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1、08 年口译试题Task 1联想集团总裁关于更换品牌标识的讲话The speech of the president of Lenovo Group on the Change of Brand Logo1. 今天是一个值得联想人永远铭记的日子。Today will always be remembered by all the staff of Lenovo.Today will be engraved on the heart and memory of every member of Lenovo.Today is a day that every Lenovo member will

2、bear in mind forever. 此事值得铭记。It is worthy to be remembered.20世纪的历史教训值得铭记,维护和发展和平友好的国际环境是人类共同的责任。 Historical lessons of the 20th century should never be forgotten. To maintain and develop an international surrounding with peace and friendship is the responsibility of all the human beings. 铭记在心。Bear t

3、his in mind. 那个事件铭记在我的记忆里。The event was imprinted on my memory. 他的忠言被铭记在我的心头。His advice was graven on my mind, 她父亲的话铭记在她记忆中。Her fathers words were inscribed in her memory 她对自己所负的责任铭记在心。She is mindful of her responsibilities.2. 我非常高兴和大家一起见证联想品牌新标识的诞生。I m very happy to witness the birth of the new bra

4、nd logo of our product with everyone here.仅仅在短短几年间,我们一起见证了后工业社会的开始,信息时代的到来,计算机化的热潮,生 物科技的诞生,还有同样重要的人际关系革命。ust a few short years, we have witnessed the dawn of postindustrial society, the advent of the information age, the rush to computerization, the birth of biotechnology, and not the least of thes

5、e changes, the human-relations revolution.3. 从1990年到2000年的第二个阶段里,我们成功地创立并打响了联想自主产品这个品牌。During the second phase/stage from 1990 to 2000, we have successfully created the sef-developed product- Lenovo brand, and win initial success.“打响”即“初见成效”win initial success4. 国际化是我们下一步战略规划的重点。 To internationalize

6、 our brand and products is the focus of our next strategic planning.作为政府,要制定战略规划,完善政策立法,充分保护本地的文化资源,涵养文化人才。As a government, it should work out the strategic plan, perfect the legislation and fully protects the local cultural resources and fosters the cultural talents 我们工作的重点是提高经济效益。The focal point o

7、f our work is to increase economic efficiency. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点。The Government gave (top)priority to reforming the legal system这一阶段的重点是孤立伊拉克在科威特和伊拉克南部的军队。The emphasis was to isolate the Iraqi troops in Kuwait and southern Iraq.5. 为未来公司业务拓展做好先行部署是我们更换品牌标识的直接原因。The direct/immediate cause/ reason for our

8、 change of brand name is to make preparations/plans beforehand for the future development /expansion of our business. 利益冲突是直接原因 clashing of interests is the direct cause 造成死亡的直接原因不明 The immediate cause of death is unknown.6. 2001年开始,我们将“高科技的、服务的、国际化的联想”明确定为公司未来目标。Staring from 2001, our company has d

9、efined clearly that our future target is to become a“high-tech, service-oriented and international Legend.Since 2001, becoming “a technology-driven, service-oriented, and international Lenovo” has become our objective for the future business. 联想正在向“ 高科技的联想、服务的联想、国际化的联想”全速挺进!Now Lenovo is realizing i

10、ts aspiration of becoming “a technology driven, service oriented, and international Lenovo品牌的洋名一中国品牌国际化的起点Foreign Versionofthe Brand Starting PointoftheInternationalizationof Chinese Brand 只有学好英语这门国际化的语言,才能让我们走向国际化的世界。Only if we studied English such an international language well, then we can go int

11、o the internationalized world.7. 我们需要思考如何进一步清晰并发展联想的品牌内涵,使它更好地与我们公司战略相结合。We should think/consider how to further clarify and develop the essence of the brand Lenovo, so that it can be more closely integrated with our companys strategies.8. 尊敬的各位朋友,过去我们不畏艰辛打造了联想LEGEND,为我们留下了无数美好的记忆和辉煌。Distinguished f

12、riends, in the past although we met/overcame many difficulties and hardships, we have successfully established the Brand LEGEND, which brought us numerous/countless sweet memories and glory. 国际水准的现代化生产线,再加上先进的技术和精湛的工艺,这些就打造了一个享誉全球的知名 品牌。-The world-level modern production line and its advanced and su

13、perb technologies make Tsingtao one of the worlds famous brands. 我预料我的事业会取得辉煌的成功。I expect brilliant success in my career.9. 今天,新标识联想LENOVO即将启航,它寄托着我们在21世纪的巍巍宏图。Today we will put forth the new English brand LENOVO with our aspiration and ambition for the 21st century. Today the new English brand LENO

14、VO will set sail with our aspiration and ambition for the 21st century10. 品牌标识的更换,将是本公司发展历史上一个具有战略意义的里程碑。The change/replacement of our brand logo will be a milestone of strategic significance in the development history of our company.11. 从1984年公司创立到1990年,第一代员工用诚信和实实在在的行动为我们品牌建设打下了坚实的基 础。From the fou

15、nding of our company in 1984 to 1990, the first generation of our employees/staff members, with their honesty/integrity and hard work , have laid a solid foundation for the establishment of our brand.12. 然而,要国际化,首先需要一个可以在世界上畅通无阻,受人喜爱的英文标识,但我们一直沿用的 LEGEND这个英文标识在很多国家已经被注册。However, the internationaliza

16、tion of our company firstly calls for an English logo that can be easily recognized and well accepted throughout the world. LEGEND,the English logo we have been using all the time, has been registered in many countries.13. 同时,通过更换品牌标识来进一步梳理并明确我们的品牌内涵,也是我们公司发展的必然要求。 Meanwhile, to further clarify and identify the essence of our brand by the c


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