! A table was overturned! “哗啦!”桌子被推翻了!例2:Only the ventilator in the cellar window kept up a ceaseless rattle.只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机不停地发出呼呼声。 例3: Round the corner of Croscent Ba

7、y, between the pile-up masses of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering.沿着新月海湾,从一堆堆破碎的岩石堆中,一群羊叭嗒叭嗒地跑了过来。 例4:George whirrs and hides behind a post until hes found. (B3U2B) (机器人)乔治发出嗡嗡的声音藏在一根柱子后面,直到被发现为止。2) 英语原文中同一拟声词在汉语中可译成不同的拟声词。例1:The shutters clattered in the wind.百叶窗在风中劈劈啪啪作响。 例2:The girls

8、clattered away at their luncheon.午餐时女孩们咭咭呱呱地谈个不停例3:The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter.碟子碗碰得丁丁当当响。 3) 有时,英语原文中不同的拟声词在汉语中也可译成同一拟声词。例1:The thunder rolled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。例2:There came the hum of machines.传来了机器的隆隆声。例3:The offices were quiet. Far below I could hear the rumble of tub

9、e trains carrying commuters to the West End.各间办公室都很静,我可以听到地底下的隆隆声,那是地铁载着人们去西区。 2. Absence of Chinese Translation英语原文有拟声词,汉译时改用非拟声词在翻译的过程中,不宜毫无节制地滥用拟声词以免造成译文语言轻佻、累赘,从而破坏原文的表达力。译者应斟酌上下文的情况,运用合适的翻译技巧。因此英语原文中的拟声词有时在汉译时可改用非拟声词来表达,有时可以将英文的拟声词译为汉语中较为抽象的“的叫,声”,或直叙其动作。例1:When your new car loses its ability t

10、o make your heart go pitter-patter, he says, you tend to draw the wrong conclusions. (B3U3A) 他说当新车不再让你心跳加速时,你就很可能得出错误的结论。例2: The low whir of the spinning wheel spoke to him of the warmth of home and his mothers love. 低沉的纺车声传出了家庭的温暖,母亲的关爱。例3:They splashed through the mire to the village.他们一路踏着泥水向村子走去

11、。 例4:A profound silence prevailed over all and the only thing she could hear was the tap of ivy on the pane.万籁俱寂,她惟一听到的是长青藤轻扣玻璃的声音。 例5:The animals even use “adjective” and “verb” chirps to communicate information as complex as “large black dog moving slowly.” (B3U1B) 这种动物甚至会用含有“形容词”和“动词”的鸣叫来传达复杂的信息,

12、如“一只大黑狗在缓慢移动”。 3. Supplement of Chinese Translation英语原文中没有拟声词,汉语译文中加用拟声词在某种情况下,即使英语原文中没有拟声词,汉语译文中也可以酌情增添拟声词,以加强译文语言的表现力。 例1:Zigurd fell asleep almost immediately. 祖格德几乎倒头就呼呼睡了。例2:The lad rushed in, gasping for breath.小伙子冲进来,呼哧呼哧地,上气不接下气。例3:Phyla expected them to start brawling, but Mrs. Cooper merel

13、y laughed good-naturedly. 菲儿以为他们要开始吵架了,可是库柏太太只是很和善的哈哈大笑了一阵。综上所述,翻译英语拟声词时,应根据具体语境和修辞等要求,选用恰当的翻译方法。Exercise Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. All was quiet and still except for the distant tinkling of a piano. 2. Then followed a loud Clump! Clump! Clump! The bandits rushed up the stair

14、s.3. They heard the twitter of birds among the bushes. 4. While Miss Martha was reaching for bread there was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire engine came rumbling.5. The train puffed towards Tokyo from Sendai.6. The screeching of the brakes got on my nerves. 7. The frogs in the fields outsid

15、e the town were croaking cheerfully. 8. The stone fell on his head. 9. The tears she could not hold back fell on his face.10. Those standing behind whispered and chattered all the time.Translation of Color Words颜色词的翻译要想准确而生动地把原文中的各种颜色词展现在读者面前,使读者有身临其境之感,译者需要“察言观色”。遇到词汇空白和文化鸿沟时,要采取灵活的补救措施,使原文与译文相协调,使读者真正欣赏原作的色彩和意境。1. Translation of Gemination 将英语颜色词译成与之相对应的汉语颜色词人类感受和认识世界的手段和方式在


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