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1、实用文档学前教育专业发展规划 (2011-2015 )南京师范大学泰州学院教科院学前教育专业发展规划(2011-2015 )专业建设规划是专业建设的依据 ,是有计划开展各项工作的指导性文件。根据学院总体要求 ,结合教育科学与技术学院整体发展规划和学前教育专业建设的实际情况 ,学院本着培养高素质幼儿园教师的教育目标,特制定 2011 2015 年学前教育专业建设规划 。一、专业现状和存在问题分析学前教育专业主要培养具有专业知识和技能 ,胜任托幼机构教育教学工作,具有现代教育观念并能从事学前教育科研及管理的高级专门人才。学前教育专业自 2005 年开设以来已培养了09、10 二届毕业生 ,共 12

2、6 人,毕业率均为 100% ,计算机通过率达均达到 100% ,学位授予率分别为 : 86.36% 、89.99% ,就业率分别为 87.76% 、100%, 就业学生普遍受到用人单位认可 。该专业的师资队伍主要由本院教师和外聘教师构成,共 20 余人,本院教师中有一人是博士毕业生,其他人均是研究生毕业,外聘教师主要为副教授和教授 。在教学管理方面建立了健全的管理制度,制定了学前教育专业实习管理制度、毕业论文设计管理制度、考试管理制度等。成立了学前教育专业教研室,加大科研力度 ,深层次拓展学科建设。在课程与教材建设方面不断增强专业的应用性,一方面,大胆删文案大全thrift of excel

3、lent traditional and style lack deep of understandi ng, one-sided t hink in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast developme nt, and reform made majorprogress, andpeople livingsignificantly improve, and social the care er madenew progress,no necessaryalways hard has,no awareness to Chi

4、 na also has many poverty area, and al so has manypoverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictlyhonest.otal thoughtunits is a water sector, cle an self-discipline away fromhimself too far, no real proce ssing goodliving of improve and hard,

5、 and thrift excellent traditionalofrelationship, no effective do comply withConstitution a nd party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitterLe, a nd wealth of relationship, no right awareness to incomplywith Constitution and partyof regulations aspects everyone has accountability

6、. Four, futuredirecti on and impr ovement measures 1,belief a nd faith,strengthen party spirit.One is to firmly establish the nobleideal s of struggle for the ideals of communism,communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to conti nuously im pr

7、ove the quality and standardof political,conscientiouslystudy DengXi aoping the ory and three represents important thought and the scientificOutlookon development, implement the partysbasic pr ogram for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to thecorre ct political orientation, maintain highly cons

8、istent with theCPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to ana lyze and solve problems.Third, strengt hening theparty spirit and the world tra nsformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, reliveParty vows to establishcorre ct world Outlook,Outlook

9、on life and theworl d, praparticipate in the great practiceof buil ding socialism withChi nese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mi nd that the purpose of serving, adhere to a ssuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care abo

10、ut people, and the joys and sorrowsof the masses, .According to citydiscipline, and municipal organizationDepartme nt requirements, today we held implement implementation independent Commission against corrupti on guidelines effective strengtheni ng ledcadres style construction topic democratic life

11、, main task is cl ose contact thought, and work act ual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corr uption guidelines Shang existsof problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direc

12、tion and measures, effective enhanced cleanpolitics of consciousness and i nitiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys soli cited a vie ws, combed, related to team building减与各个专业联系性较弱而理论性较强的课程 ,增加一些专业性 、应用性、实践性较强的新课程 ;另一方面 ,继续加强本院专业教学中的应用性内容 ,同时坚持教学活动与实践活动相结

13、合 ,建立健全见习与实习制度 ,提高学生理论联系实践的能力 。针对学前专业的实习需求,我院逐步建成了一批稳定的教育见习 、实习基地 ,包括泰州市城东中心小学附属幼儿园 、泰州市艺术幼儿园 、泰州市海光儿教中心 、泰州市伟才幼儿园 、泰州市希朗幼儿园 、泰州市明珠幼儿园 、泰兴市实验幼儿园 ,每年可接纳实习生 105 余名 。校内建有专用的钢琴房 、舞蹈房、手工实训室 、音乐排演厅 、奥尔夫音乐教室 、蒙台梭利教室以及多媒体实验室和微格教室 ,保证每个学生有足够的资源来提高专业技能。近几年学前专业的办学规模不断扩大 ,除普招学生外 ,还招有专转本学生 ,且人数逐年增多 ,生源由江苏省遍布全国 ,

14、学生就业情况良好 。二、专业建设的指导思想以邓小平教育理论为指导,进一步转变教育思想观念,树立新世纪高等教育的人才观 、质量观和教育观 ,以大力强化人才培养的市场意识、创新意识和质量意识为先导,以尊重学生个性 ,充分发掘学生潜能为基础 ,以培养适应新世纪社会主义现代化建设和学前教育发展需要,具有高尚的思想品德与职业道德 ,具有创新精神 、创业精神 、创新能力、实践能力 ,能活跃于信息时代 、市场经济竞争环境和终身服务社会的高素质人才为宗旨 ,深入开展人才培养规格 、培养模式 、课程体系和教学内容改革的研究 ,切实加强教学基本建设 、师资队伍建roject work, cadres, cadre s selection and ot her aspectsof a total of 19, further defined the dire ction of rectification,enhancing the pertinence and effectiven


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