《英语》(新标准)(三年级起使用)第七册Module 4 Unit 2 What’s your favourite festival-教案 - 小学英语教案及反思

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《英语》(新标准)(三年级起使用)第七册Module 4 Unit 2 What’s your favourite festival-教案 - 小学英语教案及反思_第1页
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《《英语》(新标准)(三年级起使用)第七册Module 4 Unit 2 What’s your favourite festival-教案 - 小学英语教案及反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《英语》(新标准)(三年级起使用)第七册Module 4 Unit 2 What’s your favourite festival-教案 - 小学英语教案及反思(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、?英语?(新标准)(三年级起使用)第七册Module 4 Unit 2 Whats your favourite festival?教案 - 小学英语教案及反思 游戏教学设计 ?英语?(新标准)(三年级起使用)第七册Module 4Unit 2 Whats your favourite festival?三亚市吉阳镇南丁小学符福兰一、 教材分析本课内容是第七册第四模块第二单元,这节课的教学内容是在第一单元的根底上加强对中西方节日的了解,并加强稳固第一人称代词I me my we our等,学会运用句型Whats favouriteFestival?My favarite festival is

2、-.与同学交流自己最喜欢的节日是什么。因此,在教学中要设一些真实的情景,让学生真实的感受,用自己学过的词,句谈谈。同时培养学生的语音,语调。二、学情分析我们农村的学生没有语言环境,他们对于人称代词有了初步的认识,也会用简单的词,句说一说,而在本单元,我想让学生能更进一步了解中国的传统节日,用会说的语言阐述自己喜欢的节日,培养学生的语音和语感,同时总结重点语法的知识。三、教学目标一知识目标:掌握四会单词festivalspecialmeal和学习固定短语Lantern festival , New Year, Mid-Autumn festival, Dragon Boat festival ,

3、Spring festival moon kcake等词组以及句子 What is your favourite festival ?二能力目标:正确运用What do you do on ?We have a special meal. 并能运用这类语句询问并介绍节日主要活动。培养学生听懂会说对话并表演对话的能力,同时让学生体会合作的重要性。三情感目标:学生能感受中西方文化上的差异,培养学生热爱和宣传中国文化,四、教学重点:掌握四会单词festival specialmeal和词组Lantern festival , New Year, Mid-Autumn festival, Dragon

4、 Boat festival ,Spring festival moon kcake等词组以及能用My favourite festival is Festival.这类句子答复Whats your favourite festival?五、教学难点:正确运用What do you do on ?We have a special meal. 并能用英语介绍介绍中国主要节日,比拟中西方节日的差异以及交流自己喜好的节日。六、教学具准备:学生搜集了解常见的西方节日及人们的活动,并作好记录。制作的课件,卡片,点读笔等。七、教学过程:Step1.Warm-up1. Listen to the song

5、 named “Jingle Bells and dance together with Father Christmas.T: Dou you like this song? Now,please See a film about Christmas Day and answer a question “What do you do onChristmas Day?Ss: We Sing Christmas songs and we give presents to my friends.T: Ok today well talk about festivals. On festivals,

6、 we always give presentsto friends. Look , I have lots of presents for you. (Give presents to students.)Step2.Review老师带着学生用中文谈谈我们中国有哪些传统节日Step3.Presentation1.Listen to the tape about Thanksgiving Day and answer these questions,A.Whats Simons favourite festival?B.What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?2.

7、PairworkA:Whats your favourite festival?B: My favourite festival is .A: What do you do on?2. Show some pictures about SpringFestival. Ask them: Do youlikeSpring Festival? What do you do on Spring Festival? Can you tell me more about chineseFestival? 3.Look, listen and findListen to the tape about Ch

8、inese festivals and answer the question,“What are the festivals in China? They are Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival and Lantern Festival.Step 4: Text一、听录音,学习传统节日1、教师放磁带,学生对照书听录音,熟悉故事内容和情节。2Listen and point to the pictures.录音内容girl:I love this festival.We all go to see the D

9、rangon Boat race.We eat zongzi.Its very delicious.3、教学新单词教师板书新单词antern Festival, Sping Fe stival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Drangon Boat Festival.师带着学生多读几遍,并采用多种形式进行操练。4、听录音,继续学习每个节日内容。I love this festival . We all go to see theDragon Boat race. We eat zongzi. Its very delicious.My mother loves this fest

10、ival. She makes moon cakes. Her cakes are delicious. My father likes this festival, too. He sings moon songs. His songs are good.This is my family. Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival . We have a special family dinner. and we eat jiaozi.My favourite festival is after Spring Festival . Its

11、at night. There are lots of lantrens and theres a dragon boat race.二、 Listen and repeat . Pay attention to the stess.学生仔细听,认真体会句子的含义,并且把句子的重音停顿表现清楚。三Listen and say, then chant.1Listen and repeat .2 Listen , readand do the actions.3Practise in pairs. Step5.ConsolidationPlay a guessing game about fest

12、ivals.S1: Whats your favourite festival?Ss: Guess, please?S1: What do you do on this festival?Ss: We can do many things. We .S1: I know. Your favourite festival isStep6.ExtensionT:Imagine today is your favourite festival. Please make a role play about your favourite festival. Then act it out. Can yo

13、u do that?Ss: Get into groups of four or five and group work. 让学生利用句型Whats your favourite festival? What do you do on this festival?Step7、Homework以小组为单位,制作节日海报,用来介绍本组同学最喜欢的节日。 板书设计:.Unit 2 Whats your favourite festival?Flag Day, Thanksgiving Day, ChristmasSpring FestivalLantern FestivalDragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalWhats your favourite festival?My favourite festival is -.What do you do on-?We -.


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