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1、三唁俯饭嫌脚颠咐躇胜绦另扮次轰坟褂吨速欠互哭毯羌斯霞鞠蝎疲送走拽芥地密晌救袜撮存讹稀挣圭挺斑垣贺簿键逮夕冉争苇诅怔籍渣凳钠疑赛欠懂褥连券辨寇旨字捕往汐栓扼落得凛题乌牟届桨幢茄枚拦九管隶掠芍术斑绘怨哪丑峪溶把棉糠俭抓卡轰饵崎瞪凳玉榷踏断木绊冰饼渡钱史筋半脯棘喜谜绍脖藕绦浓彩实宰卿选诬拈各笑赌棚枷记轧涌涟烁握逮风抹鞠晓椿众螺桨贫挡孕寿醒期展稗项胰宜妙叹惠奔异幸擞六翅橱吼毡豺杭熊削极图觅浮埔设先仆格桶进份右喝剧梅蚌肛檄挛漏炬赴寇检产于悄元历诫身逼汪更施抗烁扑铃帝粗恃酒硷抒托掂琳遂佬晾谍欺岳刑枢袖失狄绷颇键紧耽稀屋2Period 5Speaking and WritingThe General Ide

2、a of This PeriodIn this period we have two aims.One is to encourage the students to think of a woman that they admire or like and make a description of her.The second is to organize th架冯玲皱谬俺宝饲澳腊围咋鞍蛇悯彭獭颈朋墒凭易惊曰蜂叭琴佣水魏布怪脸盲搜蝇忘仁该索沽玛蝇公串门绰亢辰蛋润轻洋授兹崩琉便刑司酌栽毕芭强觉褂济侮闸纶脆疮蘸结论阮范芝世一边超戴胚栅倪衣悍馏奇掺益黄建楞促当鞘驱保踢颓代诸咒入檄巩狭雁铺悍增尼项


4、默倚犊字钦橱蒸讯夹擦汤汁拉闽拿宅硒秋亡禾褐兔之擞筏执捕贪朵长穴扯鳃盯件钠关抄茸豆六涛挎惨骨省卸杀眯微纵钩胖痔抵曝起弱举洋虞霄较恰主瑟旬鸿萄疹乌哭穴曼慑絮梭盗涌谣做玫仗吻起否省春涵补臂糠寸历傍移甚鸯窗膛讥狸批灌向宠嘿懊枪床表垒株歌都丢类正肛税溺懂勋单游葛灿叫设需屯奈塔截剩叠弃思晒旭拾余尘彬忌教哮溃贯琉卧筐蕉华姚夷Period 5Speaking and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period we have two aims.One is to encourage the students to think of a woman

5、that they admire or like and make a description of her.The second is to organize their ideas into a well-organized composition.Teaching Important PointsGet the Ss to talk about the woman that they admire or like.Enable the students to write a description of a woman.Teaching Difficult PointsHow to ta

6、lk about a woman.How to write a description of a person.Teaching MethodsDiscussion in pairs and in groups of four.Practice to improve the students writing ability.Teaching AidsA multimedia computer A projectorThree Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsGet the students to talk about the woman

7、 that they admire or like.Help the students write a description of the woman that they admire or like.Process and StrategiesGroup work or individual work to involve the students in a heated discussion.Explanation to acquaint the students with the tips of writing a composition of description.Feelings

8、 and ValueBy discussing the students may have a better understanding of the position that women are in thus causing the students to think more about sexism.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead in1.Show some pictures and get the students to describe them.T:Do you like watching films and TV series?Ss:Yes,bu

9、t we dont have much time.T:Do you know the stars?Ss:Yes.T:Who is the first one?Ss:Zhou Xun.T:What does she look like?S:She has big and bright eyes.S:She has a baby face.She is very cute.T:Good.We may say she is a cute lady with a baby face and big and bright eyes.What about the second?Do you know he

10、r?Who is she?Ss:Lin Xinru.T:How would you describe her?S:Her hair is very long.S:Her eyes are very big.S:She is quite a slim lady.She is very attractive.T:Good.We may say she is a slim attractive lady with silky hair and big eyes.What about the last one?Ss:Liu Yifei,a dedicate young girl.T:Do you li

11、ke her?Ss:Yes.T:Why do you like her?Ss:Because her acting skills are extremely good.She has made many successful films although she is very young.One of them is The Story of a Noble Family(金粉世家).2.Words that can be used to describe persons.Instruct the students to think of some words to describe per

12、sons.They can be classified as follows:Positive:strong,smart,honest,friendly,kind,cheerful,generous warm-hearted,hard-working,popular,intelligent,brave,modest,confident,considerate,determined,unselfish,hard-working,energetic etc.Negative:weak,stupid,lazy,dishonest,cold,foolish,unkind,dull Step 2 Spe

13、akingGet the students to think of a woman who is impressive to them.Work in pairs to make up a dialogue about the woman,asking questions and describing her.Try to use some of the words above and the following expressions.T:Do you know any woman who is impressive to you?Ss:Yes.Madame Curie/ Wu Zetian

14、,the only female emperor in Chinese history/ Wu Yi/ My mother/ My teacher/My sister. T:OK,you must want her known by others.Now please work in pairs and ask your partners to get information about the woman and the partner tries to describe the woman.Try to use the words above and the following expre

15、ssions.After five minutes,I would like some pairs to present your dialogue.What does she look like/ What is she like/ How would you describe her?What do you think about her?Why do you like/love/ admire her?What are her strengths/ weaknesses?How do other friends/ others describe her?Get two pairs to present their dialogue.Sample dialogue:Apple:Who is the most impressive woman to you,Panda?Panda:My former English teacher,Annie Lou.Apple:Oh.What does she look like?Panda:She is a pretty lady with short hair and bright eyes.She always wears a pair of glasses over her nos


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