Unit 6 Toys[4]

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《Unit 6 Toys[4]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6 Toys[4](5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Toys(Story) 板芙镇新联小学 曹泳琳 一、教材内容与教材分析:本课时是以Toys为单元主话题,是广东版四年级英语上册第6单元的story。主要讲述妈妈带着孩子们到玩具店选购玩具,孩子们却迟迟没有物色到自己喜欢的玩具,原来他想要的是他们好朋友Gogo的故事情节。本单元第2课时处理Story模块,教师创设课时小话题Christmas Day will come next month,our friend are at the shop.为故事课型。该故事简单易懂,但却富有涵义,老师抓住学生的心理特点,创设贴近学生生活、学生感兴趣的话题Christmas进行教学,充分激发了学

2、生已有的知识经验,丰富了教材的语言。本课时教师运用课件,搭建语言支架发展学生的语言能力;借助设问等教学设计发展学生整理归纳等思维能力;通过引导启发式教学和多样化的学习合作方法,让学生主动参与学习,发展会话能力。 二、教学目标与学情分析:1、 学情分析: 本节课的授课对象是小学四(2)班的学生,他们初步具备了通过读图预测故事的能力,能够用英语进行简单的表达,自主、合作、探究的能力也得到初步的培养。他们喜欢读英语故事,并且乐于表演故事。乐于参与与生活贴近的话题讨论。2、 教学目标:(一)知识目标(1)能借助插图和上下文,理解故事的主要内容,把握故事的主要信息。(2) 能够听懂并正确朗读故事人物的对

3、话。(3) 能够理解并掌握词汇及目标语言: 词汇:toy shop,long,him,want 目标语言:Do you want a .? Yes, please./No,I dont.Does she/he want a .? Yes,she does./No, she doesnt.What do you/they want? I/They want a .(二)能力目标(1)能够根据创设的情景及图片推断预测故事的情节。(2)能够体会故事中人物的情感情绪,并进行故事配音表演。(3)灵活运用所学词汇及句型进行相关话题的拓展。(三)思维能力目标 能够通过自主合作探究,提升思维的归纳整理能力以及

4、灵活性,举一反三。 三、教学重难点分析:1.教学重点(1)学生能在故事中理解并掌握词汇及目标语言: 词汇:toy shop,long,him,want 目标语言:Do you want a .? Yes, please./No,I dont.Does she/he want a .? Yes,she does./No, she doesnt.What do you/they want? I/They want a .(2) 能够体会故事中人物的情感情绪,并进行故事配音表演。 2.教学难点 学生能在图片等信息的帮助下灵活运用所学词汇及句型进行相关话题的拓展。四、 教具学具准备:课件、教学光盘 五

5、、教学过程:Step 1 Pre-story1. Listen to a song.2. Lead in the topic “Christmas Day will come next month.”3. Free talk: What can you get on Christmas Day? What do you want? Let students brainstorm in this part, then teacher asks: How about our friends? 【设计目的】通过歌曲We Wish You a Merry Christmas导入,激发发学生的学习兴趣。

6、创设圣诞的情景,贴近学生的生活,同时通过自由谈话激活学生思维,为后续的教学做铺垫。Step 2 While-story1. T: Christmas is coming. Mom takes the kids to the toy shop. What do they want?2. Picture 1:Show the picture of Jenny and Gogo. What does Jenny say? What The Fun Game is it? Let the students brainstorm.3. Picture 2: What does the salesman

7、say? Expend some new sentence structures according to the situation: Can I help you? We want to buy toys. Thank you. Let the students observe the picture and ask: Does he want a . .?4. Picture 3: What do the salesman and mom say? Expend some new sentence structures according to the situation: How ab

8、out the little girl? Let the students observe the picture and ask: Does she want a . .? Show the picture of Pinocchio.【设计目的】通过让学生观察图片,提取图片中的关键信息,预测故事中的人物、环境、情节以及语言。同时,根据故事的情景拓展日常在商店中的常用语,如“Can I help you?”等,丰富学生的语言支架。5. Picture 4-5: Show the picture of a computer game.T: What does mom say?Ss: Do you

9、 want a computer game?Listen to the radio. Then students answer.Show the picture of the salesman: What do they want?Let the students read the story and find out the answer.6. Picture 6 T: Do they want a toy bear? Ss: No, they dont. They want Gogo. T: Is Gogo a toy?Where does Gogo from?【设计目的】让学生通过归纳总

10、结,理解孩子们想要Gogo的故事情节。并且由教师引发学生思考“Gogo不是一个玩具,他来自哪里呢?”,帮助学生认识“外星人”的概念。7. Why do they want Gogo? Let students brainstorm.【设计目的】拓展学生思维及归纳总结能力,并对Gogo进行简单的人物评价。Step 3 Post-story1. Listen and repeat2. Dub the story3. ExtensionChristmas will come next month. What gifts do you want for your Christmas?【设计目的】通过故事朗读体会人物的心理情感,同时在配音当中领会故事大意。拓展部分的设计旨在引导学生运用本课时的语言支架在更多的相关话题中拓展,丰富语言知识和文化意识。HomeworkPlease draw your own Mind Map to tell your friends: What do you want on Christmas?六、板书设计


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