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1、 Imperative Sentence(祈使句)教学设计李志梅专业班级高三十班课题Imperative Sentence课时One授课类型Grammar学情分析本课的授课对象是高三十班机电专业学生,以男生为主,仅有2名女同学,他们基础不牢,学习习惯、学习能力、学习态度或多或少都存在问题,缺乏自信,自我约束能力、纪律观念淡薄。缺少学习热情,语言组织能力不强,自主学习能力差。但是他们好奇心强,精力充沛,动手能力强。兼于此,我充分利用一体机进行辅助教学,采用游戏、小组讨论、演示、实践操作等方法来完成本堂课的学习。教材分析本节课选自英语分册中的语法句子种类之一(祈使句),这种句子无主语,用来表示命令

2、、请求、禁止等,有肯定和否定两种形式,通过自主探究、演示、观察、总结、拓展等学法指导,让学生把这一语言内容运用在具体的生活实际中。教学目标Knowledge: To master forms of imperative sentence.Ability: Be able to express their opinions with imperative sentence.Emotion & attitude: Enable the Ss to realize that they should keep the rules and study hard.教学重点Sum up the rules

3、of the imperative sentence.教学难点Make use of imperative sentence skillfully.教学方法Task-based teaching approach(任务型教学法)Discussion teaching approach(合作讨论法)Induction teaching approach(归纳法)Combining presentation with practice(讲练结合)学习方法Cooperation and communication(合作交流),Independent exploration(自主探究),bservat

4、ion,Summary教具准备PPT,the blackboard教学过程环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Greetings andLead-inGreet the whole class as usual. Listen and do the actions.Guide the students to sing an English song GreetingsActSing肢体语言和歌曲导入新课,活跃课堂气氛,让学生轻松愉快地进入学习。Learning aimsPresenta-tionPracticeInductionDiscussionTestHomeworkPresent learnin

5、g aims1.Forms 2.Usage 3.ExpressionsGuessing game:1.Turn left!2.Trun right!3.Walk on the zebra crossing!4.Dont smoke!/No smoking!5.Dont play football!Then the students draw the conclusion .祈使句的结构如下:肯定:(Please)+do sth. Do sth. , (please)否定:(Please)dont do sth. Dont do sth., (please)The students finish

6、 off the exercises.1. Match English with its Chinese.Come in. 出去Go out 不要吸烟Stop smoking. 进来2. Choose the best answer.1. Jim, _ me a hand. A. gives B. is giving C. will give D. give2. _ careful, Jenny! There is a tree in front of you. A. Am B. / C. Be D. WasThen the teacher summary the rules of the i

7、mperative sentence.使用祈使要仔细,请求、禁止或命令.主语是you 常省去,动原开头做谓语。否定形式请注意,句首加dont是规律。讲客气please用上去,句首句尾没关系。“No型”为警示,祈使句用法须牢记。朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。Present the slide1. Dont dance in the classroom.2. Dont eat in the classroom.3. Dont run in the hallways.4. Dont listen to music in the classroom.Do the exercises.Make som

8、e rules for yourself.eading GuessRead and observeSummaryPracticeUnderstand-ingeadingDiscussExpressResearchCooperation学生有目的的开展本节课的学习。通过观察,学生发现规律,自主探究,得出结论。讲练结合,巩固学习内容。给出祈使句的“秘笈”,学生更加全面地把握这种句子。根据图片,用所学句型表达意思,做到了学以致用。设置多样的题型和语言环境,检测学生是否达标。板书设 计Imperative sentence肯定: (Please)+do sth.Do sth., (please)否定: (Please)+dondo sth. Dont do sth,(please)教学反思


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