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1、潘基文2013年国际家庭日致辞爱思英语编者按:1989年12月8日,第44届联合国大会通过一项决议,宣布1994年为国际家庭年,1993年纽约特别会议提出从1994年起每年5月15日定为国际家庭日(International Day of Families),以此提高各国政府决定和公众对于家庭问题的认识,促进家庭的和睦、幸福和进步。Secretary-Generals Message on International Day of Families秘书长国际家庭日致辞15 May 20132013年5月15日Families hold societies together, and inter

2、generational relationships extend this legacy over time. This years International Day of Families is an occasion to celebrate connections among all members of the constellation that makes up a family. It is also an opportunity to reflect on how they are affected by social and economic trends and wha

3、t we can do to strengthen families in response.家庭维系着各个社会;随着时间的推移,代际间关系延续着这一传统。今年的国际家庭日是一次赞美所有家庭成员之间纽带的机会。它也是一次反省的机会,用以思考这些纽带是如何受社会和经济趋势影响的,以及我们能够采取什么应对行动来巩固各个家庭。Unemployment is forcing many young people, often eager for independence, to rely on their parents longer than they would have hoped. The la

4、ck of affordable and quality childcare is complicating efforts by parents in dual-earner families to combine their work and home obligations. Inadequate pensions and care for older persons demands more attention as we succeed in our goal of extending lives.失业迫使许多往往渴望独立的年轻人对父母依赖的时间长于他们本来的希望。缺乏负担得起的优质

5、托儿服务,使双职工家庭父母兼顾工作和家庭义务的努力难上加难。养恤金和对老年人照料的不足,要求我们在成功取得延长生命的目标的同时,对此加以更多的关注。These challenges make family support more important than ever for the young person seeking a job while living with their parents, for the grandparent who relies on their children for shelter and care, and for the many members

6、of extended families who take on childcare responsibilities.这些挑战使得家庭支助对如下者比以往任何时候都更为重要:虽与父母住一起但却在寻找工作的年轻人、依靠子女提供住所和关照的祖父母、扩大家庭中许多承担照顾孩子责任的成员。Around the world, family members are doing their part. They deserve support from policy-makers and decision-makers, from public institutions and private busine

7、sses.世界各地的家庭成员都在做着自己的份内之事。他们理应得到政策制定者和决策者、公共机构和私营企业的支持。There is a growing recognition around the world that we need to strengthen policies promoting intergenerational solidarity and support intergenerational programmes and initiatives. Evidence shows that adequate pensions and caregiver support help

8、 not only older persons but whole families. Intergenerational programmes promoting volunteering among the young and old benefit all generations. Opportunities for people of all ages to bond revitalize whole communities.在全世界存在着一种日益强烈的认识,即我们需要加强促进代际间团结的政策并支持代际间方案和举措。证据显示,足够的养恤金和照顾者的支助,不仅可帮助老年人,而且有益于整个

9、家庭。推动年轻人和老年人之间志愿行动的代际间方案,使各代人受益。让所有年龄段者建立纽带的机会,也可振兴整个社区。Intergenerational initiatives also address global development priorities. They counteract inequality and exclusion, encourage active citizenship and even improve public infrastructure through community-based projects.代际间举措还可应对全球发展优先事项。这些举措对抗不平等和排斥现象,鼓励公民积极参与,甚至通过基于社区的项目改善公共基础设施。On this International Day of Families, I call on governments, civil society, families and individuals to support initiatives that bring people together across generations toward building a healthier world for all.值此国际家庭日,我呼吁各国政府、民间社会、家庭和个人,支持使各代人携手共建人人更加健康的世界的举措。



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