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1、牛津英语6A教案Unit 3 It was there 盐城市第一小学 季冬云第一课时教学目标:1.四会掌握单词 was , a moment ago.2.能听懂,会说,会读单词a camera, a CD Walkman, a roll of film, glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder3能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型Wheres your ? Its next to/in front of/on/in/between the It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you

2、 your ? Theyre next to/in front of/on/in/between the They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.教学重点:能基本了解一般过去时的构成及用法。教学过程:一. Everyday English:How are you?Pass the ball to Give the pen to Wheres Whats the score?What date is it today?二Presentation and practise:1. T: Today Su Hai and Su Yangs

3、cousin, Gao Yun is visiting them.Lets have a look.(多媒体展示情景)T: Whats this? Do you know?Learn : a handkerchief同理学习:a CD Walkman,a roll of film, a pair glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder, earphones, a diary2.T: Guess and say巩固这些词组。示图片反面让学生猜图上的单词。3T: Wheres my book? S: Its on the desk. T: (把书拿走)

4、It isnt there now. T: It was there a moment ago.示:It was there a moment ago.Learn: was a moment agowas为is的过去式用于过去时态的句子中。当句子表示的事情是发生在过去,该句就应用一般过去时。a moment ago 意思为刚刚,指过去,所以应用一般过去时,动词用过去式。4. 与学生问答。T: Wheres your rubber?S: Its in my pencil box.T:(拿走) It isnt there now.S: (提示学生回答) It was there a moment

5、ago.与学生反复操练几遍。5 Look and answer.1) 让学生同桌操练 P33 上的六幅图,然后两两问答,检查学生的掌握情况。2) 先师生问答操练复数句型,然后让学生同桌操练 P34 上的六幅图,并两两问答,检查学生的掌握情况。四Assignment:1. 能识别所学词组,并能流利朗读。2. 用书面形式完成C 部分的12幅图。3. 抄写四会单词。4. 预习A部分的对话。 第二课时教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:excited, a race. exciting, a pocket. take photos, look for, just now.2能听懂、会说和会读单

6、词和词组:yesterday,Sports Day, ground 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型It is the Sports Day. Let me see. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?4巩固句型Wheres your ? Its next to/in front of/on/in/between the It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you your ? Theyre next to/in front

7、 of/on/in/between the They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.教学重点:1 能正确理解和使用一般过去时态。教学过程:一Review:Wheres your ? Its next to/in front of/on/in/between the It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you your ? Theyre next to/in front of/on/in/between the They arent there now. Th

8、ey were there a moment ago.出示图片让学生进行问答。二Presentation and practise:1. 出示课文挂图。T: What are they doing?S: Theyre running.T: Yes, they are having a running race.Learn : raceT: The students are very excited.Learn: excitedT: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing?Lets listen to the tape.听课文第一段录音。学生回答问题。S: Su Ha

9、i is looking for her camera. Su Yang is helping her.讲解: look for意思为寻找。将之区别 find .2. 听课文第二段录音回答问题。T: What are the boys doing?S: Theyre running.T: Yes.Theyre having a running race. Its very exciting.Learn: exciting. 将之与excited 做比较。T: What does Su Hai want to do?S: She wants to take some photos.拼读 take

10、 some photos3看课件回答问题。T: Wheres Su Hais camera?S: Its in Su Hais bag.T: Lets see. Oh.Ss: It isnt there.T: Yes, it was there a moment ago.学生齐读这个句子。4.看课文第三部分动画录象,回答问题。T: Where are the films?S1: Theyre in Su Yangs pocket.S2: No. They were there a moment ago.They were there just now.学习just now意思为刚才。5. 跟录

11、音读对话。学生分角色朗读。6完成对话后的填空题。7划出四会单词:excited, a race. exciting, a pocket. take photos, look for, just now.拼读这些单词。划出词组: on the ground, pick up, in my pocket, Sports Day, a roll of film, a pair of glasses.再次朗读,了解意思。三 Assignment:1. 抄写四会单词,并默写。2抄写词组。教后感:为了使学生易于理解语言,本课设置了多媒体课件和实物情景教学,为学生创设语言环境,调动学生学习的积极性,提高课堂

12、教学效率第三课时教学目标:1 通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的词汇。2 能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3 熟练掌握介词 under, on, in front of, next,behind的意思及用法。教学重点:1.通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的公共标志类词汇。2.能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。教学过程:一Review:1. Where is/are your ?Its/Theyre next to/in front of/on/in/between the It isnt/They arent there n

13、ow. It was/They were there a moment ago.让学生用实物进行问答,复习新学的词汇与句型。2. 学生表演会话。3复习c部分的内容,学生相互问答。二Listen, tick and circle.1. 教师先引导学生通过看图说话描述一下图中所看到的物品。2. 让学生同桌讨论预测物品所在的位置。用Where is/are Its/Theyre 来相互问答。3 录音指导学生完成练习。4 讲解与分析题目。三Play a game.1. 教师做示范,说明游戏的做法与规则。2让学生分组进行游戏。四Assignment:1. 抄写本课的四会单词和句型并默写。2. 熟读课文对

14、话并试着背诵。教后感:让学生用实物做一做,说一说,手脑并用,复习巩固所学句型,并能有效理解过去时态中的时间顺序。 第四课时教学目标:1 通过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。2了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的读音。 2 会唱歌曲Wheres my diary? 教学重点:1 过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。2 了解字母组合ear和ere 在单词中的发音。教学过程:一Everyday English.What time is it?What does this sign mean?Where is /are ?What date is it today?二Review.1. 让学生模仿本课对话内容自编会话并表演。2. 复习句型:It was /They were there a moment ago. 同时复习课本B部分的内容。并完成练习册中11页上的内容。3. 复习课本 C部分内容,生生相互问答。三Sing a song:1. 学读歌词,注意生词:find, perhaps2. 学生听录音学唱。3. 学生齐唱,并请几个学生来表演唱。四Listen and repeat:1. 让学生读单词,了解ear和ere在单词中的读音。2. 齐读单词和句子。3. 练习:bear pear( ) there here ( ) dear bea


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