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1、国内外有限合伙协议的主要差别目录Limited Partnership Agreement - 有限合伙协议简单介绍2有限合伙协议基本框架结构图3Sample Limited Partnership Agreement (海外公司合伙协议模板)4国内合伙协议案例模板5国内外合伙协议的差别所在6出资额6LOANS 贷款7Management Authority and Powers 基金管理者权威与权力7Investment Polocy Guidelines11解散与清算12Advisory Board13国外融资文件所包含的主要条款与填写习惯14房地产项目融资资料清单17Limited Pa

2、rtnership Agreement - 有限合伙协议简单介绍私募股权投资基金的主要组织形式是有限合伙制,其中私人股权投资公司作为普通合伙人,基金整体作为有限合伙存在。基金主要从有限合伙人处募集款项,并由普通合伙人做出全部投资决策。基金在其存续周期中一般会做出15项到25项不同的投资,每项投资的金额一般不超过基金总金额的10%。普通合伙人报酬的主要来源是基金管理费,另外还包括业绩佣金。一般情况下,普通合伙人可获得基金总额2%到4%的年度管理佣金以及20%的基金利润。私人股权投资基金的投资回报率常超过20%,如从事杠杆收购或早起投资则回报率更高。国内外的有限合伙协议都详细列载了投资者(有限合伙

3、人)与基金管理方(普通合伙人)之间的一种具有法律约束力的纽带关系。合作伙伴同意有限合伙协议中所列举的商业条款,有限合伙人可能不会参与到有限合伙企业的管理中,如果它这样做了,它将会失去它所承担的有限责任。同时,有限合伙协议明确指明了每个合伙人的权利与义务,并寻求多个层次的掌控;不光涉及到关键商业问题(如投资策略,利润共享,开支等),也囊括了详细的行政问题。有限合伙协议基本框架结构图下图是关于合伙协议基本框架结构的一个简单介绍:Investors 投资者 Manager 基金管理者54321Limited Partnership 有限合伙企业Target Companies 目标公司General

4、 Partner普通合伙人从图中我们可以了解到有限合伙人(主要投资者)通过箭头1指示向有限合伙企业提供资本或贷款,来资助合伙企业对目标公司进行相应的投资活动(箭头2).作为回报,有限合伙人会得到应有的利益分配以及贷款的偿还(箭头4)。通常来说,管理费用可能会被归类为有限合伙企业利润的份额(通常被称为优先支付的利润份额)。Sample Limited Partnership Agreement (海外公司合伙协议模板)CONTENTS(目录)Clause (款项)1. Definitions (定义)2. Compliance with the Act, Name, Purpose, Comme

5、ncement and Duration, PrincipalPlace Of Business And Co-Investment (遵守法律的声明,公司名称,经营范围,业务地点等)3. Capital Contributions (出资额)4. Loans (贷款)5. Rights And Duties Of The Manager (基金管理者的权利与义务)6. Investment Policy Guidelines (投资政策指导方针)7. Allocation Of Liabilities, Profits And Losses (责任分配,利益与亏损)8. Distributi

6、ons 9. Assignment Of Interests (权益转让)10. Termination And Liquidation (终止与结算)11. Accounts, Reports And Auditors (会计,报告与审计)12. Meetings Of Limited Partners And The Advisory Board (有限合伙人与咨询委员会)13. ERISA Investors (ERISA的意思是美国雇员退休收入保障法)14. BHC Partners (阐述了符合条件的外资银行机构的要求)15. Miscellaneous (杂项补充)Schedule

7、 1 COMMITMENTS OF LIMITED (附表1,有限合伙人承诺)Schedule 2 INVESTMENT FOCUS (附表2,投资重点)国内合伙协议案例模板目录1定义2有限合伙企业3合伙人总认缴出资额及各合伙人认缴的出资额4普通合伙人5有限合伙人6新有限合伙人入伙7收益分配与亏损分担8会计及报告9合伙事务的执行10权益转让11解散和清算12不可抗力13争议解决14其他附件一:合伙人名称/姓名、住所、认缴出资额清单通过对比国内外这两种合伙协议的模板,我们可以看出二者总体框架所陈述的内容都是一致的,如果与国外资本有合作的情况,为了减少谈判中的阻力以方便对接,我们需要着重了解美国合

8、伙人协议中的如下几方面差异内容:Capital Contribution (出资额方面的差异);Loans (贷款); Management Authority and Powers (管理中的权利与权威);Investment Policy Guidelines ( 投资的政策性指导);Termination and Liquidation (解散与清算中的续约合伙关系);Advisory Board (咨询委员会)。国内外合伙协议的差别所在出资额 -(通过对比,差别不大)Increase in Capital 出资额的增加The Manager may, at one or more su

9、bsequent Closings, admit Additional Limited Partners to the Partnership after the date hereof up to the Final Closing Date (with the exception of the SPV which may be admitted at any time).有限合伙人募集成功后,将不再接受新的有限合伙人入伙。但是可能会在公布的最后截止日期之前,承认,吸纳新的有限合伙人。(特殊目的公司/机构除外,它可以在任何时候被接纳)The Manager shall procure tha

10、t the constitutional documents of each of the Partnerships regarding adjustments to be made on such Closings.基金管理公司将会敦促相应组织章程文件的落实以及适当修改。Where an Additional Limited Partner is admitted to the Partnership, such Partner shall be required to execute a form of application in such form as the Manager may

11、 require and such form of application shall be appended to this Agreement.当新的有限合伙人被吸纳到这种合作关系中,这些合伙人将会被要求执行相应的行为规范及申请表格因为基金管理公司会要求类似形式的行为,表格必须依附于合伙协议。Where an Additional Limited Partner is admitted to the Partnership, the amount of the Capital Contribution of the Special Limited Partner shall be incr

12、eased to reflect any resulting increase in the aggregate Capital Contributions of the Limited Partners in the Partnership, so that the Capital Contributions of the Special Limited Partner, shall always equal 20% of the total Capital Contributions of the Limited Partners and the Special Limited Partn

13、er.当新的有限合伙人入伙,总的出资额度将会提高来反应出合伙关系中他们对于总资本的贡献。因此这些特殊有限合伙人的出资额度应该始终等同于有限合伙人和特殊有限合伙人全部出资的20%。LOANS 贷款-(国内合伙协议中很少涉及到这一部分)General Partner 普通合伙人The General Partner shall not be required to advance any Loan to the Partnership.普通合伙人不会被要求对其所处的合伙关系提供任何形式的贷款。Limited Partners 有限合伙人The Loans to be made by each of

14、 the Limited Partners shall be advanced by each such Limited Partner as to 2.49% of its Commitment pursuant to a first Drawdown Notice issued on or around the Initial Closing Date for payment within twelve Business Days of the date of such notice。每一个有限合伙人向合伙关系中所提供的贷款所要注意的内容。Management-(主要差别在于更详细的界定了

15、基金管理者的职责,权利)Management Authority and Powers 基金管理者权威与权力Subject to the terms of this Agreement (and subject to the powers and duties of the Custodian as set out in the Custody and Administration Agreement), the Manager shall have full power and authority on behalf of the Partnership and with the power to bind the Partnership thereby and without prior consultation with any of the Limited Partners在遵守合伙协


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