
上传人:鲁** 文档编号:496293238 上传时间:2024-01-29 格式:DOCX 页数:1 大小:9.76KB
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1、附件2英文申请书撰写说明The joint projects should submit one common project descriDtion in English. In the joint project description, activities should be clearly described according to a timeline, and should be organized into work packages if appropriate. The project description should be structured as followe

2、d: Relevance for the Sino-Norwegian Collaborative Research Program andthe research areas stipulated in the call must be carefully addressed. Activities should be clearly described according to a timeline, andorganized into well-defined work packages with corresponding responsibilityMilestones should

3、 be identified that can be used to easily monitor theprogress of the project. Budget information should be detailed and clearly represented, includingin-kind and financial contributions by each partner. Management structure and partner roles/responsibilities must bedescribed. Research methodology sh

4、ould be described in detail as well astechnology transfer, if appropriate. Significance and benefits of the project results for stakeholders, theresearch field and society at large must be described. Capacities for implementing research findings in practice must bedescribed. Dissemination and commun

5、ication of research results to key decisionmakers, the public administration and the public at large is of particular importance. Grant applications must include a communication plan that describes concrete measures and activities targeted towards various user groups. Milestones should be identified that can be used to easily monitortheprogress of the project. Budget information should be detailed and clearly presented, and shouldbe specified in the project description. Management structure and partner roles must be described.



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