2021年上海市高考英语名校卷专题冲刺汇编 阅读B篇 (教师版)

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《2021年上海市高考英语名校卷专题冲刺汇编 阅读B篇 (教师版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年上海市高考英语名校卷专题冲刺汇编 阅读B篇 (教师版)(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021 英语二考冲刺阅读 B专题名校汇编学习目标:专题训练各名校阅读 B,掌握阅读 B 常考点和难点以及解题技巧。课堂测试:1.【20202021 学年七宝中学高三上学期 9 月第一次月考卷】难度值:()(B)The global energy crisis is approaching. What can we do? Here are some steps you can take. Cooling puts the greatest stress on your summer energy bill and the power grid. Just as a tune-up for y

2、our car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort. Clean or replace filter monthly or as needed.For central air conditioning systems and room air conditioners, look for the ENERGY STAR, the federal governments symbol for ener

3、gy efficiency. For central air, purchase the system with the highest possible Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. (SEER)Use energy efficient ceiling fans either alone or with air conditioning. Ceiling fans do a great job of circulating air. When used with air conditioning, fans allow you to raise the

4、thermostat and cut costs. Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms, so before you leave, turn off the ceiling fan.Let a programmable thermostat “remember for you” to automatically adjust the indoor climate with your daily and weekend patterns to reduce cooling bills by up to 10 percent. You can come home

5、 to a comfortable house without wasting energy and creating pollution all day while you are at work.Try to make your home airtight enough to increase your comfort, make your home quieter and cleaner and reduce your cooling costs up to 20 percent.Cut your air conditioning load, and reduce pollution b

6、y planting leafy trees around your home and fixing reflective bricks on your roof.Close blinds or shades on south-and west-facing windows during the day, or fix shading equipment to avoid heat build-up.Turn off everything not in use: lights, TVs, computers. And use fluorescent bulbs, which provide b

7、right, warm light while using at least two-thirds less energy, producing 70 percent less heat and lasting up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.Drive the car that gets better gas mileage whenever possible if you own more than one vehicle. If you drive 12,500 miles a year, switching 10 percen

8、t of your trips from a car that gets 20 miles per gallon to one that gets 30 mpg will save you more than 65 per year.Carpool. The average U.S. commuter could save about 260 a year by sharing cars twice a week with two other people in a car that gets 20.1 mpg-assuming the three passengers share the c

9、ost of gas.60. According to the passage, the thermostat is used to _.A. make rooms quieter B. control room temperatureC. turn off the air conditionerD. reduce room air pollution61. We can conclude from the passage that the author probably discourages _. A. planting leafy trees around your homeB. tur

10、ning off the ceiling fan before you leave your houseC. keeping your south-facing windows open during the dayD. using fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs62. According to the passage, you can save fuel by _.A. using energy-efficient ceiling fansB. sharing cars with others on workdaysC. tur

11、ning off everything not in useD. reducing 10% of your car trips every year【答案】60-62 BCB课堂精讲:2.【2020-2021 学年建平中学高三下 3 月月考试卷】难度值:()(B)“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo ”is a real sentence.How?Lets break it down, starting with a simple phrase:Monkeys from Pisa bully deer

12、from London.OK, admittedly its an implausible scenario, but its a grammatically fine sentence. In English we can use place names as adjectives, so lets shorten the sentence a little.Pisa monkeys bully London deer.Now well throw in some giraffes from Paris to even the score with those mean monkeys.Pi

13、sa monkeys, whom Paris giraffes intimidate, bully London deer.English is peculiar in that you can omit relative pronouns, e.g., “the person whom I love ”can be expressed as “the person I love.”Lets do that to this sentence.Pisa monkeys Paris giraffes intimidate bully London deer.This kind of pronoun

14、 removal can be a little more difficult to grasp when written than when spoken. Saying the above sentences with pauses after monkeys and intimidate can help. Now we need to replace both of the verbs, intimidate and bully, with their (admittedly uncommon )synonym, buffalo.Pisa monkeys Paris giraffes

15、buffalo buffalo London deer.Again, pauses he lp keep the meaning in mind: Put a pause after monkeys and the first buffalo. Now well replace all the worldwide place names with the second-largest city in New York State, Buffalo.(Thats Buffalos tallest building, One Seneca Tower, below. )Buffalo monkeys Buffalo giraffes buffalo buffalo Buffalo deer.You can probably guess what the next step is. But before we replace all the animals with the common name for the American bison, note how the capital letters in the above sentence help you keep the place names


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