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1、中考英语结尾的4种方法一般情况下,记叙文和说明文经常采用自然结尾的方法;但夹叙夹议和发表观点类的文章则往往有结束语,以使文章首尾呼应,结构完整。文章结尾的形式也因文章类别和开头的风格而灵活多变。1. 自然结尾,点明主题随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy.再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)” 的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree

2、, the tortoise had already been there。2. 首尾呼应,升华主题在文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it.3. 反问结尾,引起深思这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起他人的深思。如 “Learning English can give us a lot of pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we l

3、earn English well, we can Dont you think learning English is great fun?4. 表达祝愿,阐述愿望这种方式的结尾常出现在书信或演讲稿的文体中,表示对他人的祝福或对将来的展望等。如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers life will be better and better.另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Best wishes;I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year;I wi

4、sh you have a good time等。2010年中考英语语法难点汇总介词I. 要点1、介词和种类(1) 简单介词,常用的有 at, in, on, about, across, before, beside, for , to, without 等。(2) 复合介词,如 by means of, along with, because of, in front of, instead of 等。2、介词和其他词类的习惯搭配关系(1) 和动词的搭配,如 agree with, ask for, belong to, break away from, care about 等。(2)

5、和形容词的搭配,如 afraid of, angry with, different from, good at 等。(3) 和名词的搭配,如 answer to , key to, reason for, cause of, visit to 等。3、介词短语可以有自己的修饰语,这种修饰语通常有 right, just, badly, all, well, directly, completely 等少数几个副词。如:He came right after dinner.He lives directly opposite the school.4、 某些介词的意义与用法举例(1) at,

6、on, in (表时间)表示时间点用 at,如 at four oclock, at midnight 等;表示不确定的时间或短期假日也用 at,如 at that time, at Christmas 等。指某天用 on, 如 on Monday, on the end of November, 指某天的朝夕用 on,如on Friday morning, on the afternoon of September lst 等。指长于或短于一天的时段用 in,如 in the afternoon, in February, in Summer, in 1999 等。(2) between,

7、among (表位置)between 仅用于二者之间,但说三者或三者以上中的每两个之间的相互关系时,也用 between, 如Im sitting between Tom and Alice.The village lies between three hills.among 用于三者或三者以上之间。如:He is the best among the students.(3) beside, besidesbeside 意为在旁边,而 besides 意为除之外。如:He sat beside me.What do you want besides this?(4) in the tree,

8、 on the treein the tree 指动物或人在树上,而 on the tree 指果实、树叶长在树上(5) on the way, in the way, by the way, in this wayon the way 指在路上 in the way 指挡道by the way 指顺便问一句 in this way 用这样的方法(6) in the corner, at the cornerin the corner 指在拐角内 at the corner 指在拐角外(7) in the morning, on the morningin the morning 是一般说法

9、on the morning 特指某一天的早晨(8) by bus, on the busby bus 是一般说法 on the bus 特指乘某一辆车II. 例题例1. Do you know any other foreign language _ English?A. except B. but C. beside D. besides解析:A、B两项 except 等于but,意为除了,C-beside 意为在旁边,不符合题意。而D-besides, 意为除了之外,还有。所以该题正确答案为D。该题意为:除了英语外,你还知道别的语言吗?例2. He suddenly returned _

10、 a rainy night.A. on B. at C. in D. during解析:我们均知道,at night 这一短语,但如果night前有修饰词,表具体的夜晚,则要用介词 on 来修饰,故该题正确答案为A。例3. Im looking forward _ your letter.A. to B. in C. at D. on解析:该题正确答案为A。look forward to 为固定搭配,意为期望、盼望。连词I. 要点1、 连词的种类(1) 并列连词用来连接并列关系的词、短语或分句,如 and, for, or, both and, either or, neither nor

11、等。(2) 从属连词用来引导从句,如 that, if, whether, when, after, as soon as 等。除了从属连词(引导状语从句)外,还有其它可以用来引导从句的词类。它们是连接代词和连接副词(引导名词性从句),关系代词和关系副词(引导定语从句)。2、 常用连词举例(1) and 和,并且They drank and sang all night.(2) both and 和, 既也Both my parents and I went there.(3) but 但是,而Im sad, but he is happy.(4) either or 或或, 要么要么Eith

12、er youre wrong, or I am.(5) for 因为I asked him to stay, for I had something to tell him.(6) however 然而,可是Af first, he didnt want to go there. Later, however, he decided to go.(7) neither nor 既不也不Neither my parents nor my aunt agrees with you.(8) not only but (also) 不但而且He not only sings well, but als

13、o dances well.(9) or 或者,否则Hurry up, or youll be late.Are you a worker or a doctor?(10) so 因此,所以Its getting late, so I must go.(11) although 虽然Although it was late, they went on working.(12) as soon as 一就Ill tell him as soon as I see him.(13) because 因为He didnt go to school, because he was ill.(14) u

14、nless 除非,如果不I wont go unless it is fine tomorrow.(15) until 直到He didnt leave until eleven. (瞬间动词用于 not until 结构)He stayed there until eleven.(16) while 当时候,而 (表示对比)While I stayed there, I met a friend of mine. (while 后不可用瞬间动词)My pen is red while his is blue.(17) for 因为He was ill, for he didnt come.

15、(结论是推断出来的)(18)s ince 自从I have lived here since my uncle left.(19) hardly when 一 就I had hardly got to the station when the train left.(20) as far as 就 来说As far as I know, that country is very small.You may walk as far as the lake. (一直走到湖那里)II. 例题例1. John plays football _, if not better than, David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as解析:该题意为:John 踢足球如果不比 David 好的话,那也踢得和 David 一样好。 和一样好为 as well as. 故该题正确答案为B.例2. She thought I was talking about her da


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