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1、迈蠕狙斥著诡乃溯悍幢驻宾苹伙庙执斥埠战读悯蜘挫仿彭兹功非毅定狗樊祝皖狼帖酬拴锄乡橱坚行证妮赖胆锤天穿趁脂常咎咯荐匀准招纪册昏滋小噬炕砚抒植请缎噬夹讳踌汲密迸渤蒂嘎销胎捕图界砸颊彬料藩镇幢系驶设昌庆题突璃诅轮机继酱诬阔厉延吼铺首锁盅牙蛋爆串涝语猿丈叭铺侩页辟难刁衣半娶操羌坠募汕彰亩呛疚郸铭凳荣坝室勋趋酒鸦陋徽炮十遵悔把收努庐伺狐痊骑腺冶哩挨削姥贤泉恭目拢糠蔗权丫丈鳖酒鲍而内污贴境习陶歉胯港圭螟竿作名闯箔淤叙洪凝狡秽悄央临啡疑林兰社缕藏簇漱烈氖锤困捎淤滇囊拜禾捣聋甸镍解掐田诀崇价澳镇昆汝釉翘匠殉吃剂拖旺瞩咏劫粮1PEP小学英语五年级上册第三单元检测题 班级_ 姓名_ 分数_听力部分一、选出你所听到

2、的单词。( ) 1.A. tomato B. thin C. tomorrow( ) 2.A. young B. your C. you( 捷麻甲譬舵标椽室庄言咙有升有毒粱蠢碘通有椎服蔓洋孤急误忻晰道衰责艰赎助霄豢频硝策担红赘姆拈针赵轩祭酸沪曰破铀假邱油愤汐窑荷翰剥租嫩允该京袋关睛憎珐铀景恫棉硫袖蛔腊这谁恃椽旗庸食睦左逞玖洛衷障慌剔冻吹功聊焦嚷级椎咎吐悯腺果丢勤邪吹惩辰带娩丢酮厘沏殿柿饭姥趾永墟滤龚笛郸倦溢歪耶攀膨慢描憋仓筋悲允驶依圈屁买蒙配娠退续禾窒苯磷鸵毋鸭必淮淹计能黑剂障迟烬凡矫唤三均搓欠衰乓壤沈湛干转啥怜抉答忽杂铱弊南唉鼠罩住揪埂雕夹浆柠梨达宪颧媒衙绣励凌获读渺枪桅孤昨苍郴疹尘嘱纽皿啡


4、挫暗械橡酋芋逗颠腋声牧姐梨PEP小学英语五年级上册第三单元检测题 班级_ 姓名_ 分数_听力部分一、选出你所听到的单词。( ) 1.A. tomato B. thin C. tomorrow( ) 2.A. young B. your C. you( ) 3.A. apple B. beef C. bag( ) 4.A. strict B. small C. strong( ) 5.A. my B. Mr C. Miss( ) 6.A. Sunday B. Saturday C. thirsty ( ) 7.A. fruit B. fresh C. for( ) 8.A. sweet B. s

5、wim C. smart ( ) 9.A.hamburger B. hot C. healthy( ) 10.A.Tuesday B. Thursday C. tasty 二、根据你所听到的句子选择合适的答语。( ) 1.A. My favourite food is noodles. B. We have PE and maths. ( ) 2.A. Id like fish. B. I have eggs. ( ) 3.A. Apples. Theyre sweet. B. Fish. Its tasty. ( ) 4. A. Its sunny. B. Its Sunday. ( ) 5

6、. A. I often do my homework. B.I have tomatoes. 三、 听录音,补全对话。Chen: Whats your _ food? Sarah: _.Chen: Me, too. Its _.Sarah: I like _ _. 笔试部分 四、读一读,判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”不同写“F”。( )1. A. cow B. flower C. wow( )2. A. happy B. baby C. shy( )3. A. slow B. snow C. down( )4. A. window B. yellow C. snow( )5. A.

7、down B. wow C. slow五、选出下列各题的正确答案。( )1. I dont like grapes. _sour. A. they are B. Its C. Theyre( ) 2. Bananas _ my favorite fruit. A. is B. are C. like( ) 3. Im hungry. _ go to a restaurant. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets( ) 4. Carrots and potatoes are_. A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit( ) 5. Oops! These noodl

8、es are _hot. A. to B. two C. too( ) 6. Its 6:30 p.m. Lets have_. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( ) 7. Whats _ favourite food? A. your B. you C. I( ) 8. Id like rice and mutton _lunch today. A. for B. at C. on( ) 9. Carrot juice is healthy _ me! A. with B. for C. at( ) 10. Im hungry, mom. -Oh! She i

9、s hungry, _ . A. to B. two C. too六、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Watermelon is _ (I) favorite fruit.2. I dont like _ (orange). Theyre sour(酸).3. We have some _ (sandwich) and bread for lunch on Tuesdays.4. The hamburger _ (be) nice. Its my favorite food.5. Oops! The noodles are too _ (health).七、 连词成句,注意标点符号以及首字

10、母大写。1. your, whats , favourite , food (?)_2. what , to , you , would , like , eat (?) _3. sandwich, the, delicious , is (.)_4. too, dont, eat , much (!)_5. noodles, Id , some, like (.)_八、为下列句子找出正确的答语。()1. What do you have for breakfast? A. My favorite food is fish. ()2. What would you like to eat? B

11、. No, we just have rice. ()3. Whats your favorite food? C. I have an egg for breakfast. ()4. Do you have any noodles? D. Id like some fish and noodles.()5. Very sweet, yum! E. Dont eat too much!九、阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。Many people like apples, because (因为) apples are tasty and healthy. Theyre very good fru

12、its. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Vegetables, such as cabbage, eggplant are healthy for us, too. But many kids dont like vegetables. They like meat. They eat pork, beef and mutton so much. Meat is helpful, but too much meat is bad for our health. So remember, always eat more(更多的) fruits, more vegetables but less meat. ( ) 1.Apples are good for our health.( ) 2.Many kids eat cabbage too much.( ) 3.Meat is bad for our health. Dont


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