四年级英语上册-Unit-4-My-Home测试题1-人教PEP(DOC 4页)

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《四年级英语上册-Unit-4-My-Home测试题1-人教PEP(DOC 4页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册-Unit-4-My-Home测试题1-人教PEP(DOC 4页)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四单元测试姓名 班级 分数 一、你会用英语表达它们吗?你会写它们的中文意思吗?(12分)123456二、把下列单词填入正确的位置,一定要写得漂亮呀!(5分)door window desk chair bed三、把它们变得简单些!(5分)1.it is=_ 2.is not=_ 3.are not=_4.they are=_ 5.what is=_四、它们都少了点什么呢?把正确答案前面的符号画在括号里(10分)( )1.kit_ _en sh ch th( )2.bathr_ _m ee ea oo( )3.fi_ _ sh th ch( )4.f_ _dge ie ri ei( )5.s_

2、fa a u o( )6._ _one ph th bh( )7. she_ _ tf lf ff( )8.b_d e a i( )9. ta_le b d p( )10. stu_ _ dy by ly 五、帮它们找正确的位置。(12分)A. Set the table.B. Watch TV.C. Open the fridge.D.Answer the phone.E. Make the bedF. Sit on the sofa.六、当你遇到下列情况,你什么样怎么办?(20分)( )1.当你想知道对方是不是学生时,说:A.You are a student. B.Are you a s

3、tudent? C.Youre a student.OK?( )2.当你想让Mary摆放餐具时,说:A.Set the table. B.Look at the table. C.Its a table.( )3.当你想问这个是不是洗手间时,说: A.Is this a kitchen? B.Is this a bathroom? C.This is a bathroom.( )4.当你想知道客厅在哪里里,说:A.Is this a living room? B.Wheres the living room? C.How is the living room?( )5.当你想说书房好漂亮时,说

4、:A.Its so nice. B.The study is so nice. C.The study is too big.( )6.当你想问有多少间卧室时,说:A.How many bedrooms? B.How many beds?C.Wheres bedroom?( )7.当你想让Mike接电话时,说:A.Mike!Answer the phone,please. B.Mary!Its my phone. C.Mike!You have phone.( )8.当你想告诉别人你热爱你的家时,说:A.We love our home. B.I love my home. C.I like

5、the house.( )9.当你想说花园里有许多花时,说:A.The garden has some flowers. B.There is flowers in the garden. C.There are many flowers in the garden.( )10.当你想问眼镜在哪里时,说:A.Where is my glass? B.Where are my glass? C.Where are my glasses?七、它们错在哪?用“( )”画出来。(10分)1.Do this a living room?2.Are he a boy?3.Do you has a hous

6、e?4.Is this a bathroom?No,Im not.5.There are a study in the house.八、画出你的home的平面图,并用英语标出来。(6分)九、请你帮它们找出正确的位置。(10分)1. is my ,this,home_2.are,keys,Where, the_3.they ,not,near,are,phone,the_4.are,in,soor,the,they_5.Lets,our,glasses,change_十、你知道它们的英语怎么写吗?(10分)1.在铅笔盒里_2.在动物园里_3.在你的书包里_4.在盒子里_5.在书房里_答案:一、1

7、,bed 2,TV 3,sofa 4,table 5,fridge 6,shelf二、略三、1,its 2,isnt 3,arent 4,theyre 5,whats四、1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,五、F E B D C A 六、1,B 2,A 3,B 4,B 5,C 6,C 7,B 8,B 9,C 10,C七、1,(Do) 2,(ARE) 3,(Do) 4,(Im not) 5,(are)八、略九、1,This is my home.2,Where are the keys?3,They are not near the phone.4,They are in the door.5,Lets change our glasses.十、1,in the pencil-case2,in the zoo3,in your schoolbag4,in the box5,in the study4


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