2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion练习 新人教版选修8

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion练习 新人教版选修8(时间:90分钟满分:110分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen I was growing up in the 1930s, the period of the Great Depression, I didnt think of our family as poor, even though we never seemed to have money. I lived on a small

2、farm in Pennsylvania with my parents, two elder sisters, and a younger brother. We had an old horse, a cow, a few pigs, some chickens, and a big garden. Food was not a problem. We had our own supply of milk, meat, eggs, fresh vegetables, and Mommas homemade bread.As a boy of nine, I had only a vague

3、 (模糊的) idea of what it meant to live during hard times. The weekly newspaper would carry pictures of people standing in line for bread, and the evening broadcast would tell about the huge number of jobless people and their hardships. But these reports referred to people in the cities, and we lived i

4、n the country. We never went to bed hungry, and we didnt stand in line for bread.Although my father was fortunate to have a job at the feed mill (饲料加工厂), eighteen dollars a week was only enough to pay the electric bill and to buy necessities. Momma earned a few dollars baking pies and bread.To make

5、nightclothes, Momma used the cotton bags in which the food for our chickens came. It wasnt until years later when my highschool class went on an overnight trip that I got my first storebought nightwear.When a piece of clothing was worn out, it wasnt thrown away. First, all the buttons were removed,

6、grouped by size and color, and put in cans or glass jars. Then the clothing was examined, and the best parts were saved for making rugs (地毯). Almost nothing in our house was thrown away.Although we tend to think of recycling as something fairly new, in the 1930s it was part of everyday life. “Waste

7、not, want not” was a familiar and often repeated phrase during those Depression years.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章讲述了经济大萧条时期作者一家人的生活状况。1The author didnt think of his family as poor in the 1930s mainly because _.A. they had much moneyB. they lived in a big cityC. they had enough foodD. they stood in line for bread答

8、案与解析C推理判断题。由第一段中的“Food was not a problem. We had our own supply of milk, meat, eggs, fresh vegetables, and Mommas homemade bread”可知,作者之所以认为家里不穷,主要是因为他家在乡下,生活上自给自足,有足够的食物。2When did the author have his first nightwear bought for him?A. On his ninth birthday.B. After his father found a job.C. The day b

9、efore he went to high school.D. Before an overnight trip in his high school.答案与解析D细节理解题。由第四段中的“It wasnt until years later when my highschool class went on an overnight trip that I got my first storebought nightwear”可知。3Paragraph 5 is mainly about _.A. how rugs were madeB. what they did with old clot

10、hesC. why nothing was thrown awayD. when to throw away a piece of clothing答案与解析B段落大意题。由第五段中的“First, all the buttons were removed . Then the clothing was examined .”可知,本段主要讲的是家里如何处理破衣服。4The author writes the text mainly to _.A. introduce his family membersB. pare life in the 1930s with life todayC. t

11、ell the difference between city life and country lifeD. describe his familys life during the Great Depression答案与解析D写作目的题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了作者一家人在经济大萧条时期的生活状况,故D项正确。BGoing green seems to be a fad (时尚) for a lot of people these days. Whether that is good or bad, we cant really say, but for the two of us,

12、going green is not a fad but a lifestyle.On April 22, 2011, we decided to go green every single day for an entire year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant challenging ourselves to go green beyond the easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think

13、of 365 different green things to do and this was no easy task.With the idea of going green every single day for a year, Our Green Year started. My wife and I decided to educate people about how they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done

14、to help the environment. We wanted to push the message that every little hit helps.Over the course of Our Green Year, we pletely changed our lifestyles. We now shop at organic (有机的) stores. We consume less meat,choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying what we dont need. We have given

15、away half of what we owned through websites.Our home is kept clean by vinegar and lemon juice, with no chemical cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the smell of homemade fresh bread. In our home office anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punished.Our minds have been changed by Our

16、Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others. We believe that we do have the power to change things and help our planet.语篇解读作者和妻子都是环保主义者,为了从自身做起,夫妻俩决定在一年中完成365件不同的环保事项。他们确实做到了,并打算将环保进行到底。5What might be the best title for the passage?A. Going GreenB. Protecting the PlanetC. Keeping OpenMindedD.


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