death penalty and sentencing information

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《death penalty and sentencing information》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《death penalty and sentencing information(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、DEATH PENALTY AND SENTENCING INFORMATIONIn the United States 10/1/97By Dudley Sharp, Death Penalty Resources Director, Justice For AllThe death penalty debate in the U.S. is dominated by the fraudulent voice of the anti-death penalty movement. The culture of lies and deceit so dominates that movemen

2、t that many of the falsehoods are now wrongly accepted as fact, by both advocates and opponents of capital punishment. The following report presents the true facts of the death penalty in America. If you are even casually aware of this public debate, you will note that every category contradicts the

3、 well-worn frauds presented by the anti-death penalty movement. The anti-death penalty movement specializes in the abolition of truth. 1. Imposition of the death penalty is extraordinarily rare. Since 1967, there has been one execution for every 1600 murders, or 0.06%. There have been approximately

4、560,000 murders and 358 executions from 1967-1996 FBIs Uniform Crime Report (UCR) & Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). 2. Approximately 5900 persons have been sentenced to death and 358 executed (from 1973-96). An average of 0.2% of those were executed every year during that time. 56 murderers were

5、 executed in 1995, a record number for the modern death penalty. This represented 1.8% of those on death row. The average time on death row for those 56 executed - 11 years, 2 months (Capital Punishment 1995, BJS, 1996), an all time record of longevity, breaking the 1994 record of 10 years, 2 months

6、. 3. Death penalty opponents (opponents) state that Those who support the death penalty see it as a solution to violent crime. Opponents, hereby, present one of many fabrications. In reality, executions are seen as the appropriate punishment for certain criminals committing specific crimes. So says

7、the U.S. Supreme Court and so say most death penalty supporters (advocates). 4. Opponents equate execution and murder, believing that if two acts have the same ending or result, then those two acts are morally equivalent. This is a morally untenable position. Is the legal taking of property to satis

8、fy a debt the same as auto theft? Both result in loss of property. Are kidnaping and legal incarceration the same? Both involve imprisonment against ones will. Is killing in self defense the same as capital murder? Both end in taking human life. Are rape and making love the same? Both may result in

9、sexual intercourse. How absurd. Opponents flawed logic and moral confusion mirror their factual arguments - there is, often, an absence of reality. The moral confusion of some opponents is astounding. Some equate the American death penalty with the Nazi holocaust. Opponents see no moral distinction

10、between the slaughter of 12 million totally innocent men, women and children and the just execution of societys worst human rights violators. A. THE RISK OF EXECUTING THE INNOCENT B. THE INCAPACITATION AND THE DETERRENT EFFECTS C. RACE, SENTENCING AND THE DEATH PENALTY D. THE COST OF LIFE WITHOUT PA

11、ROLE VS THE DEATH PENALTY E. DEATH PENALTY PROCEDURES F. CHRISTIANITY AND THE DEATH PENALTY A. THE RISK OF EXECUTING THE INNOCENT Great effort has been made in pretrial, trial, appeals, writ and clemency procedures to minimize the chance of an innocent being convicted, sentenced to death or executed

12、. Since 1973, legal protections have been so extraordinary that 37% of all death row cases have been overturned for due process reasons or commuted. Indeed, inmates are six times more likely to get off death row by appeals than by execution. (“Capital Punishment 1995, BJS, 1996). And, in fact, many

13、of those cases were overturned based on post conviction new laws, established by legislative or judicial decisions in other cases. Opponents claim that 69 innocent death row inmates have been released since 1973. (Innocence and the Death Penalty, Death Penalty Information Center, July, 1997). Just a

14、 casual review, using the DPICs own case descriptions, reveals that of 39 cases reviewed (Sec. A, B, & C, pg. 12-21), that the DPIC offers no evidence of innocence in 29, or 78%, of those cases. Incredibly, the DPIC reviews Recent Cases of Possible Mistaken Executions (p 23-24), wherein they list th

15、e cases of Roger Keith Coleman, Leonel Herrera, and Jesse Jacobs - 3 cases which helped solidify the anti-death penalty movements penchant for lack of full disclosure and/or fraud. For the fourth case, therein, that of Coleman Wayne Gray, the DPIC makes no effort to claim innocence. Furthermore, the

16、 DPIC and most opponents fail to review that the role of clemency and appeals in such cases is to judge the merits of death row inmates claims regarding innocence and/or additional trial error. Indeed, the release of those 69 inmates proves that such procedures worked precisely, and often generously, as intended. Also contrary to opponents claims, clemency is used generously to grant mercy to death row


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