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1、2023年北京市高职升本科英语试题Part IVocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A. , B. ,C. and D. then you should write the letter in the corresponding space

2、on the Answer Sheet.1. The new technique will _us to double our production.A. persuadeB. engageC. arrangeD. enable2.It was not until December 31 _we heard from him.A. whichB. whenC. thatD. then3.Theres someone knocking at the door. Who could _be?I have no idea.A. heB. itC. sheD. that4.He had _ all h

3、is goals for the organization, and felt there were no challenges left for him.A. achievedB. gotC. madeD. met5.At one time we had about eighty people here who did nothing but _into various family history.A. researchedB. researchC. researchingD. to research6._ harder,you would have passed this exam.A.

4、 If you have workedB. If you workedC. Were you to workD. Had you worked7.As soon as I entered the room, I could _ something had gone wrong with the old couple.A. senseB. smellC. touchD. watch8.Your hair needs _. Youd better have it done tomorrow.A. cutB. cuttingC. to cutD. being cut9. How _ will you

5、 be able to come back from you travel? In a couple of weeks, perhaps.A. fastB. longC. oftenD. soon10.There figures are base on the _ that the economy will continue to improve.A. preparationB. impressionC. foundationD. expectation11.When _ to dinner at the White Rose Restaurant, he seemed very happy

6、and accepted the invitation.A. invitedB. invitingC. to be invitedD. having invited12. Didnt you see what the naughty boy _ to our neighbors pet dog?A. doesB. has doneC. had doneD. would do13.There is a possibility that the factory may close _ economy turns better.A. ifB. unlessC. soD. when14.It has

7、not been raining for months. The plants _ want watering by now. A. couldB. mayC. mustD. should15.Miss Poole had no friends and seldom had visitors, _ the girls who came over occasionally for high tea.A. besidesB. despiteC. except forD. regardless ofPart IIReading ComprehensionDirections: There are 5

8、 reading passages in this part. After reading each passage, you will find some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A. , B. , C. and D. You should choose the most appropriate answer and write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer

9、 Sheet.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the following passage.The United States is a country of immigrants. After the Native Americans, all people have an immigrant past except African slaves and their descendants后代. The first immigrants were Europeans, and the arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607

10、. They arrived from Englandon a ship named the Mayflower to escape religious persecution迫害.The first European immigrants formed thirteen colonies殖民地under England. The thirteen colonies were not happy with the mother country, England. The colonies were paying taxes but did not have power. They decide

11、d to fight and won their independence. The new Americans wrote the Declaration of Independence. It said that all men were created equal, but it did not include Indians, African slaves or women. The colonies celebrated their independence from England on July 4, 1776. they became a new country, and Ge

12、orge Washington was the first president.In the 1700s, 1800s, and 1900s, many immigrants came to the United States from different countries. Everyone wanted jobs, freedom, education, and better opportunities. From the 1950s to 2003, many new immigrants came because of war, or for economic or politica

13、l reasons. Many of these people were Asian or Hispanic. The United States Census said that the total population reached 300 million in 2006. Some people think that these new immigrants contribute to the U. S. economy and help keep prices down. Some Americans think that the United States needs immigr

14、ants energy and positive attitude about working in low-level or difficult jobs. Other people disagree with this idea and think these immigrants take the jobs that the Americans need or want.16. According to the passage, who are the first immigrants in America?A. The African slaves.B. The Asian desce

15、ndents.C. The Englishmen.D. The native Americans.17.Why did the first thirteen colonies fight with their mother country?A. To stop paying taxes.B. To get more power.C. To set the African slaves free.D. To win their independence.18.Some people do not welcome the new immigrants because they _.A. make no contributions to the U. S.B. take the jobs the Americans



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