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1、2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Many great inventions are initially greeted with ridicule and disbelief. The invention of the airplane was no exception. Although many people who heard about the first powered flight on December 17, 1903 were excited and impressed, others reacted with peals of

2、 laughter. The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive to some people. Such people called Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first flying machine, impulsive fools. Negative reactions, however, did not stop the Wrights. Impelled by their desire to succeed, they continued their experimen

3、ts in aviation.Orville and Wilbur Wright had always had a compelling interest in aeronautics and mechanics. As young boys they earned money by making and selling kites and mechanical toys. Later, they designed a newspaper-folding machine, built a printing press, and operated a bicycle-repair shop. I

4、n 1896, when they read about the death of Otto Lilienthal, the brothers interest in flight grew into a compulsion.Lilienthal, a pioneer in hang-gliding, had controlled his gliders by shifting his body in the desired direction. This idea was repellent to the Wright brothers, however, and they searche

5、d for more efficient methods to control the balance of airborne vehicles. In 1990 and 1901, the Wrights tested numerous gliders and developed control techniques. The brothers inability to obtain enough lift power for the gliders almost led them to abandon their efforts.After further study, the Wrigh

6、t brothers concluded that the published tables of air pressure on curved surfaces must be wrong. They set up a wind tunnel and began a series of experiments with model wings. Because of their efforts, the old tables were repealed in time and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on

7、 curved surfaces. This work, in turn, made it possible for the brothers to design a machine that would fly. In 1903 the Wrights built their first airplane, which cost less than $1,000.They even designed and built their own source of propulsion a lightweight gasoline engine. When they started the eng

8、ine on December 17, the airplane pulsated wildly before taking off. The plane managed to stay aloft for 12 seconds, however, and it flew 120 feet.By 1905, the Wrights had perfected the first airplane that could turn, circle, and remain airborne for half an hour at a time. Others had flown in balloon

9、s and hang gliders, but the Wright brothers were the first to build a full-size machine that could fly under its own power. As the contributors of one of the most outstanding engineering achievements in history, the Wright brothers are accurately called the fathers of aviation.1.The idea of flying a

10、n aircraft was ( )to some people.2.Some people thought that the Wright brothers had( ).3.The Wrights interest in flight grew into a( ) .4.Lilienthals idea about controlling airborne vehicles was( )the Wrights.5.The old tables were( )and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on curv

11、ed surfaces.问题1选项A.boringB.distastefulC.excitingD.needlessE.answer not available问题2选项A.acted without thinkingB.been negatively influencedC.been too cautiousD.been mistakenE.acted in a negative way问题3选项A.financial empireB.planC.need to actD.foolish thoughtE.answer not available问题4选项A.proven wrong byB

12、.opposite to the ideas ofC.disliked byD.accepted byE.improved by问题5选项A.destroyedB.invalidatedC.multipliedD.approvedE.not used【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段中“The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive to some people.”可知驾驶飞机的想法令一些人反感。因此B选项“使人不愉快的,令人反感的”符合题意。A选项“无聊的”;C选项“令人兴奋的”;D选项“

13、不必要的”:E选项“没有答案”。2.细节事实题。根据文章第一段中“Such people called Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first flying machine, impulsive fools.”这类人称最早的飞机发明人莱特兄弟是冲动的傻瓜,可知一些人认为莱特兄弟做事冲动,不经思考,因此A选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中“the brothers interest in flight grew into a compulsion.”莱特兄弟对飞行的兴趣发展成一种强迫行为,因此C选项符合题意。4.细节事实

14、题。根据文章第三段中“This idea was repellent to the Wright brothers”这种想法对莱特兄弟而言是令人反感的,可知这种想法不被莱特兄弟喜欢,因此C选项符合题意。5.细节事实题。根据文章第四段中“the old tables were repealed in time and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on curved surfaces.”旧表被及时废除,取而代之的是第一个可靠的曲面气压数据,因此B选项“使无效,失效”符合题意。2. 问答题Hurricanes, ho

15、use fires, cancer, white-water rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark archways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such an ordeal ultimately changes them for the better. Their opinion might be something like this: “I wish it hadnt happened, but Im a better person for it.”We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify(1)a psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster; there is a builtin human capacity t



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