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1、盘点英国人最常说的10句套话1. At the end of the day 最终;总的来说Sure we missed our best player but at the end of the day, John, we just didnt play well enough to win the game.我们最好的选手不能上场,但是最终来说,还是因为我们发挥得不好,所以无法赢得比赛。2. Fairly unique 相当独特(这个短语属于过度修饰,语义不清)I am looking for a fairly unique piece of technology.我在寻找一种独特的技术。

2、3. I personally 我个人(这个短语属于同义重复)I personally dont like her.我不喜欢她。4. At this moment in time 此刻(这个短语也属于语义重复)Whats your favorite song right at this moment in time?此刻你最喜欢的歌是什么?5. With all due respect 恕我直言;冒昧的说;我并不想冒犯With all due respect, I think there are some facts you have not considered.恕我直言,我想你忽略了一些事

3、实。6. Absolutely 绝对It is absolutely impossible.绝对不可能。7. Its a nightmare 一场噩梦;太糟糕了For Publishing, Its a Nightmare Before Christmas.对于出版业来说,圣诞节前发生的事情就像一场噩梦。8. Shouldnt of 这个短语等于shouldnt have,意为“不应该”,从语法看,是不正确的,但是在口头表达中经常使用。I shouldnt of had the beer!我不该喝啤酒9. 24/7 不间断的;全天候的24/7 support is a critical part of our offer.一周7天,每天24小时的售后服务,是我们最重要的承诺。10. Its not rocket science 显而易见的;常见的;另一种说法是it doesnt take a rocket scientistWere talking basic common sense here - it isnt rocket science.


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