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1、Uit 11. 她们都觉得她成功的也许性很小。Teyha hought his hanes of ading th jo wee si.2. 我不懂得她为什么总带有一中闷闷不乐的神情。I wonde whyter isalwaynair of sdes in he.3. 等到所有同窗都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。It was ater all the studthaken their seats that h president f thstudetsunoproceed tonnouce he ampn tineary.4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。etach ia

2、 vita orgn ofthehumanboy; setake good cre o t.5. 她觉得总经理如此注重那些平常琐事是荒唐的。He cnsidered t was ridiculous for thegeeal managr tottac souchmprtanceto dai rouines6. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。Accoring to e arangment, al the ersf thetff tk turs t be oghtatch7. 她的研究波及到多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。Hertd, whichraed ovr my lanuesand cut

3、ures, was full of challenge.8. 想到要远离父母独立生活,她深感不安。Se feldismeat the ought fleaigaway fr he aret nher own.9. 对于她与否胜任这项工作我们不甚紧张,我们所担忧的的确她的健康状况。We donworry souch abut her quaifitionsfote ob but aout r ealth10. 想到要作一次环球航海旅行,她为之激动不已。He w ratlyexcited at the thought f ingon a vyag aoundhe world.Uit211. 这位老

4、人年轻时独居海外,有过许多不寻常的经历。This old man livd aloe vesea wheh was young and hmanusualxpeene.12. 她是一位深受人们爱戴的教学经验丰富的物理教师。She wasa depl respectd physic tacher ith rich tecng xperience13. 我的鞋子是崭新的,我情愿等到天气放晴后再走。My hesarerand-new nd I aher say until t ear up14. 要离开曾在孩提时代住过的小屋子,她环顾四周,向每件熟悉的物品一一辞别。Up leving the sml

5、lhose whee she liedi he childhood, seooke gobyeat every amilrobjct rund.15. 她接到告知要她立即去西安,时间急切得连给她妻子打电话的时间都没有。H ws skedto lea for Xia atsch shortotic tt hedidnt evehavetim toll his wife.16. 她们不情愿参与我们的演讲比赛,真令人扫兴。Thir reluctnce o jin us ih pech contest rally spoilt oufun.17. 请注意,每位学生都应当遵守课堂纪律,你也不例外。Ple

6、ase nte tat eeystudethoulkeep clasom discipline, and you are o ecpton.18. 我倒不在乎偶尔加班加点,我在乎的是你任意取消我的节假日。Idont car somuh woring overtiecasionally, b your cnoff my oias wi o nic.19. 发言人清了清嗓子以唤起听众的注意。Thepakclared hs t tclaim thttentio f te ae.20. 1.她对喧嚣、忙碌的都市生活深感厌倦,但愿搬家乡村,变化日前的生活方式。He was trdof the hstle

7、 nd bustleote urbn life nd oped tmoe o te county, eptin a hange n his urrnt lifete.nit 321. 我还没讲完她便打断了我,道出了一番不得不说的话。hrok in wh she ato ay efor Id fihpeain.22. 我们之间对人生所持的不同见解丝毫没有影响我们的友谊。Oriffrnvews oflfe ve ve afece ou freds.23. 碰巧校长要她交代数这门课,这可是一门她在读书时未及格的课程。Isohpened htthe headmastr aed itoteach ebr

8、,the subjet in which ad faled at school24. 这孩子坐在汽车里一言不发,对她叔叔体现出不和谐态度,似乎视其为敌人。The boy stquietin te ar,owiunfindliess to s unlas ifhe wereis enemy25. 汤姆听到她必须去叔叔家度假时很失望,犹如得知彼得由于麻疹不得不严格地卧床养病时同样感到沮丧。m was s appoined o kowthateha to pendhis summe holda at hi nclesa wasderesed tolearn tat Peterhad eket sri

9、ctl t hi b becaus of meals26. 当她最宠爱的小儿子公然对抗她时,她气得脸色发青。Whenhis yongesson, wome lved most dfd h,his ac und purple ith ng.27. 待人们都陈述了自己的见解后,科长才开口说话。The hadofthe secion oun hisvoe after all te other members ad statedeir iws.28. 她们要外出度假两周,因此将家里所有的宠物都留给邻居照顾。As thy er going out on holid f twoeeks, he left

10、l teipets n care otheir nigbor29. 想必你弄错了,期中考试的日期不是下周五,而是下周三。 cko y r misake aut the dateour md-tmexa, whc isnonex idayut nxt enesd30. 按新规定,一支足球队可以拥有24名球员,换言之,24名球员可以构成一支球足球队。 Accdi o he ew rule, a footallteam ma consiof 24layers. otherwors.2 ootal plae may make p football tea. Ut 431. 但凡听到她不行的遭遇的人无不

11、深表同情。No one wo ha heard out h misforu de notfeel eepsymthy f hr.32. 她提出这个问题是出于好奇心,而非出于求知欲 。eaktequeston outofcuriosy rther than ut o his desior owleg.33. 这位年轻学者用心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软件,她深信在不久的将来自己会成名。Th yong schoardevoed al isttntionto thedevlpment of a ew typ f cour tansltn sftwaite ull coviton thath wo ma

12、 me fo hmsef n theer futre.34. 别把它当作一回事,我刚刚所说的并非指你。Don eit seriously.What Iv just said otmeant r yu.35. 这扇门这样低,那个高个子进屋时无法挺直身子,只能低头猫腰进入。It was suc a lodoway that te tall man ado bend ishead rther thn kep prght when eteri he room.36. 我们的班长两个星期前突发高烧,此后始终卧床不起。Our monitr as sudny rn igh feer wo eks agand

13、 as been keepin to his ed ever sinc37. 令人难以置信的是她在两年内居然把这些一般的女孩子训练成了世界一流的长跑运动员。Whasincredible is that h actually tuned ths ordinary gils to lng disa unrsithi two yar.38. 她们竭力说服她放弃诉讼,但都无济于事。They red theibst totalk hr int giing th st bu in van.39. 那些过着富裕生活的农民从未想过要搬家到大都市去生活。It nver ocurred t thosecofortable offfarmer that theywould ovet


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