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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题This patients life could be saved only by a major operation. That would( )her to a high risk.问题1选项A.exposeB.leadC.contributeD.send【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项expose“暴露”,B项lead“导致”,C项contribute“贡献”,D项send“发送,寄”。上文讲到“只有大手术才能挽救这位病人的生命”,根据risk(风险)猜测空格处是表示“使病人面临”,四个选项中只有expos

2、e最符合句意。句意:只有大手术才能挽救这位病人的生命;那会让她面临很高的风险。因此,该题A项正确。2. 单选题The most important( )for assessment in this contest is originality of design.问题1选项A.thresholdB.partitionC.warrantD.criterion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项threshold“入口,门槛”,B项partition“划分,分开”,C项warrant“根据,证明”,D项criterion“标准,准则”。根据关键词assessment in this contest

3、(本次大赛评比)可推测,空格部分表示“评定标准”。句意:本次竞赛最重要的考核标准是设计的原创性。因此,该题选择D项正确。3. 翻译题Apart from flights, telephones and television, one of the most significant ways in which life in the twentieth century differs from antiquity is the pervasive presence of clocks. Our lives are scheduled around specific times and inter

4、vals in a fashion that would have been impossible in ancient Rome.When and how did this profound change come about? Did monasteries acquire the first clocks and then, in league with an emerging merchant class, enforce their own rigid time standards on the surrounding populace? This viewthe accepted

5、interpretation for at least 50 yearis carefully dissected and challenged in Dohrn-van Rossums revisionist account.【答案】除了飞机、电话和电视之外,二十世纪的生活与古代最重要的不同之处之一就是时钟的普遍使用。我们习惯于将生活细分到具体的时间点和事件单,这在古罗马是不可能出现的。这种深刻的变化是何时以及如何发生的?是修道院在获得了第一个时钟之后,联合新兴的商人阶级把他们严格的时间观念强加给普通大众的吗?在至少50年的时间里,这种观点被大众所认可并受到了Dohrn-van Rossum

6、的修正主义的仔细分析和挑战。4. 单选题The wages of manual laborers stay painfully low, meaning digitalization could drive an even deeper( )between the rich and poor.问题1选项A.boundaryB.differenceC.wedgeD.variation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A项boundary“边界,范围”,B项difference“差异,不同”,C项wedge“楔子,不和”,D项variation“变化,变异,变种”。句意:体力劳动者的工资维持在令人痛

7、苦的低水平,这意味着数字化可能会加深富人和穷人之间的隔阂。四个选项中,只有wedge的意思与句意相近;因此,该题C项正确。5. 单选题There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company.问题1选项A.on occasionB.at presentC.by nowD.for sure【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。at times表示“有时,偶尔”;A项on occasion“有时,偶尔”,B项at present“目前,现在”,C项by now“到目前为止”,D项for sure“确实,

8、毫无疑问”。句意:关于谁将接管公司,不时有一些猜测。根据句意可知,选择A项正确。6. 单选题This old man had trouble expressing the attachment he felt when arriving at his native town.问题1选项A.hospitalityB.affectionC.appealD.frustration【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。attachment表示“附件,依恋”;A项hospitality“好客,殷勤”,B项affection“喜爱,感情”,C项appeal“呼吁,恳求”,D项frustration“挫折”。句意

9、:这位老人难以表达他到达家乡时的依恋之情。根据句意可知B项正确。7. 单选题Despite tremendous achievements, formidable obstacles to development will persist.问题1选项A.difficult tB.sustainable tC.external tD.unpredictable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。formidable表示“强大的,可怕的”;A项difficult“困难的,艰难的”,B项sustainable“可以忍受的,足以支撑的”,C项external“外部的,外表的”,D项unpredictab

10、le“不可预知的,出乎意料的”。句意:尽管取得了巨大成就,但发展仍将面临巨大障碍。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。8. 单选题Top marathon runners tend to be lean and light, star swimmers are long thighs with huge feet and gold medal weightlifters are solid blocks of muscle with short arms and legs. So, does your physical shape-and the way your body works-fit y

11、ou for a particular sport? Or does your body develop a certain way because of your chosen sport?“Its about 55:45, genes to the environment,” says Mike Rennie, professor of clinical physiology at Britains University of Nottingham Medical School Rennie cites the case of identical twins from Germany, o

12、ne of whom was a long-distance athlete, the other a powerful sportsman, so, “They look quite different, despite being identical twins.”Someone whos 1.5 meters tall has little chance of becoming an elite basketball player. Still, being over two meters tall wont automatically push you to Olympic gold.

13、 “Unless you have tactical sense where needed, unless you have access to good equipment, medical care and the psychological conditions, and unless you are able to drive yourself through pain, all the physical strength will be in vain,” said Craig Sharp, professor of sports science at Britains Brunel

14、 University.Jonathan Robinson, an applied sports scientist at the University of Baths sports development department, in southwest England, points to the importance of technique. “In swimming only 5-10 per cent of the propelling force comes from the legs, so technique is vital.”Having the right physi

15、que for the right sport is a good starting point. Seventeen years ago, the Australian Institute of Sport started a national Talent Search Program, which searched schools for 14- l6-year-olds with the potential to be elite athletes. One of their first finds was Megan Still, world champion rower. In 1987, Still had never picked up an oar in her life. But she had almost the perfect physique for a rower. After intensive training, she won gold in womens rowing in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.Other countrie



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