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1、2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题It is not difficult to be pessimistic about the future of European business.Compared with the awesome strength of America and the raw power of emerging Asia, Europe is sometimes portrayed as a has-been, excelling in luxury goods, fine food, wines and fashion bu

2、t weighed down by too many old industries and old ideas. From microchips to microbes, poor old Europe seems to trail in Americas and Asias wake.America enjoys awesome advantages over Europe. It is a huge,truly single market with a relatively youthful,growing population. It is the worlds economic sup

3、erpower, with much higher productivity than its competitors (though productivity growth has recently been disappointing, and last year was slightly below Europes). It has world-class universities that work hand in glove with businesses. Americans have not only won more Nobel prizes, they have turned

4、 more scientific advances into profitable businesses than anyone else. Many of these firms have gone on to become the giants of modern business.It may have been a British scientist, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, working at a laboratory in Switzerland, who invented the world wide web, but America is the home

5、of the Internet and all the business sectors it has spawned. And even where Europe is holding its own against America, it seems unable to retain its advantage. Boeing drifted badly in the 1990s as Europes Airbus made strides, but having merged with McDonnell Douglas, the American giant bounced back.

6、 It is now taking market share from the Europeans.Americas economic growth, averaging 2. 5% a year since 2001, has reflected this dynamic business culture, whereas Europe has managed an average growth rate of barely 1.5% over the same period, though the pace has picked up in the past year. Europes s

7、luggish performance is often put down to the poor business climate. Rigid labor laws and strong unions make it difficult for firms to fire redundant workers and unattractive to hire new ones. Product markets are not as competitive as Americas, and the single European market has yet to become a reali

8、ty in areas such as banking and services.Corporate governance too is variable: transparent and world-class in Britain,but often inadequate in continental Europe. Moreover, European governments like to meddle. France has drawn up a list of strategic industries, including casinos, that it thinks need

9、special protection from foreign takeovers. Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company. Telecom Italias attempts to hive off its mobile-phone business became highly politicized.Many European politicians are fearful ab

10、out the effects of globalization and the rise of China and India. Certainly Asia has been making itself more strongly felt in Europe in recent years. Japan now has car factories in France and the Czech Republic as well as in Britain, and imports from South Koreas resurgent car industry have been cau

11、sing difficulties at Renault and PSA Peugeot Criterion. Indias Tata Group too is planning to export cars to some southern and eastern European markets where they will provide more competition for the traditional west European manufacturers.【答案】美国经济走势让人肃然起敬, 日益崛起的亚洲生机勃勃, 而欧洲则如昔日黄花, 过分追求奢侈品、时尚和美酒佳肴。落后

12、的产业和陈旧的观念压得欧洲气喘吁吁。微芯片也好, 微生物也罢, 可怜的老朽欧罗巴似乎在步美国和亚洲的后尘。即使是欧洲本土能与美国抗衡的产业似乎也难以为继。20世纪90年代, 欧洲空客公司大踏步前进, 而波音公司发展十分缓慢, 但同麦克唐纳-道格拉斯公司合并以后, 美国的这家巨型企业迅速反弹, 正在抢占空客的欧洲份额。此外, 欧洲各国政府也喜欢插上一脚。法国列出了一些战略发展产业, 连博彩业也包括在内, 因为法国认为该产业需要特别保护以防外国兼并。甚至西班牙在新盎格鲁-萨克逊商业文化影响下, 也阻止德国公用事业公司接管西班牙电力企业, 而意大利电信公司试图从该国移动电话领域分离出去竟成为高度政治

13、化的事件。2. 单选题I am writing this at home because last week my ergonomic (符合人体工程学的)chair at the office fell apart,unable any longer to bear my weight. I am writing it on a computer that is propped on top of two thick books,because otherwise my neck would be cricked as I peered at the screen. At 1. 93m an

14、d weighing. . . well,Im not going to say what I weigh,but think second-row rugby union forward. . . I am not built for this world. We therefore welcome a new report from Professor Tim Hatton at the University of Essex, demonstrating that the average height of men in Europe has increased by 4 inches

15、in the past century and in the UK by a whopping 5 inches. A similar increase is likely to have occurred among women:but,because the study is based in part on military records,evidence is thinner on the ground.The problem, as Hatton observes, is that the world hasnt kept pace with our increased heigh

16、t. I long ago abandoned buseslevering myself into a narrow seat was impossible. Air travel is also challenging. I was in the back row of an easyJet plane recently, which has even less space than an ordinary seat, and would have ended up with a severe backache had it not been for some thoughtful passenger not turning up, allowing me to relocate to an aisle seat where the only danger is being hit by the trolley.Small cars are impossibl



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