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1、2013秋期孝儿镇中学导学案 九年级英语 主备 黄敏 学生姓名- 组别- 第-组 Unit 4 What should you do?Section B 3a-Selfcheck学习目标:本课时以读写为主 1、掌握30-31单词及短语2、巩固虚拟语气的用法学法指导:一:自学1、单词,拼读-记忆-字典深入拓展-学科组长听写过关 2、通读Section B 3a-selfcheck,明白要求3、再读课文,用铅笔勾画出短语,并且对自己不能明白的地方加以标注,同时在文中标出下列短语,抄写并给出中文意思,大声朗读至少三遍pretty confident so confident fairly confi

2、dent in the slightest plenty of get along with a small circle of right away think about in fact come top let her friends down be terrified of come up with get out of 4、独立完成3a, selfcheck,1学科组长检查;5、完成3b 6、学科组长带领组员大声朗读3a, self-check2每个同学都尽力能流利朗读课文7、独立完成导学案并上交二、正课步骤:1、单词检测与教学目标解读(5) 2、阅读展示3a, self-check

3、2(15)(有感情朗读或集体背诵)3、导学案释疑(15)4、当堂检测(5) 5、整理背诵(5)学会学习:P30.3aYou have plenty of friends 1.plenty of可修饰 和 名词,同: I need ( 大量的 ) time to finish the difficult taskP30. 3asay that you are easy to get along with 2. She (进展很好)her Chinese study 3. My friend is a person A. to get along B. to get along with C. g

4、etting along D. getting along withP30.3ayou liking talking to one or two more people rather than to a groupP30.3ayou would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.4. rather than 相当于 表示“不愿;不要;不是”之意,连接并列成分 would ratherthan表示主观上的抉择,意味“宁愿 而不愿”5.完成句子并翻译You rather than I (be)going

5、 to go camping 6. She enjoys singing rather than (dance) (同上) P31.self-check2you always come up with good solutions to peoples problems 7. 翻译: 翻译下列短语: 这个问题的答案 开门的钥匙 当堂检测8.Im sorry that I your pen for a long time.A. borrow B. have borrowed C. have lentD. have kept 9.He is confident passing the exam.

6、A. to B. that C. of D. for10.He would rather at home than to the park with Jim. A. stay ,go B. to stay ,to go C. staying ,going D. stay, to go 11.Will you show me another one? This one is too large for me .A. fairly B. rather C. quite D. pretty 12.My good friend is terrified of (speak) in front of o

7、thers13.I havent any good advice (give) him14.I dont know how (make)cakes15.I dont want to bother you (一点也不) 整理背诵Unit 4 What should you do?Reading班级 小组 姓名 教师评价 学习目标:本课时以读写为主1、掌握p32-33单词和短语2、虚拟语气在具体语言环境中的运用学法指导 一:自学1、 单词,(拼读-朗读-记忆-组长听写过关) 2、通读Reading,明白要求,了解大意,铅笔标注自己不明白的地方3、小组讨论Section 1,做好笔记,学科组长检查4

8、、默读Section 2,在课文中找出下列短语,给出中文,并大声朗读 take notes deal with a lot of experience come out stay with her cut yourself by accident hurry to call the hospital first burned yourself by accident find out make her comfortable get pimples cold running water agree to meet in a public place 5、完成3a ,3band 3c学科组长检查

9、6、大声朗读文章,C层同学都尽可能流利的朗读,(至少能流利朗读step3中短语)A,B层同学尝试选择段落背诵7、独立完成导学案 二、正课步骤:1、单词检测与教学目标解读(5) 2、阅读展示(朗读-背诵-理解)(20)3、导学案释疑(10)4、当堂检测(5) 5、整理背诵(5)学会学习P32. Section 2It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations 1.句中 on 意为 可以与about 互换吗? Id hurry to call the hospital first2. 本句可提出含hurry短语 意为 你还

10、能补充相关短语吗?试一试 What would you do if you injured your knee while running/3. 句中 injured 意为 能用hurt,或wound代替吗? 试举例说明:P33you must always hide medicine from children 4. 本句可提出短语 意为 别把你的错误瞒着老师 P33agree to meet in a public place4.回顾 agree用法: 翻译句子:他同意去帮助那些穷人了吗? 我同意你的观点 5.Mr Tang was invited to make a (speak) yesterday6.Im going to interduce


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