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1、牛津译林版小升初选拔测试试题姓名 成绩/60、请找出以下划线部分读音不同的一项(1*5 )A()1. cake()2. about()3. pair()4. milkegg coat deer bike()5. hookwouldC rajn goat air side footDMay wi ndow share fly tool二、单项选择(1*15)()1. There iselephant in the zoo.elephant is from Africa.A. a; TheB.an; TheC. a; AnD.an; /()2. Madam, would you like to h

2、avecoffee?-No, thanks. I dont wantdrinks now.B. any; someD. some; anyas volun teer at weeke nds.A. any; anyC. some; some()3. My cousin with his parentsA. workC. worksB. is work ingD. will worksports.B. lets; playD. let; playi ngin the cin ema last Sun day. The film()4. My grandpa alwaysusA. let; pla

3、yC. lets; to play()5. My mother and father enjoyed _ brought them back to the happy college life.A. herselfB. himselfC. themselvesD. on eself6. Lily likes to have bread with jam for breakfastshe likes sweet food.A. ButB. becauseC. andD. so7. - Hi!Lucy?-Yes, this is Lucy speak ing.A. Are youB. Is thi

4、sC. Is itD. Is that8.WhatJane? -Shell write an e - mail to her pen friend .A. isdoingB. did doC. willdoD. are. do)9. -What are youto do today ?-Im goi ngTV .A. go ; to seeC. goingto watchD. going; watch10. There is a lot ofin spri ng thereB. to go; watchA. rainC. rainyB. rainsD. rai ning11. There ar

5、e twoon the table.A. knifeB. knivesC. kniveD. knifes12. The doctor ofte n tells himmore exercise.A. to takeB. tak ingC. takenD. take13.-will Nancy stay at home?-About three days.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How far)14. Therea teacher and some students in the classroom.A. isB. hasC. areD. hav

6、e()15.clever you are!B. HowD. How aA. What aC. What三完形填空(1*10 )Hello Im Tom . Im a middle school student . Its nice to meet you here . First, let me tell you (1)about my family . There are five people in my (2) . They are my mother,my father, my sister, my brother and me.My father is a worker. My mo

7、ther is an English teacher. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. rm fourteen . We (3) go to the same school We all enjoy ( 4)footballgames.My (5) is at West Street There is a big tree and some small trees (6) myhouse. The big one is a pear tree and the small ones are apple trees ,( 7) th

8、ere (8)any pears or apples on them now .( 9) a photo of my house . In the photo , you can seethree cats in my house. They are all black and white . We (10) them very much .(1) A . anythingB .someth ingC .thi ngD .anyone(2) A . schoolB .houseC .roomD .family(3) A . twoB .fiveC .threeD .six(4) A . see

9、ingB .look ing atC .watch ingD .look ing(5) A . bedroomB .schoolC .roomD .home(6) A . atB .inC .onD .arou nd(7) A . butB .andC .soD .or(8) A . is ntB .isC .areD .arent(9) A . HesB .HeresC .itsD .There are(10) A . are likingB .likesC .likeD .is lik ing四.阅读理解(2*10 )What is your favorite color? Do you

10、like yellow , orange and red? If you do, you must be an active person who enjoys life . Do you like black , grey or blue? Then maybe you are quiet and shy. This is what psychologists (心理学家) tell us, they are always studying the meaning of colorsThey tell us we are born(出生)ith our favorite colors For

11、 example i f you like brown , that means you loved it when you were a baby .Colors do in flue nee (影响)our feeli ngs A yellow room makes most people feel happy And a red sweater brings warmth to a win ter day . It is said people will work better in a blue rooms because blue is a quiet color . Black m

12、akes people feel sad . It is a fact that factory workers work bettef harder and have fewer accide nts 事故)whe n their mach ines are not pain ted black or grey.()1. How many colors are talked about in the passage? A. Five .B. Six .C. Seven.D. Eight .()2. What doesI am feeling black ” means?A. I meling

13、 well .B.I happy .C.I nexcited . D.I sad.()3. Marry likes makingfriendsanddoing sports, what color may she like?A. Blue .B.Grey .C.Black . D.Red.()4. When do people get to have their favorite color? A. When they grow up .B.When they are born .C. When they go to school .D.When they become parents .()

14、5. What does the sec ond paragraph mainly tell us? A. How to find your favorite colors .B. Colors can in flue nee how we feel .C. What psychologists usually tell us .D. How we can use colors in our school .George Aldrich works at NASA. But he is not an astronaut ( 宇航员).He is a “ chief sniffer (席嗅探官 )” .His job is to smell everything astronauts take into space. There are a few“chiefsniffers (首席嗅探官)” at NASA. They make sure that the Internationa



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