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1、乔迁新居贺词:乔迁之喜贺词乔迁之喜贺词Best wishes for your new home.良禽择木、乔木莺声、莺迁吐吉、德必有邻To choose a master to serve., arbor voice, warblers, Germany will have moved out, O高第莺迁、莺迁乔木、新居落成、乔迁志庆The warbler warbler moved, moved trees, new home, housewarming celebration乔迁贺喜Housewarming celebration你面对挑战总是那么自信!祝贺你,又成功向前迈了一步。 Y

2、ou are always so confident in facing the challenges! Congratulations on your success, and a step forward.朋友,祝事业越办越红火!大展宏图! I wish the cause of friends, do more prosperous more! Realize one s ambition.一纸信笺,一份真情,一份信念,祝开业吉祥,大富启源!A letter, a love, a belief, I wish the opening auspicious, rich qiyuan!新家好

3、生活,真心老朋友祝贺你乔迁之喜! The new home of the good life, really old friends - congratulations best wishes for your new home! 祝贺你,搬新家了,愿你的生活越过越好! Congratulations, moved to a new house, may your life better! 恭喜!恭喜!搬新家啦! Congratulations.Congratulations.Moving to a new home! The阳光明媚,东风送情,喜迁新居,德昭邻壑,才震四方! Sunny, D

4、ongfeng presents, _iqian_inju, Noriaki adjacent valley, just shake all directions! “良辰安宅,吉日迁居”,幸福的生活靠勤劳的双手创造! Most Ataka, auspicious, happy life to rely on laborious both hands creation! 莺迁仁里,燕贺德邻,恭贺迁居之喜,室染秋香之气Warbler migration kernel, Yan He Delin, a move to joy, dyeing Chou-heung gas chamber秀茁兰芽 玉荀呈祥 瓜瓞延祥 饴座腾欢 兰阶添喜 莺迁乔木 燕入高楼 玉荀呈祥 鸣凤栖梧Show Zhuo Lan Ya jade _un Cheng_iang melon Die Yan _iang Yee seat Tenghuan Lan Jietian joy Orioles moved into high-rise trees Yan jade _un Cheng_iang Ming-feng habitat in第 页 共 页


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