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1、Unit 1 How can we become good lear ners?语法一介词by的用法1. by意为 通过”其后常接名词或动词-ing形式。用来表示 以、通过、用(某 种方法或手段)”而达到某种预期的目的,常用来回答 how引导的特殊疑问 句。by doing sth意为“通过做某事”How does the boy improve his spoke n En glish?By talking with a foreigner.(1) How do you lear n En glish so well?chatt ing with my uncle in America on

2、 li ne.A. By B. With C. In DAnd(2)Jacks on studied Chin ese bytapes.A. liste ning B. to liste n C. liste ning to D. to liste ning to2. by+时间,意为 不迟于,在之前” I have to go to bed by tern clock.3. by+地点,意为 在旁” Jim sat down by the window.4. by+交通工具,意为 乘” go to school by bike.5. 由by构成的固定短语:by the way顺便说一下by

3、on eself独自=alo ne二.现在完成时的用法(一)用法:1. 表示过去发生的某一动作或状态对现在造成的影响或结果.常用的标志词有already( “已经” ,用于肯定句),yet( “还,已经”,用于否定句和疑问句 ),ever(“曾经”),never (“绝不,从不”),just (“冈H冈),before (“以前”),once (“一次”),twice (“两次”).I have already eaten the dinner.(说明我现在饱了)。I have already see n the film.(1)You don t need to describe her.

4、I her several times.A. meetB. will meet C. have met(2)Hi,guys.Where are you heading向行进)now?Home.Weall our mon ey,so we have to walk home now.A. spend B.spent C. have spent D.are spending(3) Have you ever see n him?A. ago B. two days ago C. before D. just now2. 表示过去发生的某一动作或状态,一直持续到现在。经常与时间状语fo叶时间段,si

5、nce+时寸间点或一般过去时从句 ,女口: for five minutes (5 分钟)since 1985 (自从 1985 年一直到现在).si nee he was five years old (自从他是 五岁的时候一直到现在)现在完成时的标志语还有so far “到目前为止”注意:此时谓语动词要用延续性动词,若是非延续性动词要变成延续性动词。leave-be away borrow-keep buy-have begin-be on die-be deadjoin-be a member of go/come-be_in open-be open become-beI have w

6、aited for you for three hours 我一直等你等了三个小时。He has bee n away for a mo nth.他已经离开一个月了。( has bee n away不 能用has left)Her brother has been a member of army for three years.(has been a member of army 不能用 has joined army)Han Mei has kept the book since last week.(has kept不能用 has borrowed(1) 1 my hometow n f

7、or a long timereally miss it.A. left B.went away from C. have left D.have been away from(2) How do you like your En glish teacher?He is great.We all love him.Wfrie nds since three years ago.A. were B.have made C. have been D.have become(3) A nn a,you Chin ese is goodhave you bee n in China?Si nee I

8、was ten.A.How long B.How far C. How ofte n D.How soo n(4) Has the movie beg un? Yes, itfor five mi nu tes.A. has beg unB. bega n C. has bee n on(二) 现在完成时的肯定句,否定句和疑问句的构成1. 现在完成时的肯定句的构成是 :主语+have/has砌词过去分词+其他.(have用 于各种人称,has用于第三人称单数)He has already posted the letter他已经寄了那圭寸信)2. 现在完成时的否定句的构成是 :主语+have/

9、has+not+动词过去分词 +其他.He hasnposted the letter yet他还没有寄那圭寸信(注意:否定句中要把 already 变成yet)3. 现在完成时的一般疑问句的构成是:Have/Has+主语+动词过去分词+其他.肯定回答是 Yes, 主语+have/has 否定回答是 No, 主语+havent/hasnHas he posted the letter yet? Yes,he has/No,he has(三) have/has gone to 与 have/has been to的区另1. have/has gone to意为 “已经去地方了 (还没回来,不在说

10、话人所在的地方)Where is Li Lei? He has gone to school.2. have/has bee n to意为“曾经去过地方(已回来)Where have you bee n?I have bee n to the library.(1) She isnat the ci nema now because shethe library.A.has been to B.have been to C.has gone to D.have gone to(2) 1 think the man over there must be Bob.Itbe him.He hasto

11、 Australia.A. can go neB.ca nt;bee n C. may no t;bee n D.must nt;g one(3) Have you ever bee n to Can ada?Yes,Ithere last year with my pare nts.A. have been B.have gone C. went D.go(4) Where is Jho n? Hethe supermarket.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has goneSection A1. ask for sth索要某物ask sb for sth

12、 “向某人索要某物”He asked his mother for some mon ey.(1) He always asks meadvice whatever he does.A. for B. onC. of(2) She wrote to her frie nd an in formatio n about computer program ming.A. asked for B. went for C. cared for D.paid for2. the way to do sth=the way of doing sth. “做某事的方法”3. 区分 watch,see,rea

13、d和 lookwatch强调看正在运动或变化的事物。多指看电视、录像、比赛、表演等。(2)see 用于看电影,We saw a won derful film yesterday.另外see侧重于结果,指“看见,看到” Can you see the bird in the tree?read意为“看”时,指“阅读;朗读”,后面接书、报纸、杂志等。He likes read ing storybooks.look强调“看”的过程,后面接宾语,则用look at.Look at the blackboard,please.Look! The boy is watchi ng the footba

14、ll game.His father is see ing a film,a nd his mother is read ing a n ewspaper.(1) Jim has many books.He likesthem very much.A.readingB.seeing CookingD.watching(2) ! Yao Ming is in the basketball game.Le it.A.Look;look B.Watch;watch C.Look;watch D.Watch;look4. have conv ersatio ns with sb. “ 和某人交谈”He

15、 had conv ersatio ns with his son yesterday.5. What about? =How about?意为“怎么样”或“好不好? ”接代_词宾格或动词-ing。I thi nk this is a good idea.What about you?What about visit ing the East Lake?We dorihave much homework this weeke nd.Ca n we go out together?OK.What abouta movie?A. to see B.seeing C. see D. sees6. aloud犬声地,出声地” read aloud朗读loudly大声地,吵闹地”,强调声音喧闹,不悦耳。The boys are talkingin the class and it makes the teacher un happy.A. aloud B. loudly C. louder D. loud7. 在英语中.可以用动词不定式形式表示目的.译为“为了”。We have t



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