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1、我是在LED灯公司做QE的,我们针对供应商的塑胶件及五金件喷油丝印检测方法就要是用以下几种方法:希望对你有用。(1) 拇指测试条件:实验样品5PCS以上实验程序:取样品,用拇指放在印刷的图片上,以3+0.5/-0KGF的力来回檫试15次。实验判定:制品印刷图案不可缺口/断线/油墨粘附不良等,否则为不合格 。(2) 75%酒精测试条件: 1、实验样品5PCS以上2、白棉纱布3、75%的酒精4、1.5+0.5/-0KGF的制具实验程序:将1.5KGF的制具的底部绑上白棉纱布,蘸上75%的确酒精,然后再用白棉纱布在印刷的图案上往返30个来回(约15SEC)实验判定:制品印刷图案不可有脱落/缺口断线/

2、油墨粘附不良等,可允许颜。1.5+0.5/-0KGF的制具,色淡,但印刷图案应清晰不模糊,否则为不合格。(3) 95%酒精测试条件: 1、实验样品5PCS以上2、白棉纱布3、95%的酒精4、1.5+0.5/-0KGF的制具实验程序:将1.5KGF的制具的底部绑上白棉纱布,蘸上95%的确酒精,然后再用白棉纱布在印刷的图案上往返30个来回(约15SEC)实验判定:制品印刷图案不可有脱落/缺口断线/油墨粘附不良等,可允许颜。1.5+0.5/-0KGF的制具,色淡,但印刷图案应清晰不模糊,否则为不合格。(4) 810胶带测试条件: 1、试验样品5PCS以上2、810胶带实验程序:将810胶带完全的黏贴

3、在丝网印刷上,然后以45度角的方向迅速拉起胶带,连续测三次。实验判定:制品印刷图案不可缺口/断线。(5) 3M600胶带测试条件: 1、实验样品5PCS以上2、2、250胶带实验程序:将3M600胶带完全的黏贴在丝网印刷,以45度角的方向迅速拉起胶带。只需测试一次。实验判定:制品印刷图案不可缺口/断线。(6) 250胶带测试条件: 1、实验样品5PCS以上2、250胶带实验程序:将250胶带完全的黏贴在丝网印刷,以45度角的方向迅速拉起胶带,连续进行三次。实验判定:制品印刷图案不可缺口/断线。(7) 汽油擦拭测试条件: 1、实验样品5PCS以上2、白棉纱布3、汽油混合液(汽油:75%酒精=1:

4、1)4、 1.5+0.5/-0KGF的制具实验程序:将1.5KGF的制具的底部绑上白棉纱布,蘸上汽油混合液,在印刷的图案上往返30个来回(约15 SEC)实验判定: 制品印刷图案不可有脱落/缺口/断线/油墨粘附不良等,可允许颜色偏淡,但印刷图案应清晰不模糊,否则为不合格。喷油附着力测试方法:测试设备1.Blade with 6 knifepoint 2. 3M600 adhensive tap 3. Samples(painted parts) 1.十字划刀/百格刀(6片),2.3M600膠紙,3.待測樣品。 procedure程序: 6.1 Take samples from paintin

5、g line and then put these samples in normal environment more than 1 hour. 將待測件從挂架上取下后,置于空气中至少冷卻1小時以上; 6.2 Moving the cutter in one steady motion(pressing just enough to cut through to the substrate)make a series of parallel cuts,approcimately 20mm long,if part surface is not flat,more than half seri

6、es cuts can be acceptable. 用十字划刀在待測部件涂層表面划出长约20MM一组平行線.(划线时确保划刀底部贴近样品表面为准),如待測面為曲面,多于半组平行线(3条)亦可,但不可低于3條; 6.2 Make a second series of cuts at right angles to the first,making a lattice pattern. 继续用十字划刀划出相同的一组垂直线使画出的图形成格子形状. 6.3 Gently brush the surface with a soft brush to remove loose flakes of coa

7、ting. 用軟毛刷輕刷划線表面去掉碎沫; 6.4 Put 3M600 adhensive tap on the surface(attention:there mustnt be air bubbles between tap and painted parts) and then keep adhensive tap on the surface for one or two minutes. 將無气泡之3M膠紙貼于划線上,膠紙与樣品間應無气泡,保留12分鐘; 6.5 Pull out half adhensive tap from samples with 60 degree and i

8、nvariable speed. 以約60度角度恒定速度,將膠紙撕起. 6.6 Judge the result according to following table and then record the result. 根据下表判定測試結果做好测试记录. 6.7 If needed, all surfaces should be tested for one sample. 如有可能,要求除背面以外,其余5面均需測試。 6.8 If customer has any other special requirements about adhension test,please refer

9、 to responsible inspection instruction in which quality engineer highlighted the special requirements 对于附着力测试,如果客户有其它特殊要求,请参考相应的检验指引中客户的特殊要求. ISO 描 述 Discription 表面圖示 Surface sketch map 0 划線邊緣完全平整,正方形完整。 the edges of the cuts are completely smooth,none of the squares of the lattice is detached. 1 涂層

10、在線交叉點有破損,破損面積明顯小于正方形總面積的 5% Detachment of flakes of the coating at the intersections of the cuts.a cross cut area not significantly greater than 5% is affected. 2 涂層在線的邊緣和或線交叉點有破損,破損面積明顯大于正方形總面積的5%,但小于正方形總面積的 15%。 The coating has flaked along the edges and/or at hte intersections of the cuts.A cross

11、 cut area significantly greater than 5%,but not significantly greater than 15% is affected. 3 涂層在線的邊緣和或部分或全部正方形有大面積脫落,破損面積明顯大于正方形總面積的15%,但小于正方形總面積的35%。 The coating has flaked along the adges of the cuts partly or wholly in large ribbons, and/or it has flaked partly or wholly on different parts of th

12、e squares.A cross cut area significantly greater than 15%,but not significangly greater than 35%, is affected. 4 涂層在線的邊緣和或部分(或全部)正方形有大面積脫落,破損面積明顯大于正方形總面積的35%,但小于正方形總面積的65%。 The coating has flaked along the edges of the cuts in large ribbons and/or some squares have detached partly or wholly.A cross

13、cut area significantly greater than 35%,but not significantly greater than 65%, is affected. 5 大於4級的大面積脫落。 Any degree of flaking that connot be classified even by classification 4. 7. Disposal for non-conformance parts异常結果的處理: 7.1 If the test result is following ISO 2,3,4 or 5 classification,issue D

14、efect Report to inform responsible person(measuring supervisor and quality engineer etc.) to find out root cause and take corrective actions at once. 如果測量結果属于2,3,4或者5級,必須馬上知會相关人员(测量主管和品质工程师等),并立即找到根本原因,采取更正措施.电镀产品检验标准 (2009-02-18 18:23) 分类: 电源技术类文章 电镀端子的检验是电镀完成后不可缺少的工作,只有检验合格的产品才能交给下一工序使用。通常驻的检验项目为:

15、膜厚(thickness),附着力(adhesion),可焊性(solderability),外观(appearance),包装(package).盐雾实验(salt spray test),对于图纸有特别要求的产品,有孔隙率测试(30U”)金使用硝酸蒸气法,镀钯镍产品(使用凝胶电解法)或其它环境测试。一 膜厚:1膜厚为电镀检测基本项目,使用基本工具为萤光膜厚仪(X-RAY),其原理是使用X射线照射镀层,收集镀层返回的能量光谱,鉴别镀层厚度及成分。2使用X-RAY注意事项:1)每次开机需做波谱校准2)每月要做十字线校准3)每星期应至少做一次金镍标定4)测量时应根据产品所使用的钢材选用测试档案5)对于新产品没有建测试档案,应建立测试档案3测试档案的意义:例:Au-Ni-Cu(100-221 sn 4%0.2 cfpAu-Ni-Cu-测试在铜基材上镀镍打底再镀金的厚度。(100-221 sn 4%-AMP铜材编号 含锡4%的铜材)


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