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1、2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题中国人的年讲究的就是一个团聚,正如中国知名作家冯骥才所讲:春节是中国人的“情感时刻”。这一天无论你身在何处,回家团圆是唯一的主题,思乡情感也要在这一刻得到宣泄。对于英国留学生们来说,春节回家的愿望,非要天时地利人和,多重因素都给力,才能够得以实现。每年的春节大多在一、二月间,这个时候并不是学校的假期,留学生们无法脱身。【答案】What Chinese New Year stresses is a family reunion. Just as Feng Jicai, a famous Chinese writer, ha

2、s pointed out, the Spring Festival is an “emotional moment” for the Chinese people. Wherever you may be that day, returning home for a family reunion is the only topic of conversation and your homesickness is sure to be got off your chest. For overseas Chinese students in the United Kingdom, their w

3、ish of returning home during the Spring Festival cannot be realized unless everything is OK and many factors are geliable. The Spring Festival falls chiefly between January and February, during which schools have no vacations, overseas students cannot leave school.2. 单选题An “obvious and striking feat

4、ure of the late twentieth century world,” notes Sally Price in her book Primitive Art in Civilized Places, is the accessibility of its diverse cultures to those who enjoy membership in Western society.” Westerners can travel with relative ease to even the remotest comers of human civilization or sta

5、y at home and watch exotic images of world diversity on the television and movie screen. The world market system assures those who have the financial resources that they can buy just about anything from anywhere. Heidegger, also thinking on this phenomenon, says, “Yet the frantic abolition of all di

6、stances brings no nearness; for nearness does not consist in shortness of distance. What is least remote from us in point of distance, by virtue of its picture on film or its sound on the radio, can remain far from us. What is incalculably far from us in point of distance can be near to us.” Western

7、 technology and the market economy are shrinking the world, bringing the West closer to other peoples, and other previously accessible regions of the earth. Yet this dramatic global change has not opened the West to difference, either the nonhuman differences of the earth or the cultural differences

8、 of nonwestern peoples. On the contrary, the expansion of the West and the resultant “small world” is still, as in colonial days, primarily a movement of domination. It depends on the exploitation of the land and organic life, and the exploitation of the labor and lives of the majority of the earths

9、 peoples. Because the oppressions of the earth, of women, and of those who do not belong to “the abstract dominant non-group” called whites are intimately related and reinforce one another, caring for women and for the earth cannot be separated from caring for diverse human communities.Western econo

10、mic development, Vandana Shiva explains, is supposed to be a model of progress for the so-called Third World that would improve productivity and growth. However, western development, as capital accumulation and commercialization of the economy for the generation of surplus and various and as natural

11、 resource utilization, emerged in the context of colonization, industrialization, and capitalist growth. This notion of economic development has been falsely universalized and applied, with disastrous results, to the entirely different context to attempting to satisfy basic needs of newly independen

12、t world peoples. Western so-called development in Third World countries has generated profit of various multinational corporations, created internal colonialism, undermined sustainable lifestyles, destroyed local ecologies and has, as a result, created true material property.From a western perspecti

13、ve, if a people do not anticipate in the market economy and do not consume western-style commodities produced for and distributed through the market, they are regarded as living in poverty. Because, moreover, from a western perspective, production and development take place only when mediated by tec

14、hnologies for commodity production and profit, such peoples are considered underdeveloped and unproductive. However, for most indigenous peoples, for example, maintaining an ecologically balanced connection to their land is much more essential to their being and culture than the lands monetary value

15、 and its so called natural resources.1.Whats Heideggers comment on “nearness” in passage 1?2.The attitude of westerners to cultural or uncultured difference in other peoples is that of .3.What is Vandana Shivas view about western economic development?4.The underlined word “indigenous” in the last pa

16、ragraph means( ).问题1选项A.It is distance-oriented.B.It is visual or at least auditory.C.It is a phenomenon of globalization.D.It is not a geographical concept.问题2选项A.rejectionB.open-mindednessC.detestD.appreciation问题3选项A.It should be a model of progress for all the developed countries.B.It. would be balancing profit and production in an ecological way.C.It may not be adaptable to


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