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1、新目标英语八年级下册Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?第一课时(Section A 1a-1c) 说课稿麦坪中学 杨从丽一、说教材1、教材的地位和作用 本课是第八单元的第一课,主要围绕如何给建议和意见展开讨论,懂得谈论和比较不同的东西和事物,1a的卡通画先由学生讨论物品的品质开始,然后分类,1b.1c是以1a的卡通画展开的听和说的训练。2:教学目的: 教学大纲指出要从英语的学科的特点出发,激发培养学生的兴趣,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心,克服学习中产生的畏惧心理和困难,建立语感,掌握语言基本知识和技能。 (1).知识目标: a. 掌握本课的单词与词组。 b.

2、 掌握情态动词should+动词原形表达征求意见的用法: what should I get .?(2)能力目标 a.学会谈论和比较不同的东西和事物。 b.学会如何给别人提出建议和意见。3.重难点 (1)本单元的主题对话是: “What should I get . ? How about a CD? No,thats too expensive.” why dont you?/How about/what about./why not.?等句型结构的知识理解和应用,是本节课的重点。 (2)学生在使用why dont you ?/How about?/what about?等句型结构时,对否定

3、性特殊疑问句的理解,How/what about+名词/动名词的应用,是学习中的难点。二.说教法1.图片教学法: 通过卡片,图片复习单词和认知实物。 2.情境教学法: 通过生日导入新课,学会赠送礼物的句型。 3.听说教学法: 通过听录音,模仿对话来巩固句型。加强听说训练。 通过Groupwork来加深给别人提建议或意见的表达能力。 4.任务教学法: 通过Survey.Report 强化所学的知识。 三.说学法 遵循“教为主导,学为主体,练为主线”的教育思想,但教师又要因人而异,对不同能力水平的学生给予不同的要求,从而达到英语学习的目标 。 四.情感态度与价值观:a.通过所学的句型和语法规则,熟

4、练征询建议和提出合理化建议。b.准确地发表自己对某物,某事的建议的评估。c.了解常见的节日礼物并能正确地评论,了解外国人送礼物的风俗习惯。d.通过本课的学习,培养学生讲文明.懂礼貌的好习惯,调动学生的学习积极性及学习兴趣。五.教学过程Step1: 1. Make one-minute dialogue. Get some pairs to act out their own dialogue.2. Revise the new words and phrases by cards.Step2: Task 1. What do you think of these gifts? Show the

5、 target languages, using the objects: -Whats this?/What are these? -Its a /Theyre -What do you think of it/them? -Thats /TheyreStep 3. Presentation1. Point to the picture and say: Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. What should I get my mother for her birthday? How about a dictionary? No, thats too bor

6、ing. How about tennis balls? NO, theyre too cheap. Why dont I get her a camera? I think shell like it.2. Lead the Ss to drill the conversation.3. Practice the dialogue in the whole class.Step 4 Survey Ss make a survey and fill in the blanks.According to Mothers Day. Fathers Day. Womens Day. Children

7、s Day and Teachers Day.Step 5 listening 1. Listen to the tape and number the comments in order you hear .2. Check the answers.Step6: 1.Play a game. 2. Sum up the main knowledge.Homework (1) Recite 1b. 1c(2) Make a survey. Exchange information and fill in the chart.六板书设计Unit 8Why dont you get her a scarf?What should I get my sister?Why dont you get a camera? How/What about a watch/buying a watch?Thats too expensive / cheap / boring.


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