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1、雅思阅读怎么有技巧答题雅思阅读题怎么答目的性阅读当大参加雅考虑时做雅思阅读考又或是在阅读英文文献时,大要把握的是文章里大所需要的信息,大把它叫做“核心信息”,但剩下方面和全文的理解或者解题没有直接的关系,属于“非必要信息”,但是大阅读的主要目的是尽可能的挖掘出文章中的“核心信息”,但是针对“非必要信息”,那么是不要求彻底和完好的理解,相当于是所谓的“目的性阅读法”。STEP ONE“出题点的定位”“出题点的定位”表示通过寻找适宜的定位词,判断题目相应考点在文章里对应所在的位置。但是此过程中,核心的方法是寻找到比较适宜的定位词,所谓比较适宜的定位词是可以有助于大用比较快的速度定位到题目精准的出题

2、位置,再直接进入下一个信息判断的步骤。STEP TWO 文章主要信息的把握雅思阅读题定位词判断完毕以后,大通常是会面临对于文章主要信息把握的必要性的困扰,时常会有考生提出“是不是要求简单阅读文章”的问题,对于这一点,建议是“因地制宜”,按照定位词特性做出不一样的判断,假设大在划定位词的过程里发现题目里牵涉到特殊定位词的情况较多,如此按照已有的特殊定位词,同时结合相关题型的顺序原那么和阅读文章的“顺序”或“并列”式出题思路,考生真正可以不用把握每一段的信息来完成题目,那么,在这种情况下,阅读每一个段落没有必要了。当把定位工作完成后,考生还要开始对题目信息和稳重对应信息做相关性的判断,此时通常要求

3、大同义反义词、和同义反义表达的分析p ,因此,在备考过程中,积累常考单词的同义和反义表达是必备的功课,还可以获得阅读高分的关键。雅思阅读材料:如何对付自己的多疑症A little critical, analytical thinking is a good thing. Without doubting ourselves sometimes wed find it difficult to make good decisions.有一些批判性、分析p 性思维是一件好事。有时候,不自我疑心的话,我们就很难做出好的决定。Too much doubt, though, can stop us l

4、iving our lives to the full. Some people can never make up their minds about their careers, their love lives or much else.但是,太多的疑心也会让我们的生活不得圆满。有些人就是难以对他们的事业、爱情或者其他许多东西做出决定。The problem is that we can never really know what the oute of our decisions will be, thats the nature of life. But the person wh

5、o never takes a risk, however small, never gets anywhere. At some point, after a little looking, youve got to leap.问题是,我们从来都不会真正清楚我们做的决定会带来什么样的后果,这就是生活的本质。然而,那些连一个小小的风险都不敢冒的人,是什么都不会得到的。有时候,稍作观望之后,你就应该奋力一搏。Doubt your doubt疑心你的疑心This is a fascinating counter-intuitive case when lack of confidence in y

6、our own thoughts. Perhaps learning to doubt the doubt more will offer one way of helping to escape from some of the crippling effects of excessive self-doubt. It is interesting that doubting your doubt can work to dispel the original doubt.当你对自己的想法不够自信的时候,疑心你的疑心就是对付“疑心”这种本能反响的绝招。也许,学会疑心“疑心”能给我们提供多一种

7、对付过度疑心的方法。有趣的是,疑心你的疑心恰恰是驱散你原始疑心的有效方法。雅思阅读材料:用微波炉热饭平安吗?Is microwaving food safe? 7 nutrition myths debunkedDo you need to drink one glass of water for every caffeinated beverage you drink? Are “white foods” like onions less nutritious than broccoli? Is dark chocolate really rich in antioxidants? Read

8、 on to learn the truth about seven mon nutrition myths.1Myth: Multigrain foods are rich in whole grainsWhen a food is labeled “multigrain,” it means that more than one type of grain was used in the product - though none of them are necessarily whole grains. This is also true for products such as “se

9、ven-grain” bread.Whole grain means all the parts of the grain kernel - the bran, germ and endosperm - are used, allowing for a more nutritious product pared to foods made with refined grains. Whole-grain foods contain nutrients, fiber, and other healthy plant pounds found naturally in grain.Accordin

10、g to an article in the Journal of Nutrition, there is consistent epidemiological evidence indicating that whole grain foods substantially lower a persons risk for developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and also play a role in body weight management and digestive hea

11、lth.To make sure a product is whole grain, look at package labels. The first ingredient listed should contain the word “whole,” such as “whole wheat” or “whole oats.” The USDA remends healthy adults consume about 6 ounces of total grains per day, and that at least half of those grains (3 ounces) are

12、 whole grains.2Myth: White vegetables lack nutritional valueWhile you may have been told to steer clear of “white foods” for good health, this advice does not hold up when it es to white vegetables. Cauliflower, onions, mushrooms, turnips and even potatoes are packed with just as many nutrients as t

13、heir colorful veggie counterparts. Eating white vegetables can increase intake of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals in addition to improving overall vegetable consumption, according to a paper published in Advances in Nutrition. The next time you add color to your salad, d

14、ont forget the white.3Myth: Dark chocolate has more healthful flavanols than milk chocolateDark chocolate is often perceived as healthier than milk chocolate because it contains higher concentrations of cocoa. However, dark chocolate does not necessarily have more cocoa flavanols than milk chocolate

15、.Naturally found in fresh cocoa beans, cocoa flavanols are a unique group of plant nutrients (phytonutrients) that research indicates may help improve circulation, cardiovascular health and blood flow to the brain. According to The National Confectioners Associations Chocolate Council, the cocoa per

16、centage marked on a chocolates label isnt a reliable indicator of flavanol amounts.“Cocoa flavanols are easily destroyed by typical processing techniques including the amount of time, temperature and moisture when making cocoa or chocolate. This process starts from the time the cocoa beans are harvested and continues thro


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