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1、2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题The drop in the price of Brent crude from a high of more than $115 a barrel in June to less than A$60 earlier this month has put extra money into consumers pockets and boosted B Cfuel-intensive businesses, while cutting oil companies revenues and stoking f

2、inancial crises in Doil-producing countries including Russia and Venezuela.【答案】试题答案:C; consumers【解析】考查名词所有格。根据语义可知此处的消费者不止一个,以s结尾的复数名词的所有格直接加“ ”,consumers意为“消费者的”。2. 填空题Any parent with a child( )the ages of 3 and 11 can tell you( )technology has crept into nearly( ) aspects of playtime and nearly ev

3、ery type of toy. The Hyper Dash, introduced recently from Wild Planet, is a( ) in point. Its the perfect blend of technology, learning and exercise, says an educational psychologist. Wild Planet has( )unveiled a younger version of Hyper Dash, for kids 3 to 5,( )Animal Scramble, which is due( ) store

4、s in September. In( ) , the firm will soon release Hyper Jump. “Play and technology are( ) ,” says Claire Green of the nonprofit Parents Choice Foundation, theres( )putting the genie back in the bottle.【答案】考查介词搭配。根据空格后的“the ages of 3 and 11”可知此处是表示年龄在3岁到11岁之间,故填between(在之间)。试题答案:between考查关系代词。连接词tha

5、t引导宾语从句在句中无词义,不充当句子成分。试题答案:that考查不定代词。根据“nearly every type of toy(几乎所有类型的玩具)”可知前面表示的是“全面,各个方面”,故填all。试题答案:all考查固定搭配。a case in point表示“一个恰当的例子”,此处表示“Hyper Dash玩具就是一个恰当的例子”。试题答案:case考查时态。根据空格前 has 与空格后 unveiled a younger version of Hyper Dash 可知此处使用的现在完成吋态,already一般用于现在完成时态中。试题答案:already考查上下文语义。此处表示公布

6、的这款玩具被叫作Animal Scramble。试题答案:called考查介词搭配。根据空格前due(预期到达的)与空格后stores可退出此处表示“预期到达商店”,故填in。试题答案:in考查固定搭配。in addition意为“另外”。试题答案:addition考查上下文语义。根据前文中的Its the perfect blend of technology, learning and exercise(它是技术、学习和锻炼的完美融合)可推测此时表示“游戏和技术被融合在一起”,用blended的被动形式。试题答案:blended考查固定句型。theres no doing意为“不能,无法”

7、。根据第19题的分析“游戏和技术被融合在一起”和空格后“putting the genie back in the bottle(将精灵放回到瓶子里)”可推测“游戏和技术被融合在一起,(我们) 不可能将精灵放回到瓶子里”,故填no,来表示否定。试题答案:no3. 填空题The(1 )over Davos were said(2) have darkened last week as 1,700 private jets delivered the worlds elite to its annual convention. You can picture(3 ) moment: a sheph

8、erds child on an Alpine mountain pointing(4) one, then two, then a vast(5) of hawk-like aircraft materializing with their consignment of power brokers, roaring overhead as the sheep scatter in(6) .(7) is awesome scene of inequality. The(8) reported figure of 1,700 jets is a fantasy.Financial journal

9、ist Felix Salmon has done the legwork and estimated the actual(9) to be about 200. So(10) was the inflated figure so eagerly believed?The answer(11) in the powerful hold of private jet travel(12)the popular imagination. It is the ultimate symbol of wealth, more(13) than mansions or limousines or the

10、humble helicopter. It provokes resentment; yet it is also glamorous and exciting. Private(14)excite the non-private jet-flying classes even(15) offending them. The result is a combustible combination of moral ism and desire.In Sweden outrage runs high(16) the misuse of corporate jets by directors of

11、(17) conglomerate, Industrivarden. Families were flown(18) trips abroad; a plane was sent to Stockholm(19)an absent-minded industrialist forgot his wallet. The result is one of the biggest(20) scandals in Swedish history.【答案】1.考查上下文语义。根据谓语动词were可知前面的主语为复数形式,及后面的have darkened(变暗)和private jets(私人飞机)可知

12、此处表示达沃斯上面的天空,填skies。试题答案:skies2.考查介词搭配。be said to意为“据说”。试题答案:to3.考查冠词。the可以表示特指,the moment表示特指这个时候。试题答案:the4.考查介词搭配。point at意为“指向”,一般表示指向较远的事物、方向。试题答案:at5.考查上下文语义。一大群像鹰一样的飞机,a fleet of aircraft意为“一对飞机”。试题答案:fleet6.考查上下文语义。此处表示羊群被飞机轰鸣的声音吓得散开,in panic意为“惊慌,恐慌”。试题答案:panic7.考查there be句型。there be句型表示“某处存

13、在某物或某人”。试题答案:There8.考查上下文语义。reported figure意为“报道的数量”,根据句意此处表示有许多的报道,figure为单数形式,故用much来修饰。试题答案:much9.考查上下文语义。根据前面的estimated(估计)和后面的数据200可知此处表示总数,total to意为“总计”。试题答案:total10.考查上下文语义。根据句末的“?”和下一段句首的the answer(答案)可知此处疑问词应用why(为什么)。试题答案:Why11.考查固定搭配。根据answer及后面所解释的原因,此处表达答案在于lies in意为“在于”。试题答案:lies12.考查

14、介词搭配。此处表示“符合大众的想象”,on作介词时,可意为“靠,凭借”。试题答案:on13.考查固定搭配。more so than意为“与相比更为”,此句意为:它是财富的终极象征,远远超过了豪宅、豪华轿车或小型直升机。试题答案:so14.考查上下文语义。文中多次出现private jet(私人飞机),此处后面的谓语动词用的是复数形式,因此jet要用其复数形式jets。试题答案:jets15.考查连词。此处表示“即使当在冒犯他们的时候”,while意为“在期间”,表示伴随时间状语。试题答案:while16.考查介词搭配。表示在某事上,用介词at。试题答案:at17.考查冠词。此处表示特指,用定冠词the。试题答案:the18.考查介词搭配。on trips意为“旅行”。试题答案:on19.考查连词。此处为时间状语从句,表示的是时间点,用连词when(在时候)。试题答案:when20.考查上下文语义。根据前面的corporate(企业的)和industrialist(工业家,实业家)可知此处表示的是“企业丑闻”,故填corporate。试题答案:corporate4. 翻译题Translate the following passage from


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