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1、江南大学现代远程教育2013年上半年第三阶段测试卷考试科目:大学英语(三) (总分100分) 时间:90分钟 _ 得分: 一、交际英语 (10)1、- Would you mind changing seats with me?- _CA:Yes, you can.B:Of course, I like to.C:No, I dont mind.D:Certainly, please do.2、- What would you like to have, meat or fish?- _A_.A:Either will doB:Yes, I like meatC:Yes, I like fis

2、hD:No, they are not my favorite3、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _B_ This is not the end of the world.A:Good luck.B:Cheer up.C:Go ahead.D:No problem.4、- How often do you go dancing?- CA:I will go dancing tomorrow.B:Yesterday.C:Every other day.D:Ive been dancing for a year.5、H

3、ow do you like the story?_B A:Id like to read itB:I like it very muchC:fine, thank youD:Its very interesting二、阅读理解 (30)1、 Man has always wanted to fly. Some of the greatest men in history had thought about the problem. One of them, for example, was the great Italian artist, Leonardo Da Vinci. In the

4、 sixteenth century he made designs for machines that would fly, but they were never built.Throughout history, other less famous men had wanted to fly. An example was a man in England 800 years ago. He made a pair of wings from chicken feathers. Then he fixed them to his body and jumped into air from

5、 a tall building. He did not fly very far. Instead, he fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body. The first real steps took place in France, in 1783. Two brothers, the Montgolfiers, made a very large hot air balloon. They knew that hot air rises. Why not fill a balloon with it? The balloon

6、 was made of cloth and paper. In September of that year, the King and Queen of France came to see the balloon. They watched it carry the very first air passengers into the sky. The passengers were a sheep and a chicken. We do not know how they felt about the trip. But we do know that the trip lasted

7、 eight minutes and that the animals landed safely. Two months later, two men did the same thing. They rose above Paris in a balloon of the same kind. Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they traveled about eight kilometers.(1)、Leonardo Da Vinci made designs for flying machines. AA:TB:F (2)、Eig

8、ht hundred years ago an Englishman made a kind of flying machine. B A:TB:F (3)、In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly lost his life. AA:TB:F (4)、The very first air passengers in the balloon were two Frenchmen. B A:TB:F (5)、The two Frenchmen rose above Paris in November 1783. AA:TB:F2. Youre trying

9、 to control my life, says my nine-year-old son. I dont know why you think you can do that, but you cant. I received this bit of information after I asked Gabriele to put his dirty socks in the basket. And I get no sympathy from my mother, who says, You let him have his way from the beginning. Its tr

10、ue. I have always asked Gabrieles opinion, found out how he felt about things - treated him as my peer, not my child. And what have I got from my troubles? A lot of back talk. At least Im not alone; its a complaint heard among parents across the country. Its not just that were confused by the contra

11、dictory advice offered in parenting books. The fact is, in an effort to break away from how we were raised - to try something more liberal than our parents do it because I say so approach - our generation has gone too far. Todays parents want to be young, so they try to be friends with their childre

12、n, says Kathy Lynn, a parenting educator. When it comes to discipline, our society has gone from one extreme to the other, says Ron Moorish, a behavior specialist. We used to use the strap, to intimidate. Then we had permissiveness, and now its about giving children choices and allowing them to lear

13、n from their own experiences. Real discipline, says Moorish, is about teaching. By correcting our children when they do something wrong, we teach them how to behave properly, he says. But this only works, he emphasizes, if parents regain their position of authority. Children will always be children.

14、 The key is for parents to choose to take the time to guide and teach their kids. Rita Munday, a mother of four children, couldnt believe the dramas that played out in the childrens shoe store she operated. She often saw children insist on having the high-priced, brand-name shoes. And even when the

15、mother didnt want to spend the money, she would give in when the kid started acting up and throwing shoes around. Rhonda Radice, Mundays younger colleague, is one parent who has bucked the trend - and is proud of it. I dont negotiate with them. You cant. Ive seen parents come into the store and bribe their children to behave. You shouldnt have to buy love and respect.(6)、The authors way of treating her son _A_.A:is shared by many parentsB:is encouraged by her motherC:p


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