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1、演奏法缩写表缩写原文翻译accAccented attack ksnt 重音重音头bendNotes slowly bending up and downwards音符较慢地向上或下弯曲(弯音轮)clusCluster klst集群、密集credimCrescendo diminuendo di.minjuendu渐弱渐强减弱crescCrescendo kriendu渐强divespEspressivo富有表情地,鲜明有力地fagFlageolet模仿直笛音色的奏法glissGlissando滑奏majMajor scale大调音阶midMid-range available onlymin

2、Minor scale小调音阶muMute弱音nonvibWithout vibrato无颤音ntbNo trombones playing无长号演奏notrpNo trumpets playing无小号演奏portPortato一弓拉多个音,每个音上稍加重音specSpecial articulations特殊技法stac, stcStaccato断音,断奏sus / suSustained note延长音textAd lib or slowly evolving textures ivlv 展开逐渐展开的技法tremTremolo震音tuTutti (all playing togethe

3、r)齐奏(所有乐器一起)vibWith vibrato颤音其他一些 ps : 后面有括号的edit应该是表示可编辑我猜的BS Bass synth added to low range (edit) 附加的低音区DYN Dynamic layers controlled with the modulation wheel 利用颤音轮控制动态层KEY Keyswitched program. See the program info window in the main interface for the available keyswitches 带键位开关的音色KeyswitchedMRC

4、Marcato attack (edit) 强调音头的(常带有颤音)PNO Piano added to low range (edit) 附加的弱奏PRC Percussive layer element added: timpani or xylophone (edit) 附加的打击乐分层元素:定音鼓或者木琴SH Short. Extra short version of original staccato (edit) 比原始断奏更短的短音ST Stacked. Velocities or alternations stacked for double-size orchestra (e

5、dit) 乐器缩写表BclBass clarinet低音单簧管BrsFull brass section全部铜管组Brs CombCombo performances of different brass sections不同铜管组的组合演奏CbContrabass section倍大提琴组CbnContra bassoon倍低音管(有道翻译成:魂斗罗领导人_)Fl PfFlute and Piccolo playing together长笛和短笛齐奏Hn / HrnHorns used in orchestration管弦乐队用的圆号(这个定语很奇怪,应该是排除了其他一些非常规同类乐器)Hn

6、 SectHorn section only圆号组LowLow range notes performed in octaves音阶内(一个8度?)低音音符演奏StrFull string section全部弦乐组StrBrsString and brass sections playing together弦乐组和铜管组一起演奏TbnTrombones used in orchestration管弦乐队用的长号TrpTrumpets used in orchestration管弦乐队用的长号VclCello section used in orchestration管弦乐队用的大提琴组Vln (Sect)Violin section only小提琴组VlaViola section used in orchestration管弦乐队用的中提琴组WwFull woodwind section全部木管组缩写原文翻译


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