2013年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball同步练习.词汇(30分)A.看图填词(10分)(图在教材中16页1题)sister son cousin grandfather mother auntB.圈出使用正确的单词(10分)7.A:Do you have a television? B:Yes,I(do,dont).答案:do8.(Do,Does) he have a soccer ball?答案:Does9.(Let,Lets) play tennis.答案:Lets10.Do(they,Peter) like computer game?答案:they11.He(i

2、snt,doesnt) have a volleyball.答案:doesnt12.Does Mary have two(pencils case,pencil cases)?答案:pencil cases13.Can you bring your basketball(to,in) school?答案:to14.Where (is,are) these soccer balls?They are under the bed.答案:are15.Let(she,her) sit down.答案:her16.A:Lets play volleyball.B:That(sound,sounds) g

3、ood.答案:soundsC.根据句意填词完成句子(每空一词)(10 分)17.Whats that? Thats a_ _.I can play baseball with it.答案:baseball bat18.My tennis _ is there.Its under the bed.答案:racket19.I have many kinds of balls,_ball,_ and _.答案:soccer,volleyball,basketball20.Do you have a_?Yes,I do.I watch it every day.答案:television21.Ther

4、es a _ on the desk.Jane is playing _ _.答案:computer,computer games.单项选择(10分)22.A:_ he have a pencil?B:Yes,he _.A.Does;isB.Does;doesC.Do;doD.Do;is答案:B23.I dont have _ eraser.She _ one.A.a;hasB.a;haveC.an;hasD.an;have答案:C24.There _ many books in the bookcase.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is答案:C25.A:Does she like C

5、hina?B:_.A.Yes,she isB.No,she isntC.Yes,she doesD.No,she dont答案:C26.A:Lets go and play soccer.B:_.A.All rightB.Thats all rightC.Thats rightD.Right答案:A27.I think they _ a brother.A.is thereB.haveC.doesD.has答案:B28.A:_?B:Yes,I do.A.Can you have a ballB.Are you have a ballC.Do you like orangesD.Has you

6、a book答案:C29.On the teachers desk,_some flowers.A.hasB.haveC.there isD.there are 答案:D30.More girls _ apples in their hands.A.haveB.areC.there isD.there are 答案:A31.Do you have _aunt?A.aB.anC./D.many答案:B.情景交际(20分)A.重新排列下列句子顺序(10分)32.Lets play baseball.33.Do you have a soccer ball?34.That sounds good.3

7、5.I dont have a tennis rocket.36.Well,lets play tennis.37.Yes,I have.38.Lets play soccer.39.I dont have a baseball.排列顺序: 3239363533373834B.根据情景完成对话(10分)A:Excuse me,Tom. 40 you 41 a soccer ball?B:Sorry,I 42 .A:Do you think Sally 43 one?B:I think she 44 one.You can ask 45 .A:Sally, 46 play soccer.B:I

8、47 48 a soccer ball.I have volleyball.Lets play.A:That 49 good.答案:40.Do 41.have 42.dont 43.have 44.has 45.her 46.Lets 47.dont 48.have 49.sounds.完成句子(20分)A.按要求完成句子(10分)50.have,I,a,dont,bat,baseball.(连词成句)_答案:I dont have a baseball bat.51.They have many friends.(变为一般疑问句)_答案:Do they have many friends?5

9、2.We dont have a bag.(变为肯定句)_答案:We have a bag.53.We play soccer.(变为祈使句)_答案:Lets play soccer.54.These tennis rackets are onthe chair.(就划线部分提问)_答案:Where are these tennis racket?B.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(10分)55.你朋友有网球拍吗?_ your friends _ tennis rackets?答案:Do,have56.他的妹妹没有双肩挎包。His _ _have a backpack.答案:sister,do

10、esnt57.她有个大的运动集锦吗?Does she _ a great sports_?答案:have,collection58.他仅在电视上观看它们。He only_ _ on television.答案:watch them59.Tony有五个篮球。Tony _ five _.答案:has,basketballs.阅读理解(10分)My name is Tony.I am 12 years old.I can speak English and a little Chinese.I like computer and football.I have a sister.Her name i

11、s Stella.She is 13.She doesnt like football.She has 70 tennis rackets.She can swim.60.Tony is a 12-year-old boy.答案:T61.Tony can speak Chinese.答案:T62.Tony likes football and volleyball.答案:F63.Stella is a boy,too.答案:F64.Stella likes sports.答案:T.书面表达(10分)根据表格,写出Tom的运动集锦。Tennis rackets70basketballs39baseballs79Soccer balls46volleyballs32答案:参考例文:Tom has a great sports collection.He has 70 tennis rackets,39 basketballs,and 79 baseballs.He has 46 soccer balls and 32 volleyballs.1


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