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1、导师举荐信范文英文 导师举荐信范文英文1 dear clleagues:s xx reuesteda ete of rfrenefmm o suot herapcatin forgaduae studes at your universty.as er resec advier he shewaa gradut udent inmy school o siece beiig uiverity cheical tehnoloy, i m pleaedocomply ih he quest i have nwn ms. zhangsince 003, whnshe asdite a ate of

2、cienc canidate nto the chooas he researchadvier,i iretd hr reeacan ound her a pomsng yothradiatng th intelligc nd eativity. din herfir year, se got vegooeod in mao couses n end godscoresajo adgenerl gpa3.3 she pticularly enoye hallning easof studesuchas quntu cemtryand theory of electrchesry dring h

3、e floing two e, ms. zhan workon a patioal thorystu of inogncfnctional materilproject or hs degree thesis ;thortastudy f eecti structreo everl eesett tal elent the hotalcitslab∓rdquotoe hthe modelmet th actualmaterials, she fadow may praciclprobems,such asbldg reasonae moueof inoganicmateials, and

4、 calculaon tecniques.wk d an independenty, e crke h problemoneby o,and cm wih hess tatwas charactrized by academic excelnce.uring he m.s. perid, s had tree pes pblishedin nternatioaljournal.jdin b her outtndng peformance whie she sdied with m, i a convinced that ms. zhan has acuire hekowledeand intl

5、lec sostionon t asis of hih s n undee worl-classtraing. itherefore led ermythusiastc supportad ouldpprciate your favoable onsideaton of e appicatio.导师举荐信范文英文2 to who t ma cnern: in he apaity of chai prssor o the detment of manageent, havinntucted mr. xia mg in he coure of rimy manamen during the ace

6、m yr nd hcore f opatig rsrch lst yea, iam pleasedohae thisoprtniy totrducehi t yo. ihavenownm. xiao min sine , he e was ares stdet in h class, asi wa the isuor their primary anagemn. mr.chen&rquo; nthsim oad dilgence in learning helped himbcome oneote mot otsanding sudens intha class, in a strng nd

7、ostive impressio upon me. hi passionat articipation n iscussion dung clss ometimes igteedthhloupand he was on the fewstudents to sucessfllya the inal ex o that ubjec, hi as so difilt hat utea nmber of isclsmatfaled n i. last year i hae been seleted as te instrucor fthe cuse ofopraing rsrch. as mrche

8、hsinisehis tdy in th magemt class ith a gh rank nd cosente corse of peatn reseachas hisjr, i have had the opportunit t knw is yung anbetter. excele perae in s hscninuoulyreaed hose rilliantdscusins tw yearago to mymind.ht□s, hicretiviy and capat foanalyticl tiing av also coninced mehat e improvd

9、 himself lotdrng is junior year before e returnd to class.in addition, he hademostated exltly hpentaas a rarhe to ehrough thperona conicaion betw s h has lso expressd the desret atenda ptgraduateproramnd doresearh work of hiher ualiy in he acdei fiel ththe is inerestdin. i think hioly waknes s that

10、he stillneeds mrexpeience for ral serhwrk,foras a uderuate he ha limited ime an enry to recev enogh traning f seaized resarch. howev,beieve talned nd hardoking yung mnlikehm culd swiftfindtebst wy to deelop h resarchwo.m. chn is redy to ov on to a ore rirouprogram o gradaestudy saemic pfomncend uptandin prsoal carace hve woim my highst reomention, ad i hope you gv i appliaton tng considto. you fafuy xx departentf xxx本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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