大英四期末 单项选择题复习资料

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1、第一单元1. Hundreds of workers sat idle(无所事事) on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line(装配线) to start again. 2. To some of our problems there was more than(不止) one right answer, so we were looking at the students reasoning(推理) as to how they got it and if they could justify(证明) the answer they

2、had. 3. Consumers(顾客) expect to find the brand(品牌) available at a(n) discount(折扣) and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price. 4. The European Union is made up of 27 nations with distinct(独特的) cultural(文化), linguistic(语言) and economic(经济) roots. 5. Police found minute(微小的) traces(的痕迹) of b

3、lood on the car seats. 6. Despite his promise(承诺) to eliminate(消除) cronyism (任人唯亲), he was openly accused(指责) of giving government positions(职位) to friends and relatives. 7. But I would like to accept(接受) his kind offer(提供) if he did not object(反对) to my sharing the seed(种子) with my friend, Mary, wh

4、o was an experienced grower(栽培者) and had a beautiful rock(岩石) garden. 8. The pollution(污染物) from the factories continues to contaminate(污染) the river and also poses health threat(威胁) to people living nearby. 9. We believe its possible to sustain(维持) growth through the use of different kinds of energ

5、y that will allow for lower carbon emissions(低碳排放). 10. The people loved her so much that they nicknamed(给取绰号) her Evita, and long after her death, many Argentines continue to worship(崇拜) her. 11. She thought that if he found out what had happened to his parents, he would drown in grief(沉溺于悲伤中). 12.

6、 If your neighbor allows her dog to run loose(任意行事) through the neighborhood, she can be ticketed(开罚单) and fined(罚钱). 13. A police motorcycle chased(追捕) his car twelve miles, and cornered(把逼入绝境) him near Rome. 14. They have campaigned(参加活动) against(反对) cruelty(残酷的行为) to animals for many years. 1. Th

7、e President defended(辩护) the government policy(政策), accusing(指责) the media(媒体) of misinforming(提供错误消息) the people. 2. The less you spend, the less youll owe(欠钱), and the less likely youll end up bankrupt(破产). 3. Darby was looking for a way to improve the image(形象) of the company when he came upon th

8、e idea of inviting(邀请) students from the local universities(大学) to visit the company. 4. As far as I can remember, this was their mother at her worst: Her voice was strident (刺耳的), and she was ready to be angry at anyone. 5. If you dont take care of(照顾好) your body now, youll pay for(为付出代价) it dearly

9、 when youre older. 6. If they failed to(不能) complete the project on schedule(按时), they would run a risk of(冒的风险) being dismissed(解雇). 7. In our university, students are also encouraged(鼓励) to make use of(利用,使用) the Arts Center and to participate in(参加) music and drama(戏剧). 8. In many cases, optional

10、(可选择的) subjects other than(除了) science are available, such as business studies. 9. The young artists parents object to/objected to(反对) his giving up(放弃) his day job for fear that he might fail in his quest(追求) for fame(名声). 10. Some people think that most pills(药物) offer either no real improvement(改

11、善) or, at best(最好情况下), only moderate(适度的) improvements. 第五单元1. Employees at humble(卑微的) jobs have to carefully weigh up(权衡) the employers words and closely watch their expression(表情). 2. In Paris, the Eiffel Tower closed to the public for four hours after a morning snowfall(降雪) made it too slippery(

12、滑) to climb. 3. Children and, later, teenagers have to learn to put a brake on their impulses(冲动), to tame(控制) their desires(欲望). 4. Some poets and philosophers(哲学家) choose to live in solitude(孤僻的地方) because they can find inspiration(灵感) in it. 5. No one noticed that the little boy had crept into(溜进

13、) the room and was sitting there, listening. 6. Blake was wrongfully(不正当地) arrested(逮捕) and is now demanding(要求) an apology(道歉) from the police. 7. After months of observation(观察), I personally can conclude(推断) that it was pretty much an arbitrary(专制的,武断的) policy(政策). 8. Though he did not dictate(指使

14、,命令), he went at a pace slow enough for the listeners to take down(记下) a lot of what he said. 9. Some people feel totally inadequate(准备不足) when faced with new responsibilities(责任). 10. The philosopher(哲学家) is said to be a solitary(独居) man. He closed himself indoors and rarely(很少) had visitors(访问者).

15、11. She could not wait for daybreak(黎明) and called her friend up at midnight(午夜) to tell her the unpleasant experience that choked(窒息) her. 12. I dont think it is a good idea to take a trip in cold, wet weatheryou have to go well prepared with a map, compass(指南针), and warm, waterproof(防水的) clothing. 13. While William Wordsworth was outdoors creating poetry(诗歌), his sister Dorothy managed the household chores (家庭杂务) indoors. 14.


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