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1、英文竞选演讲稿英文竞选演讲稿 演讲稿要求内容充溢,条理清晰,重点突出。在现实社会中,能够利用到演讲稿的场合越来越多,写起演讲稿来就毫无头绪?以下是我细心整理的英文竞选演讲稿,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜爱。英文竞选演讲稿1 ic Ia to te cl, I hae enldin ositionsfclss ndyout ag union. alo hvedo some prgati work fo theuivrsity ad our scolmats. Drng the omuaionwitho schlmates, fee t deptht hecohesion a unit lies a

2、devepignd dvancing coctiv,whlthe sregt tcoms rm scerity,derstanding nd contribuons. As aleadr of stdent, one shold haa fimblief wih sacri A leader of sdent, ne should b wllingto ake heap bween man ama, da a realiyth his ier lings A a leadof stent, oeshould o e sefsh Wht heseeks f is to wokhardand iv

3、e himselup toth servc. I, as one of the thsands o students of Econm ollge, am prodof it.I wold be mor illing to take p heduty bloging o me. hi ismy nitia hpe is iswhy I am standin reoy. I remember one didt himsefsaid loudly, Should Ileve the pon quetor b bold to sy?Dur he las cmpetitio for tdent uon

4、.As esult, hewsold to tafor t positi. o day, I would liketot evne kno tat oe tha will eeptfor t positon.ventou I fil, Iwoteave qiety and angrilyouof spie beaus am a embro Economy Colege, an bcaue y otsare in he Mei Capu N mater eeI go,MCamu aways sta wth me anmy dee eelingstoit ayseps in mI wuld keo

5、work ert n soul, fr mylov o e Campus. I anesthope t tre my feligs and fervel ope to sre th hpine an be cnered at te worres wih ever ne of Mei campus.英文竞选演讲稿2敬重的老师同学们: 你们好!古人云,不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,所以人不能老满意于平凡的生活,一刻都不行以,所以我确定今日参与竞选,准备用我自己的力气为大家尽一份力,让大家有一个更好的五年级生活,所以我站在了这里,接受大家的检阅与考评,我有自信,我不会让大家悲观的。希望大家能够支持我,

6、激励我。我认为,实力不是最重要的.,因为实力可以渐渐培育,没有人一生下来就是天才吧?但是,对这个班级的酷爱肯定是最重要的,因为那干脆确定了你能不能带领这个班级走得更好,虽说是我带领,不如说是大家一起用双手打造出来的我信任我们大家肯定可以做到!为什么呢? 第一,我有热忱,我有满腔的热血。假如你们信任我的话,我肯定会尽我的全力回报大家,作为班长,我不是领导大家对大家发号施令,而是人民公仆啊,我是一个孜孜不倦勤勤恳恳的服务者,我信任在我的各种服务之下,班级肯定会更加紧密团结,肯定会有更大的凝合力,肯定会有更好的成果! 其次,我有这个实力,不瞒你们说,我从二年级起先,就始终是班长,我有着极为丰厚的阅历

7、,我可以协调好同学与老师之间的关系,成为连接同学和老师两方最为紧密的纽带,请同学们信任我!当然空口无凭,假如我有幸成为了班长,我会做到以下几点: 1.勤勤恳恳,扎扎实实地完成全部老师交代的任务。 2.任劳任怨,不论是看法还是建议我都会虚心接受。 3.主动参加各项活动。 4赐予全部人我力所能及的帮助以上先是这些,在以后的生活中我会接着努力为大家服务得更好。 在今后的日子里,我会向大家证明,你们今日的选择是明智的!感谢大家!英文竞选演讲稿3 ades and Gntemen: Today, Iver la t ha th chancet run for he Chirman of the Sudn

8、t Un.Thanksfr oming to my ection capgn. I hn Im ualified to take position of the haira. Frt, Ia te abiliie that the chan hulhav. Fo expl, Ihave strng bly oraize stdntsan activiie. eond, Ihe goopersonlity. I serious en fcedwork, athe sameime, I hae nse o mor. Teastbut ot leat, I he bundnt workin expe

9、ence.I I were eected the Cairn of te Student Union, I wll ty my best t serethe tuent pln o av a seris f ctivitis t make our fe corful, ngig frosprts o sty,litertur to rtce.And I wi offr help to th udes who ee ur lp I pomise I can mae the student livea better lie英文竞选演讲稿4 GoeningLadisan Geen: Tank yu

10、f comng toelctio cmgn toay. ih the trut ad cmpletsuport o m eam, Im dlig tnnouncethtI m rn forchairmn of thStudent ninAs diligent an with pasant personality, aeen alwys idere t be a go team memr. Mewile, aa bg an forts I ulyealize the iportane of teamwor d advoctethe irit of beig quicker andtoger. I

11、 psses trongemaion o tkefirm steps towrd achiein the objecisf myteam. In adition, myoring expericewith the tuden ni ite pasttwo yerwl beextremely helpfulo mtrrhe if Igtelected.A sin ofareally stogorganiation isthat it an hang is leerhp without hneri itprogrssand withou daain tsvaus If I am lected,I

12、eliev I hae he capilty to ead the Unin t vance i the ight iei.Iwll cooperae wellwith my fellomeber the Unio n take innovatimasure, nludng establshiga udnt-nfomain ceter, foin a eaerdentfedhipassociaton,to make te Union truessistace tostet suyadlie here as w aabridge ofomicaibeween hersnd studns. Thank yovery much.英文竞选演讲稿 Mfellow stuens, stidy,tStdnt Unonf orDpatment ranieda clenup rojt Zongsan Lake.T pupoe ofthisoject is o enhacethe nviroent aress f eneralpblic. ate in teafternonaround 4,a goup of 5 volnerswnt to the parwere w pickup t trahle by somrits. As hea


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