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1、中考英语作文(记叙与议论一)One:描述一下你的最大梦想1.描述一下你的最大梦想;2.你为什么会有这个梦想;3.你会为梦想的实现付出什么努力? My biggest dreamEveryone has his own自己的 dream梦想,so do I我也这样.My biggest dream is to become是要去成为 a policewoman.When I was a little girl, I watched a lot of soap operas肥皂剧 about policewomen. Then I fell in love with 爱上this dangerou

2、s but interesting job. Because I think policewomen are brave勇敢地.They can catch 抓住thieves贼.To be honest坦率地说,I like being a policeman I like doing something different做不同的事情.Its my favorite.I know there are many difficulties 困难to be a policeman. But I wont give up放弃.I will try my best 尽自己最大努力to make my

3、 biggest dream come true 使实现although 尽管its not easy.I believe myself相信自己.I will study harder and harder越来越努力.Ill read more books .And at the same time在同时,Ill do exercises everyday and keep healthy保持健康.I know that if you want to be better than others比别人更好,you must work hard to improve yourself提高你自己.T

4、wo:如何调节身心,保持最佳状态1.描述一下自己目前大致的学习和生活状况;2.谈谈自己偏好的健康休闲活动;3.分享一下你在保持身心健康和良好学习状态方面的经验。 My school life and hobbiesIm in Grade3 now,I feel a little busier忙一点 than before比以前.As由于 the big final 最后的exam 大型期末考试is coming near即将到来.I work harder and spend more time on my study.花更多时间在学习上。My parents dont allow me to

5、 watch Tv or play computer games any more不再 on weedays在工作日,so sometimes I feel boring or not relaxed enough in my life. I used to do sports or play QQ games with my classmates and I have got a lot of fun.I like playing QQ games best.However然而,I know that its too much time wasting 浪费太多时间nowdays现在.I f

6、ind a good way of relaxing myself放松自己.thats 那是listening to music.A piece of beautiful music一件美妙的音乐 always can make me feel comfortable and help me get away 脱离,摆脱the great pressure压力 of hard school work繁重的课业负担.Three:我们每个人在成长的不同阶段都会有不同的兴趣爱好。请写一写你小时候的爱好;现在的兴趣;以及未来你毕业后的理想职业。 My hobbies and my ideas abou

7、t the futureEveryone has different hobbies爱好 and interests 兴趣at their different ages在他们不同年龄When I was a child, I liked playing with my friends. We usually went to the beach, caught抓住 some small fish, swam 游泳in the sea. Sometimes we climbed 爬onto the trees to catch birds抓鸟.I had a happy time in my ch

8、ildhood童年 .I miss想念 it.Now I study in a middle school中学.Im busy studying every day. In my free time在空闲时间,I like playing basketball with my classmates, or surfing the internet上网 sometimes. I think they can make me relaxed让我放松.In the future, when I leave school to work放学去上班,I hope I can do some jobs t

9、hat I like to do.做我喜欢做的工作Maybe也许 I will be a teacher. Its my dream.Four:说说你现在生活中的快乐与烦恼,以及你追求的快乐幸福生活是什么样?为此你付出什么样的努力? Talking about my lifeMy school life校园生活 is a lot of fun很有趣.I like studying in the classroom with my lovely 可爱的classmates.We get on well with each other.We play sports and sing togethe

10、r.I often miss my classmates and teachers if I dont see them for a long time有一段时间.But sometimes our teachers give us too much homework.Parents and teachers often put great pressure on us给我们施加太多压力I wish a happy life 希望有一个幸福的生活in a big city in the future.I will live in a big house with a garden带有花园的大房

11、子.and I drive to work.开车上班I will travel a lot常常旅游 in my free time在空闲时间.Ill work hard so that以便 I can go to a good university大大学.Then I can get获得 a good job in the future and my dream will come true.Five:中学生适当的放松方式最近你对班上同学课后放松方式进行了调查。常用放松方式:1.看电视(30人);2.玩电脑游戏(12人); 3.听音乐(8人);4.进行体育锻炼(5人);5.没有时间放松(5人)

12、。你的观点:哪一种放松方式是适当的?为什么?The best ways for students to relaxRecently最近I have 已经made a survey 做调查of the students in my class on关于ways to relax after class下课后.There are 60 students in my class(31boys and 29girls).Different students have different ways to relax.Half of the students often watch Tv.12studen

13、ts like to play computer games.8 students enjoy listening to music.5 students think doing sports is a good way and another five are too busy to relax.As 由于we study too long every day and have too much pressure有太多压力,every student should choose good ways 选择好的方法to relax.In my eyes我的看法,watching TV or pl

14、aying computer games is not a good合适的 way to help us relax.I think taking exercise 运动is a good way because it can make使我们 us have a good rest休息的好.Besides而且,It can help 有助于improve提高 our health增强体质.Therefore因此,I often play pingpong after class.Its really的确 helpful有益 to both my health and(两者都) my study

15、.Six:家庭作业过多有益?家庭作业过多有害?1.家庭作业过多有益:可以复习学过的内容,可以练习讲过的内容,可以开拓思路;2.家庭作业过多有害;教师应教给学生怎样学,怎样理解;不能休息好;作业是一种消极的学习;要占用许多多时间。 3.你的看法是-Doing too much homework is good or bad?Some students think its good for them to do too much homework.They think that to do much homwwork can help them go over the lessons复习功课,pr

16、actice练习 the things teachers said in class, make them get new ideas获得新的看法.Some students think it is bad for them to do too much homework,they think that to do much homework make them sleepless失眠 and they have less time 很少有时间to do the things they like.They think teachers should teach their students how to study,how to learn the things


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